How would you celebrate Earth day with your students? - Steemit education

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

steemit education post

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Why is Earth day celebrated?

Earth day is celebrated to emphasize the support to people and projects involved in the preservation of the environment.

It is important that people understand the importance of the eco-cycle and why the natural environment should be preserved. A lot of species in the animal and water world are becoming extinct because of many factors including pollution, deforestation, misuse of nature's bounties and so on.

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How would you celebrate Earth Day with your students?

  • Planting saplings on Earth day on school premises or chosen spots
  • Teaching students to nurture saplings on a daily basis
  • Asking students to post about the importance of planting on blogs and social media and distributing flyers to people
  • Asking the students to prepare charts on Earth day and the best ones can be pinned onto the class notice board
  • Asking the students to write essays on the topic
  • Holding debates on the topic of environmental protection

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Pictures of celebrating Earth day appear usually, on the daily newspaper. Sadly, not many bother to nurture the saplings which die off within a week or so. Care should be taken not to let this happen. Students should be asked to look after the saplings until it is strong enough.

The planet is so beautiful. It is full of life both in land and water. Each organism is important and vital and plays a role in the eco cycle. The students can be shown videos on environmental protection like the coral reef preservation, oil spills and its effects, afforestation, why trees are important in preserving birdlife and so on.

Each and every person can make a difference. Every sapling can turn into a tree which gives back so much to preserving nature. Please make sure to plant a sapling and post about it. If you are a teacher or a parent, please make sure to involve your child or ward in Earth day activities.


image source - sayee

Article written for @steemiteducation


I truly support this. Let's go green!

Happy Earth Day. #GoGreen #EndPlasticPollution
Learn about our Earth Day activities @thegreens

Thanks for this great post and we are celebrating Earth Day in Bamenda, Cameroon in grand style.

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