Fellow Steemians ~ An Important Question About My Posts - Love to Hear Your Opinion Please

in #photography7 years ago


My fellow steemians I have a question for you. Do you think I post too much? I have had someone complain that I make too many posts with the images I put on Steemit.

I want to explain that I have two reasons I post on Steemit over other social media platforms. First of all I find steemians that interact with my posts to be far more engaged and caring than I find on other platforms and that means the people that take the time to read my posts are actually interested in the wild lands and in preserving and protecting them.

Secondly the small amount of funding provided by people upvoting my posts actually helps me in this exploration by offsetting the expenses I incur in this process. It is not cheap when you are working with high end equipment and flying into the wilderness.

Also I want to make note that I am totally ok with people downloading my images which is why I provide links to larger full screen size images so that my fellow steemians may download this for their enjoyment. Why would I not do that!? The entire main purpose is the inspire a love of nature.

So the question is am I posting too much? Do you see what I do as Spam? I would really like your opinions on this please.


I love to see all your photos, I don't think you post too much at all. I always enjoy seeing a new one come up in my feed. They're all different too, it's not like you're posting the same kinds of photos from the same places. I'm just amazed how you manage to take so many great pictures! 😊

Thanks! Well I am posting from my catalog of places I have flown through in my explorations. There is so much to see, so many places people have simply forgotten about or don't realize exist in the first place. We have become so entranced by our electronic devices that people hardly find time for the outdoors now. So I am using the very devices they use to now bring the wilderness to them!! Thanks so much for your support : Namaste

What I love most about your photography is your passion for your subject matter. When you pursue what truly inspires you, it comes through in what you do .. when that’s shared that with the world, it blesses all of us.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-Howard Thurman

I look forward to seeing more of your photography as much or as little as you wish to share. Thank you for the beautiful pics and explanations!

Thank you! That is very kind of you to say. It truly is a passion of mine, flying into wilderness and finding amazing places to film is what drives me.

With this kind of content you should definitely put more, but maybe a few pictures in a post, or process of postproduction if you doing any... I love your photos... They are absolutely magnificent...

This is my favorite blog. I can vote 9 or 10 times a day and still keep close to 100% voting power. I read and vote on a few other things also, and because of that I can't keep up with you lately. I do not want less content; only spread out more.

That is my opinion: same content, but spread out when possible.

Either way, I will be here. Thanks for your work.

Thanks so much for your continued support! I am trying to make this work out for everyone, I do not expect folks to vote on every single post, but every vote does help of course because more votes means more visibility in the "trending" section and my goal is to get the word out to as many folks as possible.

I think your posts are great, but I think when you can interact with your audience a little more, its even better. You have great quality images, maybe people want some "quality" time with you ;)

Ok good point! I have mixed feelings about peoples comments. Sometimes I feel they are making a rhetorical statement without expectation of my response, as I have replied to questions but then no one replies to my reply LOL!! I love speaking with folks so I will try more.

Im new to steemit/blogging, I'm way better face to face, so I totally hear you. Most people just interact once, hoping you'll follow them back. Keep up the great work, you have one of the best blogs on here. #dontreplytome :)

I follow the photographs you take with happiness. please continue to share!

do you want look the my gallery?

I just looked through your gallery and voted on a few. Very beautiful paintings and photography!

Just found your blog but I love it, keep posting!

Rule of Thumb is 4 posts a day or less. I think your best bet to improve your presence here is to start engaging with and upvoting comments people give you on your posts. You are a superstar in terms of content as less than 5% are. I tweet your photos and they go far. People love what you do and rt you like crazy. Only @world-travel-pro gets as good of rting as you do.

If you go through your posts and reply to and upvote the comments you got once a day - you will improve dramatically. Do it and thank me in a month.

The person who talked to you is an idiot. Keep posting 2-4 times a day.


Every sbd you earn right now is going nuts outside. It seems like one dollar here, but it is really 7-11 usd depending on time of day in this crazy world.

So - in your case - say you get 25 sbd out of a post - multiply that by 7 to be safe. Reduce your posting now and you are doing the wrong thing.

You are one of the top people here who is positioned for this moment. Keep your head down, keep posting, and start interacting with your comments. The interaction is the key.

It's not like there are a bunch of highly talented pilots out there who are also geniuses of photography and processing. OMG - let me see that other guy's work!

I gasped at your Big Sur today. I've been there and you caught it. Outstanding.

I was here when you upgraded your descriptions. You provide:

  • stunning photos of places no one else can go
  • adventure travel stories
  • interesting commentary and descriptions
  • links for more information

This is everything steemit needs to be a quality site. Please carry on :)

Wow! Wonderful response! This is exactly what I wanted to hear thank you!!!... so the way I must do this is to post as much as possible when I am not flying and filming. As it is now I am sitting and waiting for my truck to be worked on and so I am available to post now. When I am flying and filming I am usually without internet access so I am not able to post. But I do write about the places and store the posts for later. Then when I am able to have a period of free time, I try to post on average about 1 every hour or so. I have enough images to do an entire volume of books on the subject which is why I am doing this project. Soon I will be in production on the first of a series of 4 IMAX films I am doing about this. Stay tuned !!! And seriously thank you so much for your support.

Wow! You deserve all success. Just don't ever go over 4 a day. If you have to do 4 in 3 hours - so be it. I love your work and have always looked out for it from day one here. I know I am not alone.

We are talking serious big money for you. That 96 sbd you got last week in your author rewards is 500+ usd

Whenever you come to steemit:

  • 30 minutes to answer and upvote new comments (ignore bad ones)
  • post your posts - up to 4
  • answer and upvote the new comment people gave you while you just posted. Doing this early is an advantage. Vote your power down to no less than 70%.
  • juggle and transfer your vast fortune :)


Then go off and do your thing until next time. Damn. You have the life!

Love your answers @fitinfun. Really good wisdom. And kindness.

I for one enjoy and look forward to your posts. I learn something new each time. If you are pleased with what you do and you obviously are or you wouldn't do any longer, then I say go for it. People who say you post too much either don't engage much on steemit or they don't do quality posting of their own. Those that complain have too much time on their hands and/or are jealous of you. They are not worthy of taking note of.

Thanks so much for the kind words! I really don't want to over do it of course but my main goal is to raise awareness and it seems to be that folks on in for the most part really enjoy these posts. I will continue on this path because of you and a few others that really seem to enjoy reading these and sharing the word about the project and preserving our limited wild lands!

Maybe a few more photos per blog. I do scroll through without looking if someone is filling up my feed. And maybe some more interaction with other peoples blogs. Its a two way street here and some people may be offended if your using a lot of block space without chatting all around the community.
But I'm just minnow Ed.

Ok good point. I do use multiple photos if the story I am commenting on warrants it. But usually I am focused on one particular location which is featured with the photo and story. I do always include information about each location I present though so it is not only photos I am sharing but also information on the location as well. As far as being social, well I really am not that social to begin with I suppose. I have a facebook page that I use but not too much, I have twitter and have never used it really and Instagram as well that I have barely used. I guess it is because I am so busy doing my project. And I really love steemit because generally speaking, steemians seem to be much more engaged with what I am doing. Thanks for responding Ed!

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