Reposted because a certain whale wishes to have my comment hidden !🤘

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

*You got my only upvote of the day, I'm on full flag mode.. The cronyism has climaxed and the top witnesses are protecting each other. I've seen the wolf man use his bid bot service in extreme excess on a mundane redundant post and he got upvoted by marky and the boys. Funny that the most powerful flags he has received came from traf and kwong that the click talked so much shit about. Well, they've changed their behaviours but the propaganda new steem clowns are still circle jerking as hard as ever..

The auto votes are outta control, theycallmedan is voting shit like exyles steak dinner on appics and all kinds of other garbage.. I can only assume they either think they're all untouchable or the average users are idiots, maybe both, and they're probably right on both charges..

We've got new spam posts on the hour that are attempting to make it impossible to flag everything, surely on the 6th day they'll boost their posts..

There is no longer a decent mobile dapp that's not opinion it's a fact partiko isn't up to code and esteem hasn't allowed me to comment or vote for over a day..They also seem to be forcing a 10% beneficiary to make us pay for the development of a very inferior product.. That's 30% for my post that I made and then couldn't even comment on or post an image..

If anyone can't see that at this early stage steem is at its lowest point in every conceivable way I don't know what to say.. I'm just going to continue to make enemies for being a rational honest well spoken and too informed for my own good minnow.. I actually got a flag for expressing how terrible I think things are, now I don't give a damn obviously but the point is why waste a full flag on lil ol me when you could flag real reward serial rapists ?

If any of these whales start flagging me excessively for not appreciating the reality that I'm not here for steem or steem power all will be able to see the petty true colors of our elected leaders.

Why am I here one might ask? What else to do while I powrdown and sadly I still would love to see this very efficient currency do something positive for the world, though that's becoming increasingly delusional by the day..*

Marky flagged this comment because he was offended by the poop, not because I called him out for his circle jerk cronyism.. I've been successful at getting Dan to remove at least the high dollar vote he unknowingly gave to exyle and that 18 dollar hit means more to me than any rewards I'll ever not get let's see if I can get more flags from hypocritical whales that fear pesky old scram. Scram consensus witnesses that can't handle the truth of their heinous and destructive behavior exposed for all to see.. If anyone would like to upvote the comment it can be found in the resteem I posted before this. It's currently 6 cents underwater because censoring the truth is a, great tool for the abusers hiding in plain sight..

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skatmatters :)

I’m a scat man! Para papa dee da da da da dah! Dat da da da dah!

I can get behind this moniker... Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is scat matters and I'm reppin the true steem shatters

marky is on medication along with his mentally challenged buddy beanie
keep up the good work

Place is completely out of control. Flagged for a picture of shit is ridiculous. If it's about the impressions a visitor to Steem gets on first arrival , there are a million worse things to flag.

I am just wondering if Bernie's shit token gets flagged or the new ass tokens? Is it real shit that causes offence more joke shit?
The mind boggles at the state this place has become.

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Highly illogical but I'm thrilled to see a show of support and some hints that people are realising that we just might be able to get steemians to act responsibly, which is actually nothing more than not allowing them to destroy their (our) investments here with such easy to spot shenanigans...

Have a great weekend! My mind boggles at my potential physical appearance outside of steemfest whilst sipping on Chang.. I'm a dreamer what can I say..

Lol that’s the first thing I checked post HF if bern and Haej we’re getting flagged saw a few brave souls doing it for the team but no one with any real stake

@kawaiicrush whats with all the downvotes? A reason for your DV would be appreciated

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Thanks for defending Kevin and I

It's certainly true that we self voted considerably under the previous economic scheme which was broken. We also fought hard to implement an improved economic system on here over the last year and a half, almost as long as I've been self voting and definitely longer than Kevin.

Under the new system it's not anywhere near as expensive and therefore not entirely futile to fight against dishonest voting, whether they be in the form of self voting, vote selling or other methods. I wish to do what I can to hopefully restore the platform to one that is mostly based around honest voting, that is voting behavior that's reflective of the subjective opinions of the voter of its content, rather than where the money is going (usually back into the stakeholders pocket while intermediaries such as bid bots take a cut)

If I had attempted to do so under the old broken economy over the past year and a half, I'd be guaranteed to fail and have a wallet that's 300k in Steem lighter to show for it. Under the new incentives fighting for platform wide honest behavior is far more viable. Like you, everyone should do their part to help make this happen so please don't let your downvotes go to waste.

It's very possible to reach a new equilibrium where most of the stakeholders are using their stake to curate (either directly or indirectly) and settling for 50% curation rewards. Collectively we keep each other in check and prevent ourselves from trying to funnel all our voting rewards back into our own pockets and in doing so undermining this entire platform.

Of course we may fail, in which case, Steem won't be worth anything anyway and those who continue to abuse will only enjoy a relatively small batch of rewards for their efforts in the interim as the price slowly dwindles from 15c to next to nothing.

Hear hear! I'm more than happy to promote honest voting, engagement, and behavior that can potentially resurrect the platform and be beneficial for the majority, large or small..

Thank you for your show of support, kind words and above all your integrity as is evident by your intent to create a better experience here for all..

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Haha I wouldn't say most people would consider someone who's been self voting for a year and a half to be of high integrity.

I'm pretty honest with what I was doing the entire time, and my current voting behavior is exactly what I claimed they were going to be and for the exact reasons I claimed: I wasn't going to forgo profits under a stupid economy that punished honest voting. So when I finally managed to help change that economy, I'm going to fight for a PoB system that this place was always meant to be.

It's no longer a futile fight. Dishonest voting is no longer rewarded 4x more than honest voting. 50% curation closed that gap. And there's the additional threat of 25% free downvotes looming over the heads of bad actors, which closes that gap even further. Many self voters and vote sellers are defecting to the good side. The remaining ones are feeling a lot of heat, and unlike expensive downvotes, there's no reason why anyone will relent with their free ones.

Victory isn't guaranteed. We can lose this fight. But we can also win it. We can get to a point where we mostly just behave honestly by curating well and settling for 50% curation rewards. And if someone self votes or vote sells considerably for higher rewards at the expense of honest voting, they're seen as an outlier and punished accordingly. We have a long way to go until we get there. But it's no longer utterly futile. It's winnable.

Fight with me.

I'm all in! Leaving the past and moving forward is an honourable approach and for that I respect the good fight..

Being a pragmatist and not making yourself impotent or a foolish martyr in the name of some mythical code of honour is the same move I'd have made IF I were financially invested. At least your posts were amusing. The eip has made righting the litany of wrongs possible and that's commendable. You didn't take the bait and get into the drama which ultimately is probably what got people to finally accept changing the game couldn't make things much worse. Yes we have a long way to go and the eip isn't a panacea nor can it change human nature but it feels like progress and that is indeed a welcomed change...

Thanks for the support and making my poopy comment visible again..

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Way to fling that poo....everyone does it yet some are offended by it....totally not reality based.

I'd like to think I'm above the scatological satirical or antagonistic troll stuff but I'm not and I also can't pretend to be ignorant of how this place works. Both on and off chain, having the knowledge that I have acquired makes it impossible to take some idealistic high road and take the Im not getting into the political stuff perspective. I respect those that stay in their lane but if everyone had that mentality this place would have already flatlined.. Everyone always talks about the miracle investor that we need but they fail to realise any intelligent investor would do their homework and that would require extensive reconnaissance and some guile. Essentially what I'm saying is becoming a whale here is chump change for an affluent .com or Silicon Valley type so it would behoove the movers and shakers here to show due respect to any and everyone that has the knowledge, skills, and balls to tango with today's elite steemians.. In a year or so they could all look like incompetent megalomaniacs that have been relegated to minor roles..

That's part of the allure of this place, in my opinion. The knowledgeable and the ignorant, the arrogant and the humble, those that bluster and those that watch and everyone in between, all interacting to their own degree. It all provides endless entertainment as we all dry hump our way to unrealized goals lol.

That was exquisitely well said and I completely agree!

ehm actually i commented that i would have liked not to see the poop. maybe marky agreed. why could you not just have removed the poop? it doesnt do anything except get people to avoid your comment, and make you look like a teenager. imho. i wont get into the circle jerking issue since its like if you stop one whale another will stop. but im not really invested in the whole issue. im just here for the people.

If y'all can't handle a picture of dog shit I'm the one offended.. That's fine if you feel so strongly about seeing something symbolising what we all have to see daily that ruins this platform though.. Steem on! I'm here for the poople

i can handle it. i just think theres no need. theres a lot of shitty things that happen in the platform. and all of them highly debatable depending on opinion. must i see a piece of shit for everyone of them? pretty soon the shock value of it wears away and you just become another guy waving a piece of shit to gain attention.

It's working so......

Well, I love ya Skra, but I would prefer not to see poo in my feed lol. I am having a wine yknow! Gag.

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Fair enough I think I've proved my point and I can go back to my usual amazing poo free content.. Stay tuned I hear rumours of a really great initiative coming soon! 😊

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This post make me laugh and is good to spread the reality. That why I don't follow those influencers.

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