Why I am not a Bitcoin Millionaire

I first became aware of the crypto world in June 2011 when I almost bought some bitcoin....they were around $12 when I first went to buy them. I remember I was going to drop $1000 on them after a FOMO moment and would have bagged approximately 83 BTC. However, a horrible internet connection prolonged my attempt at making my transaction, which allowed time for my inner voice to talk me out of doing what I was trying to do. (While I had $1000 to spend, I wasn't really in a financial situation where that would have been a good decision)

Not sure which squirrel caught my attention at that time, but I gave up on the Bitcoin purchase and didn't give it much thought again for quite some time.

Of course, this past year has been a whirlwind for Bitcoin and many other cryptos. It was around August this year that I must have read an article somewhere (squirrel) that peaked my interest in this world again. I had flash backs to June 2011 and mentally kicked myself for not taking the chance. I did some quick math and realized that, at the time in August 2017, my 83 BTC would have been worth a quarter of a million dollars. I semi-jokingly told my wife about the whole thing and she just gave me this look of "don't know what you are talking about, unless you have $200,000 don't say the work bit-anything to me again". (I have been keeping her up to date on the value of 83 BTC since then BTW)

I even spent some time searching through the half dozen email accounts I knew I held at that time in June 2011, as well as files on my old MacBook, hoping that I would find some evidence that I did in fact go through with some sort of BTC purchase...after all, 2011 was over 6 years ago and a lot had happened in that time, maybe my memory was hazy on exactly how far I had gone back then. But I didn't.

As my "83" BTC reached the $1M mark this past week when the valuye of BTC crossed the $12k threshold, I comforted myself with the fact that had I done through with the purchase 6+ years ago, I would have either 1) lost it all in the MtGox hack or 2) jumped ship when BTC hit one of it's earlier milestones, like matching the price of an ounce of gold.

Either way, I'd be lying if I said that either one of those facts is comforting. Since we are being honest, I should also admit that I am urged to compensate for "what could have been" had I known then what I know now. That urge has brought me to learn about some really cool/useful/valuable blockchain projects and applications that are happening. The main two that I enjoy following are Ripple and Sia. I truly believe that these two organizations have the vision, the people and the community to do great things. While I am sure that both platforms are in their "infancy" I think that they strive to provide a valuable resource that will benefit society at large.

At the same time, I enjoy watching not only the value, but the "awareness" of Bitcoin rise in our world. So, a BTC Millionaire I am not. But my whole experience has provided me a priceless experience and desire to learn which certainly counts for something.


i think you was not lucky, if you are luckier now you was Millionaire.
I followed you and wait new your post :)

In 2012 I was trying to buy Bitcoin from New Zealand. At the time bitcoin was the latest craze over youtube and from memory worth around $50 USD.
I remember attempting to do buy it, but it was near impossible with websites linking to other websites and for the life of me could not find anywhere to buy it.
What a pity, if it was straight forward, I would have purchased, as you did. Now I have around 800 xrp, but don't expect them to go over $2 realistically. I think SALT and EOS coin are the next big thing.
So where does one buy Sia coin?

I have obtained my siacoin on Bittrex. Although, you can earn siacoin by using the technology as intended... Become a host on the sia network :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 67982.33
ETH 2624.89
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68