Inktober 12th The adventures of "Cynthia THE WHALE" in the underwater world! / Doceavo día del Inktober Las aventuras de Cynthia la ballena en el mundo submarino.

in #arte6 years ago (edited)

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Day 12 #inktober The Whale

One spring morning was our friend "Cynthia the blue whale" wandering through the waters and happily passed through the wreckage of a drone ship and was reached by a mermaid both sang and danced happily while on the rocks another underwater friend witnessed that resital

Día 12 del #inktober Ballena

Vagando por las aguas una mañana de primavera se encontraba nuestra amiga "Cynthia la ballena azul" quien alegremente al pasar por los restos de un barco undido se consiguió con una sirena ambas cantaron y bailaron alegremente mientras en las rocas otro amiguito submarino era testigo de aquel resital

Ballena copia.jpg

Oops, I delayed a lot in the inktober doing this one, I really was inspired and I worked hard and I feel totally satisfied because I feel that my PS skills are better in hindsight

I did not know very well how to achieve that feeling of being under the sea, as well as the color of a layer of blue in a minimum opacity and then make a beam of light that comes in from the upper corner.

I have several elements like the castle in a color between orange and pink to give contrast to the image and not as pure blue, continued by the boat with a yellowish color in the fabrics for highlighting it, the red in the crabs and the hair of the boy, It diverts attention to that point, which in my opinion when I was doing it( if you notice the original) it looked very empty so I added the stones and the algae that gave that touch of color in the area.

Uy, me retrasé mucho en el inktober haciendo este, de verdad me inspiré y me esforcé muchísimo y la verdad me siento totalmente satisfecha porque siento que mejoré en PS viendo en retrospectiva 😃

No sabía muy bien como lograr esa sensación de estar bajo el mar, así que le coloqué una capa de azul en una opacidad mínima y luego pasé a hacer el haz de luz que sale en la esquina superior.

Tengo varios elementos como el castillo en un color entre naranja y rosa para dar contraste a a imagen y no se viese tan azul, continuado por el barco con un color amarillento en las telas para realzarlo, el rojo en los cangrejos y el cabello del muchacho desvía la atención hacia ese punto, que a mi parecer cuando lo estaba haciendo (si se dan cuenta del original) se veía muy vacío así que le agregué las piedras y el alga que le dio ese toque de color en la zona.



I only draw it this far because the digital was already going to take a lot of my energy and time and ending slowing me down in this Inktober and it is not the idea

Solo llegué a repasar este porque ya el digital me había robado toda mi energía además de eso me terminaria retrasando aún más en el Inktober y no es la idea.



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Time: 40mint aprox
Format: 21x16cm
Soport: White Cartboard
Materials: Rapidograph

Tiempo: 40 min apróximadamente
Formato: 21x16cm
Soporte: Cartulina Blanca
Materiales: Rapidograph



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Time: 12h aprox
Format: 2008x1654
Media: Digital PS

Tiempo: 12h apróximadamente
Formato: 2008x1654
Medio: Digital PS


The Siren, I had to make her totally apart of the original picture because she look too poor quality if I closed her up too much so I didnt know what else to do but to do her apart, beside build her in a bigger scale was easier

A la sirena tuve que hacerla totalmente aparte de la imagen original porque se veía muy pixelado si acercaba mucho la imagen y no supe que más hacer sino que ponerla a parte, además construirla en un tamaño mayor era mil veces más fácil 😅

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I spended half of the time on her but she worth it! 😆

La mitad del tiempo se me fue en ella pero valió la pena 😆

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Time: 6h aprox
Format: 2008x1654
Media: Digital PS

Tiempo: 6h apróximadamente
Formato: 2008x1654
Medio: Digital PS

Ballena copia.jpg


Underwater life is busy, there are always very many things to do, lost fishes to guide, sea plants to look after, treasures to collect, and recently, there is a great number of rubbish to clean up as well! Contrary to some reputation of mermaids sunbathing upon a rock, mermaids are never staying still.

Even so, Quentin the young merboy doesn’t complain very much. He is the middle son in a big family and he is told to do the job that no one else wants, that is, cleaning the sea bed from the strange things that are dumped into the ocean from the above world. It is a dull job, but he doesn’t know anything else and so he is fine with it.

Still, some days Quentin wonders why the above world is making so much useless and awful waste. He believes they are not very considerate!

Once or twice, Quentin asks his parents and his siblings about this. They also do not know the answers. His father says that it is maybe their natural way of life, that they are unaware that someone else will have to clean up after them, so he tells Quentin to forgive them.

His mother is a little unconvinced about their innocence. She never says a bad thing about another, so she stays quiet and she says that there is a bad spell called greed that makes people a little less kind to each other.

His siblings, are less graceful with their inability to answer this question, so they resort to jokes and mockery to distract themselves.

They are saying, loudly, and with their hands in wild formations, that Quentin is a rubbish boy! Quentin is the cleaner! The dirty ocean janitor! Quentin doesn’t know how to do anything else so Quentin picks up the trash! It has a bad smell and a terrible name, and their cruel jokes make Quentin feels awful.

Quickly, the parents tell the kids to disperse and go about their jobs for the day. This is salvation for Quentin who swims away with good haste, away from the jeering and jokes of his siblings.

Today, he is swimming a little far from his town, because he is feeling that putting distance between himself and his family will give him some peace, but he can still see the palace, which makes him feel safe and happy. There is a ship wrecked around this area but he tries not to go too close to it because it is a little scary in there, because the sun’s light cannot get inside and he isn’t very good with the dark. He stays outside, where it is bright and safe.

Some litters are readily visible, a discarded bottle, and a floating plastic sheet, as well as a few other things, and Quentin is about to swim towards them to collect them when he feels a great feeling happening in the currents of the ocean! Quickly, he finds a hiding place behind some rocks and makes himself small. Sometimes, there are sharks and they can be aggressive. Usually, they will not bother mer-people, but he has heard some stories of terrible fights and he isn’t a very good fighter, unlike his mother, who is a great warrior of their tribe.

Soon, he is brave enough to pop her head out and what he sees is a magical sight! It is the fabled Cynthia the blue whale! He cannot believe his luck because it is considered really lucky to have seen Cynthia! He feels happy in his heart.

Whales are very enormous and they are majestic creatures of the sea. When Quentin was little, he remembers trembling without being about to move or swim. Because he feels scared that he might get swallowed accidentally! But he is all grown up now and he understands them to be gentle and good. However, he remains a timid boy and he tries not to think about their large shadows as they move through the sea. The thought of fish of such size is still a difficult matter for this young mer-boy.

However, a new sight now gives him quite a surprise!

A beautiful siren is swimming with Cynthia, with long hair the color of seaweeds and reddish fins. He has never seen such a courageous spirit before and he wonders if she is a princess from the castle. They are swimming together and singing together! Quentin stays very still. He wants only to listen and remember this for all time.

When the day is done, Quentin returns to his family. Some of his brothers and sisters mock him playfully, asking about the janitor job and how dirty this job is!

But he smiles a little smugly and his face is very shining with a great light that they ask with some curiosity about his day. Quentin tells them of his experience, and how he sees a great recital of the beautiful siren and Cynthia the blue whale! His siblings’ faces are now changed.

They are saying that tomorrow they will also prefer the cleaning job!


The baby crab was the star of my show 💖

El bebé cangrejito fue lo mejor de todo 💖

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I hope you like it. A hug for everyone and good vibes 💖

Espero les guste. Un abrazo para todos y buena vibra 💖

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Congratulations! Your post was selected by the @dropahead Curation Team (dCT)

You have a great talent, a great creativity that you know how to exploit, I love the story of mer-boy and his friends, I will be attentive to your publications.

@dropahead - Supporting your STEEM adventure

Quality review by the dropahead Curation Team

According to our quality standards(1), your publication has reached an score of 91%.

Congratulations for your excellent work!

(1) @dropahead's quality standards:

- Graphic relation to the text (Choice of images according to the text)
- Order and coherence
- Style and uniqueness (Personal touch, logic, complexity, what makes it interesting and easy to understand for the reader)
- Images source and their usage license

Congrats! Your post has been selected the best of the day by @dropahead Curation Team (dCT). We are rewarding you with 208 upvotes from @dropahead's Rewards Pool (dRP) (worth about $1.2) and a resteem to our 3000+ followers!

Keep up the great work!

All the time and effort that you invested in this piece was absolutely worth it. I love the siren swimming with the whale and Quentin looking at them from behind the rock. It's so nice that you also created a story to go along with the image. I can imagine how excited he was when he saw this whale that maybe nobody else from his family saw before.

This should be included in a children book to teach them about the waste that is disposed in the sea. I'm sure they would listen if they would see such a colorful drawing and hear such a nice story about the underworld..

Thank you for sharing!


This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

Visit or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.

What a lovely art and an adorable story. It must be a special day for the young merboy, to be able to see the lucky giant whale. And it is also a lucky day for you ;).
Congratulations for your curie vote. I hope it will motivate you to keep drawing and writing for Steemit ^_^.

What can I say....beautiful. Just finished my catch up too! Day 9 to 14 haha. come and check it out!

Muy buena ilustración! Yo aún no he probado con las digitales, cómo hiciste para usar el boceto como base? Lo escaneaste?

Con el celular, no tengo escaner aquí... Seria todo más fácil

Jajaja, sí, a mí me pasa lo mismo. Tardo horas sacando fotos y editando porque no me funciona el escaner (y tampoco tiene el tamaño adecuado para el papel que uso).

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

howdy from Texas! hey I love the image and scene that you made, it is very enchanting but then it improves a great deal with the creative story that you told about the merboy seeing the Blue Whale and Siren so this is a wonderful post and story!
Do you always tell stories to match your artwork?

Hi! I love your drawing and digital painting! And the story is made my heart went aaawwwww 😍😍😍. Thank you for sharing!!

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