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RE: Two asteroids will come past this weekend; one will pass closer to Earth than the Moon's orbit!

in #astronomy6 years ago

A small force, over a long distance, is the same as a Huge force over a short distance. It is safer to use a small push early, because it won't break the asteroid apart. Push early, push often, ROFLOL!



ok, I don't understand why it would take a huge force over a short distance if it only takes a little force over a long distance but I doubt if I would understand your explanation either so I believe you! lol.

If you push something, and it starts moving a foot a minute; and you let it alone, in ten minutes it will move ten feet.

If you push the same object much harder, an it starts moving ten feet per minute; in one minute they will be in the same place!

Force over time, is a powerful tool!


yes sir smithlabs I see, very interesting. and you see things all over where you can apply these laws don't you?

They apply everywhere, equally. It gives you things you can depend upon, all the time.

Physics is a good servant, but a poor Master. Understanding is the leash that allows you to walk this lion, and not be eaten.


ok sir smithlabs if you say so but who keeps you on a leash? we need to keep the democrats on a leash!

Physics will keep me under control, ROFLOL! But not really well controlled, I like to make Physics work for control!

As far as the Democrats are concerned, let the scientific lion eat them. It will over man made global warming...their use of bad science will bite them; the same way their prostituted polls did in the last election!


sir do you figure that? I mean they've used cooked science for decades and it's worked.

Cooked Science does work short term. Long term, not so good. THey used to scream a coming Ice age; using the SAME data that now supports Man Made Global Warming! So it works until people go Wait, it is NOT getting is supposed to be 130 degrees here, now, by their "Calculations"! People are beginning to notice this 'Inconvenient Truth'!

Where prostituted science is controlled by the government, we get such engineering failures such as Chernobyl, and the Kursk.

When ever Science is forced, willingly or otherwise, to produce a specific result, you have started down the road of prostituted science; and the results are ALWAYS bad! Most often, people die, as a result of associated failures


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