How Likely Is It To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse


We have all watched them and we have all imagined what it would be like to live in such a world. I am talking, of course, about an apocalyptic world run by zombies, which till now, we have seen only in movies and TV shows. Thank goodness!

A zombie apocalypse sounds really scary as it is not only the end of civilisation but a bloody end, with the army of undead still roaming around, gobbling up anyone left alive. Who wants to see their own guts getting eaten, right?

Many people claim that scientifically, it would be impossible for zombies to exist in the first place or that even if somehow they are able to exist, they would be dealt with pretty easily by the armies of the world and they wouldn’t spread across the entire globe.

For the sake of this post however, let’s imagine that zombies indeed took over the world and most people in the world are now the walking dead. What would be your chances of survival? How long could you avoid the inevitable?

An Apocalyptic World


Let’s analyse this new world first. So, the zombie virus has spread over the entire planet. Most people have turned into zombies and that’s, a lot! There are 7.5 billion people in the world and there could easily be well over 7 billion zombies!

As we know from popular culture, they are attracted by noise and the smell of living beings. Therefore, they are actively looking for anything living to bite. Depending on where you live, you would be dealing with anywhere from a hundred thousand to a few million undead.

In such a world, it would be very, very, difficult for you to fulfil your basic needs of food, water and even shelter. Ok, you could manage to find shelter but every second that you are outside, you would be in danger.

The real problem, believe it or not, would be the other survivors. We are already at each others’ throats in today’s world. Just imagine what we would be like in an apocalyptic world where getting resources would be extremely difficult. I am guessing, we would be nothing less than animals in such a world.

Then there are things that we take for granted today like medical care, or electricity or the internet. In an apocalyptic world, one of those three wouldn’t matter and the rest would be very hard to get. Today, an allergy is easily treated but in such a world, it might lead to your death.

Your Best Moves


I am not talking about dancing in front of the zombies but how you think in the situation. If you use your wits, you might be able to survive, at least longer than the others.

The first thing you would need to do is to get to a very isolated area, say, in a remote part of the country side or a cabin near the woods. It would automatically be safer due to a much lower number of zombies. If you are able to gather enough supplies, hiding some nearby, you could potentially survive longer.

Also, you would need to learn some survival skills and that too fast. For example, you would need to learn to kill off zombies quickly, preferably with a sword or knife than guns. It would also do you good if you could learn to grow some simple vegetables.

If you are lucky enough to find a yacht, you could be much safer than the others because zombies don’t swim and you would be away from people too. If you are able to find an offshore oil rig, you could potentially live for a long time as you would have power, you could fish for food, desalinate ocean water for fresh water and have a sturdy shelter.

In any case, I would personally say to live in isolation, hoard up as much as you can and use up as little as you can. If you find a strategic place where it would be difficult for both humans and the undead to reach, you would be set pretty well.

Not All Is Gloom


Due to all the reasons I mentioned above, it seems like your chances of survival, even if you are a pretty good, would be pretty slim. There would just be too many living dead to handle.

But there is something that may help and that is time. Zombies are basically rotting corpses, right? So, day by day, they would wither away. In time they would get much slower, weaker and easier to handle.

Even if they take like 5-6 months to completely decompose and die a second time, (this time for good) it could mean that survivors of the apocalypse would have to ‘manage’ for about half a year at the most.

Doing that is very much possible even with very limited resources. So, if you could just manage to hoard up enough to last you a few months, you could very well come out alive!


I guess papa-pepper has already trained the steemit community to survive any kind of apocalypse situation. ;)

haha that he has...that he has!! :D

Oh man! if Rick was on steemit!! :D

Have you ever heard about Flakka drug? Google it. It turns humans into zombies behavior. No kiddin'. Videos on Youtube you can find also.

After you do this, let me know your opinion. Good post, btw. Upvoted. -#Padre

Woah!! I didn't know about this. Looks really scary man!!

Well not exactly zombies cause people are familiar with the "slow walking corpses" term. I think you mean the ones that run in such fast-pace and act in random violence.

I've been preparing for the zombie apocalypse since I was 12. Bring it.

I like that attitude! haha. Pretty badass if you ask me! :D

thanks for this update...
i really learnt a lot on how to survive a zombie apocalypse... as scary as it is...will have to stuck up enough supplies and hide underground... but the problem is...what if all loved ones are zombies and you cant summon the courage to harm them... hmmm...anyways..i know such is not gonna happen but if it does..will save your post for some tips...thanks for sharing as you tickled my fancy...

yeah, hiding with supplies would be the best choice. Better if you are already stocked up as many people in the world actually are. Hurting your loved ones would be almost impossible but necessary. Either that or become one of them.

Maybe becoming one may be better...checkout if all stemians are zombie's.. haaa...I wil join my beloved stemians...
Nice one...find time & check my blog too

Isolated in a cabin, is a good start but having a fire would be my biggest challenge as it will be a dead give away, with the smoke, attracting poeple still alive. water and food is actually the easy part. The forest is virtually a buffet of good nutritious food and bringing a supply of seeds with you to said remote cabin will allow a garden for years to come. Using nature to filter water is also a real concept, but hiding the smoke now that is the ultimate challenge. Anyone out there can suggest a solution to this challenge?

Yes, you are correct. The fire does seem like a dead giveaway. I think a person could use solar powered heaters maybe? Or if fire is absolutely necessary, I would do it in the daytime so it is not that visible. As for the smoke, I don't know how to hide it but maybe I could use the fire some distance away from the cabin?

Those are both good suggestions. However I did do the research on the solar part and it takes alot of panels to heat with, and placing the fire away from the cabin does not serve a heating need. So what I have found is if you are in a tent or tippee or cob home, you can dig a hole to put the fire in and dig a tunnel out the bottom of the tent to the outside, like having a chimney pipe but out the side on the bottom of the tent or cob home. This will eliminate the smoke. There is a good video on You tube. But an after thought, about having the fire remote from the cabin, you can always use rocks and heat them in the coals of the fire and bring the rocks in a sack to the cabin and place them around the cabin and in your bed, for the warmth. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for telling me this :D I will surely remember this if there is ever an actual apocalypse and you could be reason for me being alive ;) lol

I guess how likely it is for a zombie apocalypse to happen would be a better question!

That's another good one I might right about in the future! Thanks :D

...and then all i'll need is my SHOTGUN and MACHETE, who agrees with me?????

You would need to reload the shotgun again and again right? In a zombie apocalypse, you need something that would last a long time and the Machete would work wonders

Yea you're right..although the shotgun would blow there heads into smithereens

haha that would be cool to watch, wouldn't it ? :D

The majority of the human race would last only weeks. As soon as the vans stop bringing the food to the towns we'd go crazy killing each other to feed our kids! The majority of us would be absolute shit at trying to survive in an isolated area. However it would probably give us more think about than left or right politics or gender identity or all of the other wank we have to contend with! Maybe as a race a zombie apocalypse might not be a bad thing.

Yeah, most will be terrible at survival because of all the facilities we've gotten used to. But there are a lot who can still do it. I would personally be able to live in isolation. At least that's what I think.

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