We-Write! I write and you finish!

in #freewrite6 years ago

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This week's we-write has a slightly different twist to it. @freedomtowrite has written the first part, and each of us gets to finish the story however we want to! All the rules and information are here. If you've never done a we-write, this would be a great time to give it a try!

The Start of the Story

By: @freedomtowrite

"Pull the plug already!" Gary growled.

"I can't," Jody whimpered.

"Stop holding onto hope when there's nothing left." His head dropped to hands as he leaned against the metal wall.

Jody looked towards the bathtub. Sitting amongst the bubbles floated her favorite bubble bath bottle that had been knocked over where the contents had flowed freely into the old, lukewarm water from their son's bath.

"But if I pull the plug, then it's really all gone...I can never get it back."

Gary tramped against the wooden floor towards the bathtub determination etched into his eyes.

"No!" Jody yelled throwing herself in front of him.

The rest of the story, by @scribblingramma


image credit

Gary caught Jody in a big bear hug as she hurtled past, and decided to try a gentler tactic. "Jody, sweetie," he whispered gently. "I know you love this bubble bath, but it's gone now. Just breathe in the aroma, and then save the empty bottle. We may find it again somewhere, you know. Maybe on ebay, or at an estate sale."

Jody relaxed in his arms and rubbed her forehead. "You're right, love," she admitted, inhaling deeply as she reached for the empty bottle. Gary leaned over to pull the plug. Jody watched him sadly, while caressing the now-empty bottle in her hands. To her surprise, a genie burst out of the bottle!

"Hi there!" he cried! "It's been a long wait in the wet bottle! Thanks so much for letting me out! Of course, you get the usual three wishes. What will they be?"

Jody stared in amazement. "Well, first of all, I wish for another bottle of this bubble bath, one that will never go empty on me. Ever."

The genie looked puzzled. "Wow, I've been living in that stuff for years, and I don't understand what you think is so great about it. But here you are." Poof! There was a new bottle full of her favorite bubble bath!

"Now, what about the other two wishes?"


And the five minutes are up! Thank you @freedomtowrite! This was a lot of fun!



Haha I would have never guessed a Genie would come out of the bottle! Of course I pictured the Genie from Aladdin!

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