Make Me Smile: Pets, Food, and Family

This post is in response to @elizacheng's Make Me Smile contest. In the past week, several things have made me smile. My grandpuppy spends a great deal of time sitting/lying around being cute, which never fails to bring a smile to my face.


This time of year, the sunbeam isn't very strong nor does it shine through the slider door very long, but he takes advantage of it whenever he can.


No sunbeam? Then his bed and fuzzy blanket will do.


And then there's this adorable face in the morning, reluctant to get out of my warm, cozy bed.

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He would love to share our Thanksgiving dinner, but he is on a strict diet, and one bite of turkey is all he got.

On Sunday most of my family got together at our house for a Thanksgiving Weekend supper. My daughter brought chicken meatballs and made a sauce with bottled chili sauce and grape jelly. It was delicious! We also feasted on mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, yams, corn, and two kinds of pie. The peach pie was something I bought at Green Bluff in late July and kept in the freezer until now. It was frightfully expensive, but I wanted to try it. I wouldn't do that again; it was too sweet for our tastes, and contained dairy, which prevented one family member from trying it. The apple pie was made by me, perfectly sweetened, and dairy-free. Much better. Yes, pie makes me smile.


And family makes me smile, too, especially my granddaughter. She spreads the old Fisher-Price toys all over the living room floor, including the school house, the barn, the parking garage, and the town. She insists on real water in the trough for the plastic horse and cow to drink. They prefer not to have their photos on Steemit, so you will have to make do with a picture of the table before anyone sat down. The potholders at the near and far ends were a handmade bridal shower gift I received in 1983. They are looking a little worn now, but have not come apart. That is definitely worth smiling about!


All photos taken on my Android phone.


Thanks a lot! !tip
Your grandpuppy is super cute! And all your chicken meatballs, mashed potatoes, corns are making me hungry... and poor fellow, tight strict diet... just a bite of turkey... omg... you need to make him smile... 😅

The one thing that is sure to make that dog "smile" is a visit from his mommy. She can't have him where she is currently living, so he is staying with us. She plans to move back home with us soon, and that dog will be ecstatic!

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