Rideshare Snags and Red Flags

in #ulog5 years ago

Here We Go Again...

Well, since taking a Greyhound bus to Colorado is now out of the question, Mr. Dreamtree and I have been attempting to do a Rideshare to get into Colorado, even though it goes against our better judgement. In the past, Rideshare on Craigslist has not worked out for us too well, other than get us a creepy, elderly woman stalker on our asses. We didn't expect too much with this Rideshare, either. Wouldn't you know it, no sooner than we posted the Rideshare, we got a text from a "person" who had intentions to go into Colorado soon. Larry Dreamtree did have an opportunity in the past to become a Private Detective and had training as a Lie Detection Officer, so he began to ask some important questions....

The first text from this "person", by and by the way, contained Larry's name. "Hey, Larry, I am responding to your Craigslist ad". The first few questions asked seemed legit. However, when Larry asked for the name of the "person" who texted, they replied, "My name is ___________ , what is yours?" Um, you already know muh name. Busted.

Needless to say, that was a red flag enough for Mr. Dreamtree to tell that person off for good. Their area code didn't even match the town they claimed to live in, which was another red flag. Hopefully we get a positive result from this soon but, doubt it. Everyone we meet who are travelers freak out over how great Rideshare is on Craigslist but, it hasn't panned out for ol' Larry, not even once.....

Besides, the Tarot Reading Larry did concerning the matter revealed to us the Queen of Wands, inverted, as you will see in the pic below. "She" is one who has the need to take care of her own needs first before helping others. So it seems even if Larry pursued this ride in spite of the red flags, it wouldn't of worked out anyway.


Are We in the Stone Age, or What?

Yeah, so it really baffles me that Mass Transit in America is shittier than eating out of your own toilet bowl after shitting and barfing into it. Buses should literally run from every town/city but, they don't. We can get into Colorado by bus but, not in a town that is anywhere near the part of the state where he intends to meet family. They don't have the money or the time to go way out of their way to pick him up from Denver, which is a few hundred miles away from the part of Colorado he planned to visit. We have been burned by hitch hiking and camp hiding to go stick out our thumbs. So sick of folks picking us up under the condition that we pay them in sexual favors. Is there anything sane in our Country anymore?

This is just another reason we pine for the Venus Project. There would be nothing but mass transit, and it would take you everywhere you need to go for absolutely no cost to you, us, or anyone else.

Much Love? Nah, what is there to love anymore? The Beatles were full of it.

Lucy Sage Dreamtree

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why would you want to come to Colorado?

Several reasons. One reason is to meet family there. It is family tradition to meet at Taylor Park, Colorado for "vacation" and has been so for 40 years. Also, tourist towns in the mountains are a great place for us to sell art/tarot readings to fill our bellies. The Crested Butte Arts festival is one we would like to attend on a yearly basis, as we made $400 in sales there last year. Plus, Colorado is just generally filled with nice people, so long as you vamoose after the tourist season is over. Then they are all like, "get the fuck out of our town!" Oh, and the legal weed is a nice addition. Haven't smoked a bowl in a good long while, yo. We are nearly broke and stuck in Idaho at mom's house. Idaho is not good for any of the above. The only nice thing is the roof over our head. Thanks for commenting! Much love!

that's cool! the mountains are still great.

Yup. It is starting to seem as if we won't make it there in time to rendezvous with family, though. Well, as Mr. Dreamtree keeps telling me, "the Universe will put us where it wants us to be." Maybe there are bigger things for us where we are?

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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

Sorry, our Tarot Readings usually contain the bad "juju". Lol. Sorry we missed the Tarot Tuesday last week. Will have one for this week, though. Thanks for commenting and for the resteem! Maybe it will manifest us a ride somehow.

No worries! So glad you got one up for this week, and you're very welcome. Sending lots of positive ride vibes your way!

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