Shift in time and consciousness - people becoming aware!

in #politics6 years ago


I never liked the term waking up!

I read a I think her name is catlain johnston (forgive me if that is wrong) article on here the other day, regards to people becoming more aware, I would though suggest the 10% figure is way off, just from my own experiences and some official figures.

I was lucky enough to be raised by a step father (my dad died when I was 5, so I have no memory of him) who taught me to question "everything" We would sit and play poker every night for a few hours after school, and he would chat away about the changing world - he could see the way it was heading with ever more government departments, speed cameras, police not being part of the community (and that was before they armed them).

It was more than that he envisaged, he knew about the immigration flow to come, he knew so much that at times I questioned his reasoning as I could see no proof. He was very well educated and a director of a very large paint company that supplied the growing supermarket chains.

This was back in the late 70's and early 80's before a lot of his visions rang true, now they all have!


He also explained how any news be it a newspaper or the tv is more or less propaganda too. For a long time in the 80's and 90's when I talked to people regarding his truth theories people would shake their heads, laugh it off, laugh at me, and bury their heads. It was lonely at times when talking seriously though easy to go down the bar and talk sport or anything else that was easy on the mind, so all was not lost, just serious conversation.

Now though lets get to some facts that speak volumes about now, and let me add I find it harder to find people that are not aware of what is going on with the planet, than those that do, so I would say the shift has been massive in people actually knowing "things" about the whole of the world.

A survey or two last year revealed that over 83% of people no longer believe the msm presstitutes.

Another survey last year revealed people over 90% no longer believed politicians,

If we went back to the 80's and did those polls, I would suggest the figures would be flipped on their head and reversed. So yeh, I think a lot has changed.


It is not hard to see why it has changed.

In Europe a lot of countries have seen mass migration and cities or parts of them turning into no go zones. You only have to go on holiday to any beach to see the tides of plastic washing up on the shore. You see politicians turning up to parliament on mass when it is time to discuss wage rises for them of 10% and more expenses, whilst they have two homes, 1 paid for by the public. Whilst nurses and doctors and everyone else is being preached "AUSTERITY" it also takes nothing in thought to note bank accounts were free, now you pay to bank your own money and pay to take it out, so the poor are on an ever increasing downward spiral whilst the rich are ever gaining more.

So yep, it is easy to see what woke up or made the masses think more, as it is in their face day upon day, whilst they slave away in factories after going to work on unkempt roads, that are funded by them yet neglected by the taxers.

The never ending wave of deeper in debt, borrow more, never have enough to pay it off. The amount of homeless people now in the west, you walk by them daily, with not enough change in the world to change it or help them all

A politicians son became famous in the UK a few years ago for burning a £5 note in front of a homeless man, just because he could, that guy the homeless man is probably dead now, the arrogant young prick will probably go on & run the country, shudder at that thought.

So after that made front page news, and everything else I stated, it I would say is more like 80% consciousness now, not 10%.

Over 1 million people marched in London against the Iraq war, scenes never seen before, yes it did not stop it, though it does show how many people were aware and willing to walk.


Verdict = Here is hoping that 80% stop voting, or make a new system instead.

As always have a superb day, and thank you for being fantastic.

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Yes there are more peaple knowing of what is going on these days. Politicians here in Australia a couple of years ago were telling us we all had to tighten our belts then they go and vote them selves a pay rise :(

Endless pictures are shown in newspapers of politicians sleeping in the house of parliament, a mainly empty one at that, the free drink and food takes its toll on the old ones you see.
Yet that empty parliament come expenses and mp raises is full to the brim, even standing space is filled as they clamber to vote for more everything for them and more stuff for free.

Whilst on the TV they preach austerity for everyone else in the country!.......

How your stepfather knew about migration?
what's the name of the politician?

How your stepfather knew about migration?

No idea.

what's the name of the politician?

All of them.


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It's my belief that the entire construct of our society is akin to some kind of perverted amusement park that uses transient pleasures and fear etc etc to keep us looking outwards as opposed to seeking the wisdom within. A hall of mirrors that's been created to blind us to this moment in time. At our core we are vibration, and so to a degree we are the outer ripples in the evolution of vibration .. the universe is not static and so vibratory resonances are is a constant state of flux, and seeing that we vibration it would seem logical that so are we. Great post my friend ;)

Thanks for the compliment, most appreciated coming from your good self.

And agreed with the vibration as when I was reading about, and researching Tesla some years ago, he more or less said exactly the same thing.

Have a superb weekend.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla

I happen to agree with you on the figures of people who are conscious of the nature of our reality. The 10% figure was far too small; way more than 10% of people are struggling every day to make ends meet, to put food on the table, to keep their children clothed. The 10% notion in my opinion is an ‘educated class’ figure; the ‘educated’ elites finger their noses at these realities and the survey usually is only answered by them. I have lots of these strong opinions but I haven’t taken a survey on them for years, have you? These surveys are also a gimmick; headline “75% of people think president is (insert adjective)!!!!!1111) when you look at the survey construction and results, if they even publish them which many do not, it’s only 80 people, 150 people. That’s such a tiny number of people. Then you look into the demographics; all consider themselves X political affiliation. The surveys are mostly bunk. They aren’t standing in low income areas usually, asking people these questions. They are posting them online and the people who even have time, which is a luxury, are filling them out and feeling righteous about it.

Thanks for a top comment, and agreed, you noticed also how the "press" has started reversing logic by saying 15% of people do not agree with this .......... yet fail to say 85% of people agree with this?

And no, I have not answered a questionnaire in years, as I live 2000 miles away from my old country anyway, so they would find it difficult asking me any questions as I play dumb and refuse to speak.

I do not see the percentage, at whichever level, as being as relevant as we make it out to be.

People have always been cynical about politicians and expect little from them...and yet, here is the paradox, at every election, they become like children again and hope that this time the person they elect will turn out to be caring and a good /honest politician (even though they KNOW no such animal exists.)

I think this explains why Trump still holds on to the child in his voters, for he did not stop electioneering. He keeps making promises and he seems to be trying to keep them all.

What does this mean? I don't know, the child in me gets in the way.

I have not seen him follow through with a single election promise.

He has not brought the troops home.
He has not locked up clinton.
He has surrounded himself with Wall street banksters, not drained the swamp, more filled it.

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