Six interesting theories about our existence

in #science7 years ago

Many perceive these theories with a lot of skepticism but It should not be forgotten that they have been developed by famous scientists and regardless of the strange ideas in them, there may be some truth.

The Universe is a matrix

We all live in the matrix. As we all know in the movie Neo understands that the universe he lives in is just a computer program. British philosopher Nick Bostrom comes to the conclusion that we live in a very complex version of The Sims.

This is inevitable on a wonderful day when technology will allow us to create our Matrix. It will become more realistic and complicated, until one day it creates its civilization, which in turn will create its Matrix and so on - to infinity.

Later, physicist Silas Beane of the University of Bonn, Germany, proposed his theory. According to it, if we live in a computer model, then our universe should expand. In other words, there must be a limit to how small the object may be, as nothing can be less than a pixel on a computer monitor.

Such a limitation is found and is called the Grazin-Spin-Kuzmin border. Although in scientific language it sounds rather complicated, it is considered the first proof that the surrounding world consists of artificial bits created by another

The big bang and the shutdown of the universe.

Our universe is expanding. But despite the logic, the speed of its expansion has begun to increase. Until recently, it was thought that everything should be delayed.

Many physicists offer the theory of "dark energy" - an invisible antigravity that distracts distant galaxies even further. But according to a new theory in two Spanish universities, the universe is not accelerating, but actually slows down.

If this is true, one can explain why distant galaxies seem to accelerate. It just takes a long time to reach their light to us and we see them at that time when they were moving faster than now. This also means that time is slowing down until at some point it stops and does get stuck in place forever.

Black holes

As is known, black holes are so dense objects that even light can not leave them. According to Dr. Nikodem Poplawski of Indiana University, all matter that falls into the black hole can become a new universe on the other side.

So far, scientists do not know what's going on if something turns out to be a black hole. According to calculations, Floating Matter passing through a black hole is similar to the Big Bang in another reality. In this way, the black hole may be a gateway to another world.

In other words, the black hole attracts the matter inside, grinds it, and the "white hole" spits it out. The collapse and expansion of matter is mathematically equivalent to the creation of a universe.

The world is a quantum computer

There is another theory that claims our world is actually a computer. According to her, all stars and planets, galaxies and black holes - that's nothing but CPU schematics on a motherboard.

In the theory proposed by Vlatko Vedral of Oxford, the main component of the universe is not matter, not energy, and the bit - the smallest unit of information that is used in computers. Essentially, one bit - this is yes or no, 1 or 0, and the computer uses the small switches for its calculations.

Subatomic particles also represent trillions of such bits. Each time the particle comes in contact with another, bit information is exchanged.

Seth Lloyd of Massachusetts Institute of Technology also believes that the universe is a huge quantum computer that has created everything we see as we ourselves, launching a space program.

Universe and String Theory

According to string theory, the entire universe is bogged down in a 4-dimensional sheet of tissue called a membrane. Other parallel universes also swim in the cosmic space. Nothing regulates their movement and they can collide in a wonderful moment.

It is known that cosmic microwave background - a weak radioactive signal that pierces the whole universe, is the same everywhere . But in some places "hot" and "cold" places are found, which can testify to the fact that other Universes have come across ours.

Duplicates in the universe

It means that in the universe everyone has a double. According to this assumption, only a certain amount of particle combinations is possible.

There is a certain amount of combinations and in the vast universe all these parts will inevitably come together and create another version of you

Something more. The larger the universe, the more likely is someone that it walks somewhere like us. If turns out the universe to be infinite, the fact that each of us has a space twin is perfectly defined. On an endless scale, each structure repeats itself.

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My personal favorite theory is about black/white holes :) which one is yours ?

I like this kind of story!! ^^

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