Black and Silver Chapter 18

in #fiction7 years ago


A weaponized virus has surfaced on US soil, planned to be used against American citizens. Former federal agent Adam Black was brought back from prison to help the anti-terrorist agency ATC to locate and secure the virus from the market. This attempt was successful, and the virus ended up in the hands an unknown terrorist who is now using it as leverage against the President, who he appears to have a personal grudge with. It's been a long day with no end in sight.

November 1st, 2023. 8:31pm Los Angeles, California

Dietrich's Hideout

Gwen slowly removes her gun from the back of Dietrich's head, which she has pressed against the table, and lets go of him.

"Do we have an understanding now?"

Dietrich doesn't enjoy being bossed around, but decides to humble himself and accepts defeat this time.

Gwen is not someone you want to be messing with. It's unclear to Dietrich how exactly Gwen got so good, but she has a sixth sense that allows her to always be on top of the situation when it comes to all things combat.

Dietrich gets back to a standing position and fixes his hair, as Gwen doesn't take her eyes off of him for one second.

"Yes. We have an understanding. I've been meaning to ask you, though: where did you learn your skills? We've never talked about it."

"I take it from my father. He was CAG. My father taught me everything I know about being a soldier."

"Delta Force?"


That's not the truth, but Gwen has no interest in revealing these things about herself. An observant person could pick up on telltale signs that her father is a touchy subject for Gwen, but Dietrich doesn't really pay attention.

"I thought your father was French. Where was he before Delta Force?"

"We traveled around. Look, I can give the whole family history once we have what we want."

Dietrich finds it evident that Gwen isn't being entirely truthful, but feels that her father has nothing to do with their mission, so he lets it slide - for the most part. He does throw in a stinger, though.

"Does the SG-6 have something to do with your father's death?"

Now even Dietrich can see he hit a nerve, and Gwen realizes there's no point hiding.

"Yes. And that's why I want it. Happy now?"

"How do I know you won't just betray me once we have it?"

"You don't."

Dietrich lets out a slight smile.

"I guess I don't."

Dietrich and Gwen both set their eyes on the gun on the floor before turning their back on each other. Gwen makes the first move and picks up the gun, and hands it back to Dietrich.

"Want to try it?"

Dietrich takes the gun and places it on the table.


"Didn't think so."

Outside of Le Havre, France

The second morning sun of November has not yet set itself above France, but in a small house outside of the city of La Havre, an older man is already wide awake watching a 24/7 news broadcast on his laptop.

He only slept for a couple of hours as what is going on currently in the United States has had his interest ever since the events started.

Particularly the story of Adam Black's prison break is something that has won over his attention throughout.

The man smokes a cigar inside of the house and washes down the taste of smoke with a glass of whiskey on his other hand.

It's evident by the looks of things around the house that it is indeed not the first glass of whiskey he has enjoyed recently. Nor is it his first cigar.

The man also paid close attention to President Reynold's press conference, which was highly unusual. He knows how politicians, particularly presidents, operate - and that press conference was not held without an external source of duress. Whatever the media says is of no importance.

Adam's involvement in the events was also mentioned.

Ever since he heard about Adam's prison break, he has had his phone ready to make a call to a number he hasn't called in years.

That phone number belongs to Bruce Miller.

He comes close to making the call, but just like he always does, backs down at the last second.

He has once escaped that world. And is too afraid to re-enter it.

From his body language, his eyes, his posture it is evident that the man is filled with regrets. Watching everything transpire fills with a feeling of needing to be involved, wanting to something. But any attempt to get around into turning those thoughts into actions are quickly trumped by an even stronger feeling of insufficiency. Inadequacy.

He is old now. There was once a time he could make a difference. But that time is long gone - and has been long gone for what seems like forever.

He succumbs, sips his whiskey and continues to watch the newscast for updates.

Los Angeles, California

Adam is holding Hermann up at gunpoint in the car, while they're trying to lose anyone who could be following them. Adam keeps an eye out, and it's starting to look like they're safe.

"Looks like we're not being followed. Now you're going to take me to Dietrich Schneider."

Hermann doesn't respond. The pain in his shoulder is making it difficult for him to stay focused on the road, but he tries his best at not going against Adam's orders.

Adam then risks it and makes a phone call to Alex.

"Alex, it's me. Can you talk safely?"

Alex, in the ATC Headquarters, looks around to see if Simmons is nearby, listening in.

"Simmons is not here right now, but Jesus Christ, Adam, what are you doing?"

"Trying to stop this threat. The man we're looking for is a Dietrich Schneider. German. Run a check through the ATC database to see if you can find anything."

"Fine, let me see. There are lots of hits in our database. Can you narrow it down?"

"Send me the photos on my phone."

"Coming right up."

Adam turns the phone screen to Hermann.

"You're going to tell me which one of these is your boss."

Adam swipes through the photos, none of which seem to be the correct one, until, after a few dozen tries, Hermann finally stops Adam.

"Right there."

"This one? Alex, we have a match. What do you got?"

"Dietrich Schneider. German, as you said. Immigrated to the US at the age of 21... served in the US armed forces. Let me see. Was assigned to a peacekeeping occupation in Palestine... Oh, I think I got it."

"What is it?"

"He married a Palestinian woman, and they got married. She was killed, along with their daughter, in a US-funded Israeli drone strike as part of Operation Eastern Storm. They were innocent civilian casualties. After that, he became a Palestinian sympathizer, got radicalized and joined an anti-American terrorist cell."

Adam starts to put the pieces together.

"Eastern Storm? Didn't President Reynolds put that together? Before he was president."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Well, that's it right there. Schneider's looking to avenge his family, and he blames Reynolds and the American government for their deaths."

Upon hearing this, Adam can somewhat sympathize with Dietrich's story, but not enough for him to be able to justify taking innocent lives.

Adam himself knows what it's like when the government takes away everything you love.

"Okay, thanks, Alex."

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

After having endured a five-hour flight, a tired Bruce Miller makes his way through the customs at LAX.

Airport procedures are second nature to Bruce, having been through them so much during his life.

Going through the motions allows Bruce to think. Earlier today, he got a call from Maria, saying Adam was broken out of prison to work as part of an operation to secure a virus that can threaten the entire state of California, if not the whole country.

Bruce feels like he owes Adam something for not defending him more when he was thrown in prison. After all, Adam saved his daughter's life 18 months ago. But the politics of it all were so complicated.

The politics were not the real reason, though.

He is ashamed to admit it, even to himself, but a part of him was hesitant to allow Adam back into Maria's life. Not because of Adam as a man, but because one way or another, time after time, Adam is dragged into the game of saving the world.

And Bruce was always worried that it would cost Maria. Just like it almost cost Maria her life on that fateful day 18 months ago.

Five years prior, Bruce helped Adam escape the government for the first time and go into exile. Partially because he respected Adam so much and wanted to what he could to help, but he was also secretly happy that Maria was safer when Adam wasn't around.

But following the day's events has once again made Bruce see the kind of man Adam is. And Bruce does feel a sense of shame because of that.

He still doesn't want Adam to be too involved with his daughter, but he does owe him something.

He's just not sure what at the moment.

Bruce sets the airplane mode off on his phone, and among the unanswered calls and messages are some from Maria. He wastes no time in calling her back.

"Hey, sweetheart. Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. I was on a plane."

"Hey. Dad. Why were you on a plane, where did you fly to?"

"I'm in LA."

"In LA? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you, face to face. You and Adam. Are you at ATC right now?"

Maria gets a little awkward since Bruce doesn't know that she lost her job just a while ago.

"Uhh, no. Something happened, dad. I think you better come over here. I'm at home right now."

"Home? Why aren't you working?"

Maria doesn't want to tell her father over the phone that she was fired.

"Just come over here, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be there in about 30 minutes. I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you, too, dad."

ATC Headquarters*

Theodore Clark has been following what Alex has been doing with Adam, knowing they are working together and that Adam is on his way to the virus.

Simmons is keeping a close eye on the entire staff, but as soon as Theodore notices a small opening to take a little break, he takes the opportunity to go and make a phone call to someone.

"Sorry I couldn't get to you earlier. The guy from Regional is insane, he has on a tight leash."

"Yeah, I can imagine. Those guys from Regional are always like that. What do you got?"

"Adam broke the guy working with the leader. You were right: it's Dietrich Schneider - which means this has to be about The List. I don't think it's a coincidence."

There's a tone of worry in the voice of the man on the other end.

"Adam's on his way there now?"


"Damn it. If Adam catches him before the President breaks and gives him the SG-6, there's no way for us to get our hands on it. And ATC has been compromised, too. Even if they do get their hands on it, you know it'll never see the light of day."

"I know. And that's why I think you need to intervene. You think you can to talk to Adam?"

There's a moment of silence.

"Probably not. I'll see what I can do. You get back to your post before anyone gets suspicious."

"Yeah, sure. I have Adam's vehicle on my satellite feed, I'll send you the feed."


"There's something else I was able to dig up. About the dirty agent, Gwen DuClare. Something interesting you should know."

Downtown Los Angeles

Hermann and Adam are closing in on Dietrich's location, as Adam asks how far away are they.

"How much more?"

"About 15 to 20 minutes in this traffic."

Adam then receives an unexpected phone call from Bruce. Adam immediately picks up, as his loyalty to Bruce is unparalleled, though he has no idea what to expect.


"Adam. What's the situation?"

"You know about what's going on?"

"Yes, Maria told me everything."

"It's a little complicated right now, but I'm on my way to who I believe is in possession of the Azrael virus. A man called Dietrich Schneider."

"You do your best, Adam."

"I will."

The phone call is abruptly interrupted by a car that crashes right into Adam and Hermann's vehicle, stopping it dead in its tracks.

A man in a ski mask in the other car then aims his gun for a perfect headshot at Hermann, killing him instantly before driving away.

Adam is loopy from the crash, but as he comes to, he notices Hermann dead next to him.

"What the! No!"

Hermann is dead, and so is the lead to Dietrich's location.


Nice fiction ...Over all..I already read it ..

Good writer you are.
I appreciate .

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading. :)

Omg, thanks for sharing... i love fiction!

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Hermann is dead, and so is the lead to Dietrich's location.

MAN THIS IS SO COOL! So cinematic!! I read it in a breeze, and could picture every single detail!

You have real storytelling talent. Thank you very much for sharing!

Thanks tons! Means a lot. :)

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