SEC-S15/W2 | Beware of Bullying

in STEEM INDONESIA7 months ago

Beware of Bullying

Bullying is repeated an intentional use of words or actions to scare, intimidate, hurt or coerce a smaller or younger person. Bullying can take up many forms like name calling, physical violence, teasing kand spreading demeaning rumors.

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During your life, have you ever received bullying? If so, in what form? physical, verbal or through cyber bullying. Provide your review?

Yes I have been bullied and many of the bullying happen to me in my school days. Being bullied is slowly becoming a part of the educational system in Nigerian public secondary schools.
You go into the secondary school knowing that you will be bullied for the first four years by the senior students. It's one thing you can't just escape in our schools. I got my fear share from Two Ends Multi National High School, Ikom in Cross River State.

In our schools, the physical bullying from the senior students had become a thing from generation that was heanded down. They were bullied when they came in, they bullied us and we bullied the people after us, and the cycle continues. The seniors will gang up into our class and will beat us up for no real reason. Some teachers will not just want to get involved in the insident. It was bad ooh. Some times I felt like I should stop going to school because of the bulling. Boarding schools get the worst cases.

Victim of bullying

How do you equip your children to avoid bullying either at school or in their social environment.

I don't have kids yet. But the is no escaping in the public schools, so I will put my kids in the private schools. Bulling by senior students is not that serious in private schools. So I can tell my kids to report all cases to the school authority.

I will ask my kids to Avoid places where the bullies often hung out.

When confronted, act brave as you walk away without doing anything to make it worse.

Tell the bully to stop and mean it when saying it

Do not laugh or smile when saying it to avoid getting them provoked.

I will also do a lot of "what if" scenarios with my kids to prepare them. I will give them responses that will help calm the situation without looking weak and vulnerable.
I will be the bully and my kid will have to respond with "Yeah, whatever," and then walk away, speaking in a strong, firm voice.

Dr. Borba. Surgested that looking at the sides of the bully's eyes to make them look confidence is a good approach.

stop-4121138_1280.jpgBe ready to face it

Give your opinion on how to overcome bullying in form physical, verbal or through cyber bullying

Physical Bullying:
Pay attention to how your environment is changing so if it is becoming hostile or looking suspicious, you can move away before it becomes a problem.
Before it becomes an established bullying situation, I would try to get out of the situation without looking weak of vulnerable.
If it has become a bullying situation, I will try not to provoke the bully by not acting up. But I will remain vigilant in case I have to defend myself.

Verbal Bullying:
Do not show yourself upset by the verbal Bullying else it will get worst. The bully will know they have achieved their aim if you are upset. Just shurn them. And walk away.

It is also good to cut in some jokes and laughing it off. You will need to develop your self-confidence to do this one. E no easy oOo to fake away the hurts.

Cyber Bullying:
This one simple, Block the bully from getting to you ever again.
Use available provisions to report the bully on the platform.
Try not to think that you were the reason why they bullied you.


Bullying can have a lot of psychological effects on the person being bullied. Help anyone who calls for help if it is something you can do.
Children should be prepared to deal with bullying at school. And you yourself can be bullied at work or on the road so be ready to face it.

I am inviting @okere-blessing, @mesola and @josepha to participate in this exercise.

Read About me in Achievement 1


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Greetings dear friend

We can be bullied by different systems, and be bullied, like you shared by those seniors in school, who are constantly bullied, in fact they never take the right path by bullying, but our humility and our gentleness are at least somewhat. They understand, then May they also follow the righteous path, be well and be healthy

 7 months ago 

It's crucial to address bullying. Your experience sheds light on the prevalence of bullying in Nigerian schools. Encouraging children to report incidents and teaching them self-defense strategies are essential. Thank you for sharing your insights and strategies to combat bullying effectively. I wish you the best in the challenge dear

Naturally, I see bullies as sadists who can never care about a person's feeling. The only thing that makes them happy is to see their victims being embarrassed and shamed. But to eliminate bullying, we need to raise awareness about self-confidence. Good luck on your post.

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