
lol. you never seen my steemit pushup challenge video? Don't feel bad though. Honestly I don't think anyone did. It did not pay out well at all. That is the only time I showed my face on steemit. Probably don't ever need to in the future either I guess. lol

Edit: I found it.

My first or second night using actifit I actually scored first place out of anyone also :)

over 40,000 steps. oh yeah.

Lmao on the first and congrats on the second, @doomsdaychassis.
Did you actually get to 57? (Didn't watch the entire video - got distracted by the cool car the entire time 😎)

I think so. I dont remrmber off hand how many I did.
Yeah that is one of my race cars. That one is a nitrous fed Camero. Fun little ride and street legal since i am a motor vehicle inspector

Your coolness factor has just gone through the roof ;0)

woo hoo!!! That seems to be my only saving grace here on steemit most of the time. lol

Lol. Things could be way worse, right?!

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