Lamestream Media (CNN) Hypocritically Edits EVERYTHING!

in #news7 years ago

This is kind of a weird thing, because when you hear the legacy media -- especially CNN -- talk about Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, they always say that footage is "selectively edited".

They say this despite the fact that Veritas posts their full and unedited content as well as content edited for mas consumption.

For example, I remember when they posted the hidden camera content from Planned Parenthood, and how bad it made PP look, and people were saying that the footage was "selectively edited" to make them look bad. So I checked the unedited footage and guess what! it was just as bad as the edited footage made it look.

See, that's how you know you can trust a news organization: when they post their raw information for all to see. That's what's called transparency. Transparency is how you know that a news outlet is trustworthy: when they post their raw content for all to see, as well as edited content for easy consumption.

Trump and the Marine's Cover

It was a windy day, and one of the Marines guarding Marine One had his "cover" (hat) blown off. Trump, on his way to board the vehicle, personally retrieved the cover and put it back on the Marine. It blew off again, and Trump went back to get it again. One of Trump's aides decided to take over that duty and sent Trump back to board the helicopter.

Here's the full footage:

However, even though the full content of the clip is less than 30 seconds long, for some reason the official CNN twitter account posts a video that only shows Trump putting the cover on the Marine, it blowing off -- [CUT] -- Trump boarding Marine One.

Here's CBS posting the same clip:

Why cut 5 seconds out of an already very short clip? And why does it conveniently make Trump look like a bumbler, when in fact he went back to retrieve the cover a second time?

We know why.

Because CNN and CBS aren't trying to report the truth. They are presenting edited content to form a narrative. They are taking any opportunity they can get to make Trump look bad, even when they catch him doing something good.

First Lady of Poland Snubs Trump Handshake

This is such a load of bullshit fake news.

Mainstream media was trying to portray a handshake moment between the Presidents and First Ladies of US and Poland as somehow being an awkward snub.

Even though this video from the TIME YouTube channel is titled "Watch Poland’s First Lady Pass By President Trump’s First Attempt At A Handshake", you can clearly see for yourself that the First Lady of Poland didn't shake Trump's hand first because she had already locked eyes with Melania while Trump was shaking her husband's hand.

There's nothing awkward about it. Only the MSM went so parabolically ecstatic over the idea that the First Lady of Poland was a radical feminist snubbing the President because he's a misogynistic pig.

This guy at CNN, Chris Cillizza, who I'd never heard of before this indecent, even went so far in pushing this narrative as to tweet a video that COMPLETELY CUT OUT THE HANDSHAKE BETWEEN HER AND TRUMP -- and he did it like an obsessed tween superfan:

Screenshot (285).png


People who edit 2 seconds out of a 10 second clip to deceive the public to shape a narrative are promoting fake news and cannot be trusted.

Only believe sources that give you the raw footage and full transcripts.

Nobody else is worth trusting.

Follow me @shayne


One of my favourite Nigerian writer;Chimamanda Adichie cals this, the dengers of a single story. When we try not see or tell a story from both sides, it creates a shema on the part of the listener or viewer thus not getting a clear pictuer of the story. I just watched the two videos and totally get what you are saying. But one thing is for sure,our media(the whole world) has sold their soul to the highest bider and not to transipirency.


CNN CNN tweeted @ 10 Jul 2017 - 04:39 UTC

While boarding Marine One, US President Donald Trump stopped to retrieve the hat of a Marine blown off by the wind……

CillizzaCNN Chris Cillizza tweeted @ 06 Jul 2017 - 17:27 UTC


Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

For a long time already I don't want to watch the news. I watch it by myself online with some researches.

I can't watch main stream, it's just flat annoying. Doesn't matter CNN, Fox, puke

More and more people are waking up to the FACT that mainstream media has an agenda. It's a hard nut to wrap your mind around, but the established elite and media are actually marxists. I refused to believe it for years, but when all evidence points towards that, at one point you just have to red pill yourself. They are disturbed mentally ill people, and they know exactly how to use media and schools to poison the mind of other people. At the same time other forces are working against it (libertarians and to a certain degree conservatives and others) It's a confusing game. I'm not a conservative or a christian, but if you identify the worst and most "evil" problem we have today which is the marxist ideals, you sort of have to put some of those ideas you dont agree with regarding christians and conservatives on the shelf and "fight" alongside (with arguments, rationality and ridicule) It's a lot like the battle between rationality and oppressive christianity in the enlightenment era.

My opinion is that trump likes it when media mis-represents him. Perhaps he even encourages it. It gives his supporters something to rant about and creates a common enemy. The "lamestream media" (i like that, gonna have to hold onto that one). Its still a big distraction from the real shit thats going on in the world and in the whitehouse.

It's so hard to tell if this is intentional or not. Trump seems to fake out the media so they overreact to things that don't matter, or he seems to give them little carrots to follow that expose them as frauds. If this is intentional, Trump is a genius the likes of which the world has never seen; if unintentional, Trump is one of the luckiest people alive. This is probably why people think he's either a complete dolt or playing 4D chess.

Maybe you haven't heard what Scott Adams (creator of dilbert) has to say about trump... of course scott has his own website, but i heard him explain why he thinks trump is a master persuader in this podcast. I think you will enjoy it.

AoC # 605 - Scott Adams - Master Persuader

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