in HeartChurch3 years ago

My golden verse today is Exodus 4:2 which talks of a conversation between God and Moses, “And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.” The rod may be so ordinary but you will be surprised that it was with this rod that Moses defeated the magicians of Egypt. It became a snake that swallowed up all the powers of Egypt (Ex 7:12). It turned the water of Egypt to blood in Ex 7:17-20; brought forth lice upon Egypt in Ex 8:17; brought thunder and hail upon Egypt in Ex 9:23; locust upon Egypt in Ex 10:13; divided the Red Sea for Israel to pass on dry land in Ex 14:16; lifting it up led to the defeat of the Amalekites in Ex 17:9 and brought forth water for Israelis in Num 20:11. Have you ever asked yourself the question God asked Moses? What is in your hand? God has given everyone what rod he/she needs to survive and conquer his/her world.
My mother told me one story of a woman selling cold tea on a hot afternoon in a Lagos Bus Stop. Because it was sunny and hot, many people patronised her. While they were still at that Bus Stop, the weather changed and shortly rain started falling. The same woman left the Bus Stop in that rain. Not too long after she left, she returned with hot tea. Incidentally, she had many customers also. As if those who bought cold tea when the weather was hot also bought hot tea from the same woman when the weather became cold. She did not need a University degree in Economics to know that demand for cold tea in high in hot weather and that there is high demand for hot tea when the weather is cold. She identified a problem for which she could provide the solution. She provided the solution and had her profit from that process.

Beloved, your rod is in your hand. Identify it. Yes, that golden idea. If you don’t know, ask God and when you know, pursue it and it will make way for you. Remember, your rod is in your hand, identify it, use it and you will prosper with it. Amen.

 3 years ago (edited)

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