Black and Silver Chapter 16

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


A weaponized virus has surfaced on US soil, planned to be used against American citizens. Former federal agent Adam Black was brought back from prison to help the anti terrorist agency ATC to locate and secure the virus from the market. This attempt was successful, and the virus ended up in the hands an unknown terrorist who is now using it as leverage against the President, who he appears to have a personal grudge with. It's been a long day with no end in sight.

November 1st, 2023. 7:20pm Los Angeles, California

ATC Headquarters

Adam and Hermann are brought into ATC in handcuffs. There's immediately an awkward moment where Maria meets and checks up on Adam, with Paul right there next to him.

The moment itself is a déjà vu from 18 months ago; Adam, after sacrificing himself in order to save innocent lives, in handcuffs and escorted to custody by Paul.

It's no less awkward or difficult for any of the three now than it was back then.

Maria and Adam hug, as Maria's eyes meet with Paul's.

Adam then locks his eyes on Simmons, and approaches him since he wants to get a few things off his chest.

"Look, I don't care what kind of an effect it had on your ego, but I was not willing to sit back and watch those people die. Earlier today, I watched a group of high school students in the eye, and when they asked me if they were going to die, I said yes. I said yes, because we didn't make it in there in time. We let them down. I wasn't gonna do it again. I was not going to let these people down. And if you have a problem with that, too bad."

For the first time since arriving to ATC earlier today, Simmons is at a loss for words. Not because he doesn't have anything to say, he does, but because Adam brings with himself a certain authority. One that makes you think twice before challenging it. Adam then continues.

"This is the problem with people like you. You put on a suit, you sit behind a desk, and you think you know something. To you, a thousand people, two thousand people, ten thousand people, it's just a bunch of numbers. You are not there, you are not looking at these people in the eye."

Simmons then finally has enough.

"I don't know who it is that you think you are-"

But Adam remains unhinged, and takes a step closer.

"I spent 18 months in prison because I was protecting people like you. Prior to that I spent five years in exile because of people like you. The woman I love thought I was dead. Because of people like you - because I spent my whole life doing what people like you asked of me. So, who do I think I am? With all due respect. Ask around."

After a brief staring contest, Simmons makes his own case.

"My problem with people like you is that because you think that because you're in the field you can play God. You talk about ten thousand people. Hundreds of thousands may die because we weren't able to follow up on a suspect - because you decided to play hero."

"Not if you let me interrogate him."

"Out of the question."

"I can break him. His our only connection to the virus, if you go soft ball on him, he won't say anything, and you know it!"

"Torture is illegal. I can't sanction an ATC agent to torture."

"I don't work for ATC."

"I can't do it."

Simmons then moves in for the check mate

"And if you have a problem with it. Too bad."

"This isn't about innocent lives for you. This is about your ego, this is about the fact that you can't handle someone not doing what you tell him to do."

Simmons ignores this and tells Paul to take Adam away.

"Take him into holding. And tell agent Jeffries to interrogate the suspect, but no physical coercion."

The ATC employees followed the exchange, and were secretly happy that Adam took Simmons to school, but disappointed that he ultimately lost the battle.

The staff is losing confidence in Simmons' ability to lead ATC through this crisis.

One of them being Maria who walks into Richard's office.

"I have zero confidence in Simmons, Richard."

Richard replies with a sigh, leaning back on his chair.

"You're not the only one. But there's nothing we can do. This is Regional's call."

"Not if we invoke Section 29."

"That's a bit extreme. It requires a serious reason."

"I consider this a serious reason. Adam has done nothing but sacrificed himself all day to find that virus. He's also the best man we have right now. Paul is the ranking agent; in case Head of Regional is unable to lead the agency through an extreme crisis, the ranking agent can invoke Section 29 that forces Regional to step down. Paul is my husband. I can get him to listen."

Richard thinks on what Maria said.

"Try it."

"Thanks, Richard."

Dietrich's Hideout

Dietrich is sitting behind his desk, browsing his laptop and keeps checking the time.

"Something happened. There's nothing on the news about the Beverly Center shopping mall, and Hermann should be back by now."

Gwen has the answer, and gives it in an I told you so kind of tone.

"Adam got to him. I told you to watch out for him."

"It would appear you might be correct, Gwen."

"Well, ATC can't touch him. I'm sure Adam would be able to break him, but they won't let Adam touch him with a ten foot pole."

"It's a risk I can't afford."

"So, what now?"

"I will call the President on his next assignment. This is just a minor set back."

"Don't waste time playing games, Dietrich. You've had your fun. We need President Reynolds to give us The List. That's what we're after. Don't lose focus."

Slight tension brews.

"In due time, darling. In due time. We need to handle the situation with Hermann first, I can't risk him talking. I'm calling the President."

The White House

The President picks up the phone in his office, already knowing what the call is about.

"Mr. President. Or can I just drop the formalities and call you Morgan."

"What is this about now?"

"I have reason to believe that ATC has one of my men in custody. I also have reason to believe that one of the planned attacks were prevented. You should know the consequences of betrayal by now, Morgan."

"I did not authorize what happened at the Beverly Center. It was the work of a lone agent."

As the call is on speaker, Gwen is listening in and knows the President is talking about Adam, and even though Adam is working against them, she just has to have a level of respect for him as a man. She knew Adam would not be pushed around by ATC.

"But it is your job to make sure things go as I wish. You didn't keep up your end of the bargain. But I'm a benevolent man, I'm willing to let that slide."

"Under what condition?"

"My man that you have in custody is to be released. And don't bother thinking he will lead you to me, he is to be given safe passage to a country of his choosing. If you fail to comply, there will be another attack. If my man is followed, there will be another attack. Am I making myself clear?"

"Why are you doing this? You told me this was personal. Do I know you?"

"You don't know me, Morgan. But I know you. I'm simply one of the many in the faceless masses that have had their lives ruined by the United States of America. Someone like you would never care about someone like me. Until today."

"Whatever it is that you're bitter about, surely there is another way."

"Another way? Another way, Morgan? Surely there would be another way for America to act than terrorizing innocent people, innocent cities, innocent countries - innocent families. The chair you sit on, Mr. President, is painted with blood. So don't talk to me about finding another way. America has had its chance, now it's my turn."

Dietrich looks at the time again.

"You have until 8pm to release my man. He will call me, let me know he's safe and on his way out of the country, and I will not release more of the virus - until your next assignment. You be hearing from me."

ATC Headquarters

Adam is laying on his back on the bed in the holding cell. It doesn't take long for the day to take its toll, as he is fast asleep mere seconds after closing his eyes.

Maria opens the door and notices Adam sleeping. She quietly moves on the bed, sitting next to him. Without even thinking, she runs her hand through Adam's hair.

Thinking how unfair this all is for Adam.

She then slowly leans down and lightly kisses Adam on the forehead, while whispering to herself.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this. You don't deserve this, Adam. Least of all people you."

Adam opens his eyes and notices Maria. The two stare at each other awkwardly before moving slightly farther away from each other, before Maria tries to spark up a casual conversation.

"How are you holding up?"

"Been worse."

"Agent Jeffries is interrogating the suspect right now."

"It's a waste of time. I did this job for a very long time, I know these people. He's not going to talk."

"I agree."

Adam senses that Maria may have a plan.

"I know that look. You're up to something."

"Section 29."

Adam immediately catches on.

"Who's the ranking agent?"


"Can you get through to him?"

"I can try."

What Maria and Adam are not aware of is the fact that Paul has been watching his all go down through the holding cell's two way mirror.

He's not very happy about how close Adam was with his wife.

Simmons has just received a phone call from the President.

"Are you absolutely sure, Mr. President? Yes, Mr. President. I understand. Yes, sir."

While he is not happy with what he just heard, to Simmons, the President's word is final, and he would never challenge that.

He then walks into Richard's office.

"Release the prisoner."


"Orders from the President. The prisoner is to be released as soon as possible."

"This doesn't make any sense."

"Do it!"

Confused, Richard connects a call to the holding area.

"The prisoner in Holding 2 is to be released. Right now."

"But sir..."

"Just do it."

He then demands some answers from Simmons.

"Mind telling me what this is about?"

"The President didn't say, but there's reason to believe he's working under duress. But whatever the case may be, these are orders from the President of the United States. We don't have a choice. If it hadn't been for Adam."

Richards has a skeptical look on his face.

"You know. For years, I was the guy who would have agreed with you. But this is the only lead we have."

"Yes, because of Adam Black! Because you trusted this rogue agent."

Simmons storms out of the office, leaving Richards increasingly annoyed.

Maria leaves Adam's cell and is shocked to see Paul standing there. She realizes Paul must have seen what happened, and tries to explain herself, but Paul simply turns around and walks way.

"Paul! Wait!"

"Stop it, I don't want to hear it. Why don't you go back there with your ex fiancé."

Hermann is being released from holding and the situation is being explained to him; an ATC vehicle will be his to use on his way to the airport, ATC will provide him passage to a country of his choosing.

Richard waits for the guards to escort Hermann out of the holding area, and sneaks into Adam's cell.

"Okay, Adam, we don't have much time."

Richard hands Adam his key card.

"They're releasing the prisoner. He's being given safe passage out of the country. We lose him, we lose the virus."


"I think the President is being coerced to do it. You and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but I trust you to do this. Make it look good."

Richard turns his back on Adam, and realizes what he's going for, so he grabs Richard into a chokehold that makes it look like he's escaping, and makes his way out of the cell.

Adam goes towards the back entrance of ATC, waiting for the guard to turn his head just enough for him to knock him unconscious and grabbing his gun.

ATC Parking Lot

Hermann is being escorted into his vehicle. He makes a phone call to Dietrich as ordered. The line is scrambled, so there's no hope for ATC to trace the phone call.

"It's me. I'm out."

"Thank you for your service, Hermann. The money will be transferred to your account after this phone call."

"No, thank you."

The ATC officers leave the parking lot, as they are not allowed to follow Hermann. Before starting the car, Hermann makes sure that no one is indeed following him, so he waits for everybody to leave the parking lot area.

Finally Hermann starts his car, as the parking lot empties, but before he can kick down the paddle, Adam opens the passenger door, presses his gun on Hermann's forehead, opens up the glove compartment, which he knows always includes a knife in ATC vehicles and grabs the knife with his other hand.

"Now you and I are gonna talk."


wow an amazing story @schattenjaeger

Great story, have you got a link where I can catch up? I missed the beginning.

I could do a catch up post. :)

Or maybe I'll make a summary at the beginning of the next chapter. Thanks for checking it out!

Brilliant. I read Black Dawn and loved it.

Much appreciated, @katdvine. :)

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