in #poetry6 years ago

ON pourrait passer sa vie

A regarder pousser l'persil

passer sa vie a rever

prendre le temps de regarder

On pourrait passer sa vie

à ecouter les petits bruits

passer sa vie à chanter

regarder les arbres bouger

On pourrait passer son temps

Allongé au bord d'un étang

regarder passer les nuages

voir des moutons,des chats,des mages

On pourrait passer des heures

à écouter pousser les fleurs

sentir le vent nous froler

prendre le temps de regarder

on pourrait,tiens,on pourrait


we could pass as life

to watch and grow parsley

spend your life dreaming

take the time to look

We could pass as life

to listen to the small noises

spend his life singing

watch the tree move

we could spend his time

stretching at the edge of a pond

watch the clouds pass

see sheep,cats,mages

we could spend hours

listening to grow flowers

take the time to look

we could,well,we could



lovely poem sis, how is France?

france is fine

I love this poem so much

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