in #news7 years ago (edited)

Here's a video from my friend Gonz Shimura from the facelikethesun You Tube channel who asks the question, "Hey Mike, what's up with all of the 666 hand signs?"

Author, filmmaker, podcaster Mike Cernovich has taken the alt. right media by storm with his intel on Susan Rice and the dealing in Syria. But is he genuine? Many people would like to believe so, but why would he commit truther suicide by taking several photos of himself holding the cultural A-ok symbol, or in the occult, 666? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps these are photos from his past, or just pure coincidence about him throwing up the OK sign. But what about the strange tweets from years past and an alleged rape case against him that he claimed was "false." Whatever the truth is regarding this man, we ought to stay vigilant, sober minded, and test all things to find out if they are true.





I'm no fan of Cernovich but I think this video makes too much out of the 666-A-Ok symbolism.

It also completely misses the mark by omitting the greatest reason why Cernovich should not be trusted: His ties to Alan Dersowitz, Jefferey Epstein's lawyer. Dershowitz is also named by Virginia Roberts in a lawsuit as someone Epstein forced her to have sex with.


Microsoft Word    wtf3FD865AE   Response_in_Opposition_to_Motion_to_Intervene_ _by_Mike_Cernovich.pdf.png

In this Response In Opposition To Motion to Intervene in Virginia Giuffre (Virginia Roberts) vs Ghislaine Maxwell the Judge clearly states that Cernovich's motion to intervene (on behalf of the people) to publicize selected portions of the defendants filed documents is an exact mirror of the same motion to intervene put forth earlier by Dershowitz.
The significance of this passage is quite clear, the portion that they (Dershowitz/Cernovich) seek to publish are aimed at discrediting the the claimant, Virginia Giuffre. If Mr. Cernovich is so concerned with "the public's right to know" why does he only request a specific filing from the Defendant?

Mr. Cernovich does not request to see any other sealed portion of the extensive record in this case (now spanning 586 docket entries). Nor does he seek access to Ms. Giuffre’s Response in Opposition to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment. Indeed, his cherry-picking of just one filing by Defendant to publicize belies his stated position that “all Parties to this litigation have committed a transgression" by filing documents under seal purusant to this Court's Oders.

Mike Cernovich on Twitter   Spent the morning talking free speech  Twitter censorship  and the ADL with Alan Dershowitz for Silenced. https   t.co 3pQOTVKYEV .png

Great video sean. Not surprised that the powers that be continue with disinfo

I'm taking the original video down to reassess, many are claiming he was being sarcastic. I didn't think any part of what he said was funny.

No, not funny at all. Hey, good for you for being honest enough to reevaluate to make sure your reporting tuth!

Thanks budp.

Wondered what happened! Glad to find this story here. My radar has been up on him for a while.

I´m thankful for your courage to speak out the truth!

Last I known of CERNovich.. is he is being pumped by Alex Jones NEVER ISRAEL channel. Need I say anymore??

That's a very good point. Alex refuses to talk about Mossad involvement in the 9/11 operation.

You're onto it Sean

mon on fire.jpeg

You are on point with that Sean. I remember your interview with lady that exposed the guys that wired the towers and posted images of the blasting relays. (Sorry I don't recall her name, but I did buy and read her novels)

ahandfield, her pen name is Rebekah Roth and that micro-doc is one of my favorites. Listen to this WITH headphones guys:
THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad

Thanks for the reminder. This needs to be a special "into the archive on steemit" post

In today's world of truth it is very hard to determine who is real and who is not. I myself have wondered why he throws up that sign and until this video I did not know he has thrown this up that many times. Maybe you are onto something or not but everything has to be questioned. Good work on this!

Cernovich has a very angry air about him, and the ok signs don't help. Makes me wary, but he has been pushing some big and relevant stories.

Whats are take on Brittany Pettibone? If i was about to be in a soon forever picture and someone next to me was doing that, id say what are you doing creep job and break the camera...? Or at least say erase it and im out!

I don't care for Mike Cernovich, nor do I buy the whole OK means 666 thing. I'm a SCUBA diver. We use that symbol all the time to mean "OK" so that other divers know we're good to go.

In many short messaging services there are "OK" emojis to reply with indicate you that you understood the previous message.

When your mouth is full of food you might use the OK sign to indicate you understood them because you can't talk with a mouth full of food.

Here in China people use the sign all the time and have no idea what 666 means or that it even exists as "a thing" in the West.

I put this whole 666 hogwash in the flat earth category. It's disinfo nonsense. Whatever else may be unlikable about Mike Cernovich, using the OK sign isn't one of them. Maybe he's just messing with you.

Completely on the fence with this one. For the first time I cannot upvote automatically and must think on it first.
I think Mike Cernovich has played a major part in exposing some of things that have been taking place in politics this year. Having said said that, I knew absolutely nothing about him prior to the main election. As well, I am always suspicious of those who claim to have "high level" sources, especially when it seems they are in fact being fed accurate information. Jury is still out on Mike. As for the hand signal... I am 46 years old, and all my life this symbol was made to indicate that everything is okay, my own use included. If it has other symbolism I am not aware. The only universal hand symbolism that I am aware of is the back side of a raised middle finger.

Yeah, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, Mike CERNowich, is legit. I am gonna need to see him sacrificing a child, while revealing he is in fact, an alien reptile, come to rule the world. But, I have used the ok sign, so obviously I am a NWO shill. But, I financially support SGT. So, Am I just a MK Ultra mind controlled reptile. And, I am gonna keep using the ok symbol. And, If you think I am not a patriot because of it, Oh well.

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