Bloody anti social on here! free steem saturdaynightsounds


People champion their own downfall!

I hope everyone is feeling content with themselves for driving away all the new people, & for shutting up people they felt did not live up to "their" perceived notion of what is a good enough comment!

Are you missing the steem at $6 yet or the sbd at $12?..............

And I hope ned and his many alt accounts are happy with the cash they are running away with from the deflation on here, regards vote value and post value!.

Note to @angryman this post is in a calm tone of voice!.

Enough of my party non political broadcast.

To enter this non contest, post 5 songs, with a description of why you like them, or why not. And I will give 1 steem to every entry that enters with this tag - saturdaynightsounds. The best entry, should I find one, will get a $5 upvote.

Lets try to get this anti social site social again shall we, whilst ned and loads of steemians chew the fat down the road from me in Krakow, and NO I am not going?.


Tune 1.

Have a cigar, and a pat on the back, courtesy of Pink Floyd!.

Tune 2.

How could it not be money?

Tune 3. I am feeling free as a bird, because I am.

So lets have some Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Tune 4.

The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want - Remastered.

Final tune.

Is a reflection of modern society, entitled "amused to death" you can work out the rest!.

Have a superb weekend, stick some headphones on, enjoy my sounds, send me some back, just hold back with modern day pop crap please!.

Images and gif from free to share sites.


I will try to get a post out. You had a great selection, even though I am not much of a Rolling stones fan it is not to bad of a job. I'm not sure what pop is anymore. I guess I am getting to old for new musical taste.

All the crap they keep trying to do to improve the price of steem, and they still do not understand they had it right for a little while. Dec, Jan, Feb time period, a lot of new people, a lot of engagement, and a nice price to steem. A nice price is evidently not what they want why else destroy what was helping with the price of steem. Engagement, and friendly social post.

Anti social bastards the lot. :-) Get in there with that post, I have the headphones on waiting my friend.

Yeah, but...but....but....we have, like, nearly 15k active users now!!!

Which is, like, really really, good after 2 years. How do I know this?
Because my corner shop has been open the same amount of time, and he only has 6K !

😂 😂😂 😂

3 years sir 3.
An yes, this place is beyond words some times, and oh they champion flagging people that do not have the same command of the English language as them, yet they do not comprehend it like us, oh the fucking irony eh!

...oh they champion flagging people that do not have the same command of the English language as them,

They do? really?

That's a bit rich, coming from a group of geeks making a social platform, who have all the social skills of a rock...

Where you been hiding? I am surprised you have not seen what has been going on, but eh, tis a long story, and I aint in the mood for writing tonight.

aint in English = slang for am not!

Here you go, I bared my inner soul for you...(lol), as the post title suggest, plus one bonus track. Enjoy.

Superb thank you, 1 steem sent. :-)

Thanks for the tunes mate :)

Most welcome. :-)

I missed it so changed it to Sunday night! Enjoying the tracks, hope my music choices aren’t the crap you don’t like 😜

Lol okay my friend I shall take a listen, though if they are crap I will say they are crap :-) Honesty is king, and lies ruined the world. :-)

To each their own hehe, thanks for checking it out!

If we were all the same, and liked the same cars, the same woman, and the same music, it would be a pretty shitty world, keep on being you, and never conform my friend.

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