We Are The Most Comfortable Generation, Are We The Most Peaceful?

in #life7 years ago


Living in the age of technology, it is very easy to keep our eyes glued on the future and what it has in store for us as a species but it also means that we seldom look back and appreciate how far we’ve come already.

When was the last time you discussed among friends and family about how much the world has changed in recent times in contrast to discussing where we are headed and how our lives would be in the future? I certainly do it a lot less than I would like to.

Technology really has a habit of constantly changing our lives. A person, within his lifetime, experiences such ‘different worlds’ from his childhood to his old age, that it almost feels like we have started experiencing 500 years worth of progress within a lifetime of a person. Such is the pace of technology.

Technology - The Changer of the World


Like most parents, my parents like to share stories about their childhood, which I just love to hear. It really paints a picture in my head as to how life was, back in the 70s and 80s.

Some of the things that they have told me really made me realise how easy our lives have become over the course of just a few decades and has made me appreciate my life even more.

They have seen and lived through days when they had no telephone, no TV, no internet and of course none of the modern day devices that have become a part and parcel of our daily lives and that we can’t live without.

This is the power of technology. It is constantly changing the world for the better and making life just that much easier to live. Convenience has surely been one of the biggest gifts of technology.

We Lead Comfortable Lives, But Are We Peaceful?


There is no doubt that the current generation of people live the most comfortable lives in the history of humanity. Just think about all the facilities that are available to us at any given time thanks to the internet, smartphone and other fruits of technology.

Despite all this, what we can all observe in the world today, is that we are not really peaceful. No, I am not talking about war and stuff. I am talking about contentment, happiness, joy and peace in day to day life.

We all know how fast paced today’s world is. In a way, the world has become a large factory, and we, robots working on the production line. I can’t help but feel how human life has become monotonous, stressful, suffocating and tiring.

Compare that to the lives our parents and grandparents lived, and the stark difference becomes even clearer. Granted they had a lot less facilities or convenience, but they sure were peaceful and life certainly didn’t feel more like a chore.

I think this is one of those side effects of technology where in trying to make lives better, easier, healthier, more fun, it ends up incorporating all the opposites anyways. Ironical really, how that worked out.

Will We Ever Know Peace?


The thing is, the pace of technology keeps on getting faster and faster. That means even more rapid change. Sure it will bring a lot of good with it but I wonder if it will make life more stressful or less.

Right now, one of the biggest side-effects of developing technology is the loss of jobs due to increasing automation. This will get severe in the future and that will be another source of stress for humanity.

But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining and this might just end up as an opportunity to rethink our economic structure where we wouldn’t need to spend most of our life working for a living.

Programmes like Universal Basic Income or blockchain technologies like Bitcoin and Steemit can help immensely in that regard. Maybe technology will help solve its own side effects one day and humanity will finally know peace.

For now, if the elderly people tell you how easy you have it today, tell them how peaceful they had it in their days!!

All images are taken from the public domain.


wow, thank you so much for making this audio comment. This is so thoughtful!! I really love it.

Also, I agree with you. Still remaining yourself in this world of technology is a must. Losing yourself is losing your peace of mind.

No but if you consider that the population has increased several billions of people and that technology has spread everywhere. There is less physical connection with others and it not so simple to connect with others. I think if we can use the old values listen to others and learn to relax. Thanks for the post and have a nice day.

Yeah, we definitely need to inculcate some of the old values in our lives. We can't keep doing away with them just for the sake of moving forward.

What about the pace of virtual reality,from what i saw from the google i/o event a few months ago on the social vr side.. it seems we'll have a more connected populace, and projects like onewebs global gigabit network. Elon Musk also is planning on launching a global satellite gigabit network... not forgetting about google's and facebooks plans as well. Most people i know hate their jobs anyway. With the current breakneck growth in the pace of blockchain technology, UBI seems more and more attainable. Hopefully, the transition period isnt too much stress..

You really hit a nerve here sauravrungta! This is a major demur of our advanced society.

I often times hear the elderly say that life was better in the old days. I wonder if we will be saying the same thing..

It seems like pace and progress like profit, development and expansion are the most sacred values of modern day society. It is as though progress is being worshiped like a new age god by a lot of companies and career minded people.

I wonder what the costs have been? What did we have in the old days which we no longer possess.


Peace of mind?
Close family ties?
Ties to a community?

Basically it is as though we have neglected a lot of those things we valued the most before everything was judged by a progress standard.

At the same time the importance of the elderly is decreasing in our modern society. Back in the days old people were regarded as wise. Today in our fast paced society their opinions are rarely wanted.

Maybe we should in fact listen more to the wise of our world, those who lived in a time a little less stressful than today

Take care

Peace of mind?
Close family ties?
Ties to a community?

I think the ties to a community are a big one. At least in the millennial generation, people are so caught up on social media and video games that they never get to know those in their community.

School friends and families? Yes. But other than that...not much.

It's unfortunate. I remember coming home when the street lights turned on around dinner time.

I hardly ever see kids out and about playing in my neighborhood anymore. I do, however, see them all on their phones nearly all the time.

Agreed 100% with what you have to say. We should listen more to the elderly because they have seen the old world and the new and we can definitely learn A LOT from them if we only 'listened'. Looks like nobody wants to do that today.

Investing in crypto as well as in other business ventures have made my life more enjoyable because I have more time to do the things I enjoy. I no longer have to work all day for Income. You could use technology to your benefit. A hammer could either make a house or break it down. Just depends on your needs. Technology should be used in a very similar matter, only for your benefit. I always loved the idea of getting a tattoo of a robot holding a plant in his hand. Gives the idea or thought that nature and tech could become one. Living a life surrounded by nature and tech is a balanced life in my point of view. Great article! It was vastly enjoyed!

Thank you for such a wonderful comment. I completely agree. Technology could be used either ways. What we are witnessing today that is leading to a lack of peace of mind is due to the misuse of tech.

Very Interesting

I have to admit that before the mass technology craze, I was more peaceful with life in general. It was easy to enjoy simple everyday life. We had less choices to make and greatly enjoyed what was available to us.
Having those experiences these days feels more like an escape and oftentimes that escape brings with it a level of uncomfortness for being so detached from what we've become accustomed to.
I do miss the good old days but equally enjoy the adventure of how far we can reach.

Perfectly said. It does feel like an escape when we are not amidst technology and it is really refreshing. But we are also addicts and start feeling the discomfort.

i like it.
good work.

We can't be "the most comfortable" generation because we don't know what will be tomorrow. Maybe people will be living in a virtual universe very soon? Or maybe Mars will be much more comfortable?

The questions that you are considering arise in the minds of people for a very long time. Comfort and happiness look different in the eyes of different people (and different generations).

By "most comfortable" I mean all the facilities and comforts of life we have thanks to tech.

Once again a wonderful post from you. I can say we are a comfortable generation but we are surely not the peaceful one. Upvoted.

No ???
I think Every generation thinks that way !!!
They are the most ..........

In a way, that is correct. Each generation is more influenced by tech than its predecessors. So, when I say our is the most comfortable but not peaceful, it still holds true!

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