Religion, good or bad?

in #photography5 years ago


They are everywhere. There are many different ones. They have been around forever. A lot of history have been made around this ideals.

Are religions good or bad?




How many religions can You name? So much to talk. So little time. In the end we are all human and that's what matters the most.

This photos are just a local Catholic Church in the area I live. Hope You enjoy them.


Well... monotheism are bad sins it promote hate of people whom follow polytheism!

Yeah I guess people should be just good in their essense

Don't forget to leave the monotheistic fascist cults, they just stand for hatred of all non-monotheists!

The answer is more nuanced than simply good or bad.

It hinges on the particular tenets of the religion or sect / denomination and their implications.

One could argue even that atheism is in itself a religion in that it is a system of beliefs that preclude the Divine.

Morality is subjective but I believe it is possible for rational thinkers to arrive at some form of consensus on the matter.

This largely depends on common values for instance the value or sanctity of human life.

Another value that many hold dearly is that of freedom which most self-righteous a false religions stifle.

In my particular sect if you will, the moral requirements have been fulfilled by another person and thus people are able to live in freedom following the dictates of their conscience and love.

Unfortunately, this is fringe thinking as far as major religions go. The Bible itself does say WIDE is the way that leads to destruction and one can see the correspondence with the world today

Oppressive religions reign but their time will come. When He comes down from the clouds bringing not peace but a sword.

Until then, I proclaim the gospel of Grace and His immutable work on the Cross. Fancy that? An immutable work being preached on an immutable ledger.

What a day to be alive! 😃

One could argue even that atheism is in itself a religion in that it is a system of beliefs that preclude the Divine.

No. To quote Hitchins, this is akin to saying a TV being off is a channel.

But today is always a good day to be alive :-)

Hitchens is dead. Checkmate atheists. Jfwy

You can be agnostic @nathen007 and be intellectually honest. You cannot positively assert God doesn't have exist unless you are omniscient thus having access to all conceivable evidence.

It's not a a two wag street in this instance due to the inexplicably reliable constructs for which we both rely. Logic, uniformity of natural laws, mathematics etc.

Can a universe existing solely of chance have such coherence? Do you have faith in an oscillating universe or do you place it in obscure quantum theory?

Does this account for the rationality or our existence or do you attribute it to something else?

We agree on the last point. Cheers!

Within this well put argument you are making points based upon current knowledge and understanding and making assertions that reinforce the argument that religion was created simply to answer questions that no one had the answer for.

Agnosticism works both ways, if you wish to suggest I am agnostic because I can't absolutely prove there is no God, then you are also agnostic because you can't prove there is . Quid pro quo!

The difference here is that I accept there are unknowns but religion insists on an answer for everything and that which can't be answered through logic or due to to constraints in current knowledge is simply attributed to God.

Both arguments end in stalemate but my final sentence was simply to point out that we both end up at the same place but arriving from opposite directions just in the same way that you're about to go to bed but I've just woken up!

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Here take my #angryupvote.jk

I'm glad we can have this discussion is a civil way. Good stuff. Yeah guess it's bed time for me.

Enjoy your day

Yeah. Being alive is a good start.

Yeah of course I love this. It I kind of don't have a very strong opinion about it right now at this stage of my life. But having conversations about it for sure in my opinion is one way to go.. no matter what they have to bring to our society. Eheh thank you forntaking the time to share that with us :)

It led to lots of segregation and stigmatization but yet many found solace in it.
It is chaotic and ruthless yet many found peace and tranquility with their soul.
It is evolutionary and progressive yet many can't trace the origin.
It is bastardized and dogmatic yet few know the real principles.
It is bad and resented yet many find good in it.
It is dependent on individual differences yet many make decisions for many.

Good or Bad is only an understatement.
But yet many will speak base on their own perspective and life circumstances.

You are right. As You said it is not so simple to discuss. And it is a conversation that have no end. But I am loving to see so many opinions and the conversation going on in here peacefully :)

Good and bad.

Really enjoy the spiritual ambiance in the presence of religious archetecture.

We just gotta live right. And try to be the best we can be as human beings :)

As I said on the other comment. Really don't have a strong opinion about it as per now. But wouldn't say that 100% is bad. Lol

I guess there is no good or bad religion, there is good or bad interpretation of the religion

Hummmm yeah. I guess I see what You mean. But also don't know deeply all the religions so don't know if that's true. Because there might be some bad ones out there.

Well, I think it is not a real religion. It is kind a pseudo-religion which was created by bad people thou

But there are bad people or just people with bad intentions?

I guess people with bad mind or soul

Hummmm yeah. I guess I see what You mean. But also don't know deeply all the religions so don't know if that's true. Because there might be some bad ones out there.

Hummmm yeah. I guess I see what You mean. But also don't know deeply all the religions so don't know if that's true. Because there might be some bad ones out there.

Nice capture

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Some are bad.
Some are soso.
Some are good.

But... Mine is the best! ~ #1. I am right and you are going to pay for an eternity for thinking differently. /s

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