True Hallucinations The Video Game

in #psychedelic6 years ago


“Our self discoveries make us each a microcosm of the larger pattern of history. The inertia of introspection leads toward recollection, for only through memory is the past recaptured and understood. In the fact of experiencing and making the present, we are all actors.”
― Terence McKenna, True Hallucinations

Around us, the jungle; ahead of us, the Secret. Answer the call of the secert, enter the mystery. Peter Bergmann, creator of the documentaries "The Transcendental Object At The End Of Time" and "Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations", has developed a Video Game of True Hallucinations.

Something I found last week that I wanted to make into its own post. There has been many of books that have changed the course of my life. Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations is such a book, when I first read it, it was like I was answering the call to the secert, on some kind of misadventure into the heart of the mysterious. It is only fitting that it has it's own video game.

This mushroom is a transdimensional doorway which sly fairies have left slightly ajar for anyone to enter into who can find the key and who wishes to use this power—the power of vision— to explore this peculiar and naturally occurring psychoactive complex. -Terence McKenna

I would say a month before I read True Hallucinations, I was taking shrooms with my partner in crime Nikki. We went to the beach, late at night and shared an 8th of the best white stem shrooms UCLA had to offer. We got stopped by beach patrol just as we were peaking. We had to retreat to the back seat of her wagon. Like pack of wild animals, with a head full of shrooms, we where on HIGH alert.

The night move to morning, and it was foggy as shit. I got out of the wagon, lit a joint, and looked to see if the coast was clear. I can't see much, but I felt a 40oz in the sand, I wanted to see if it was still there. Nothing like a lil hair of the dog, to help smooth out the come down.

The morning foggy was heavy, but things look good. I saw no one or nothing, as I walk towards out spot on the beach. I noticed this glowing light. I didn't know what to make of it, couldn't have been beach patrol, because the light was at sea. I found my 40oz, but this eerie mysterious light was calling me. I unconsciously walked toward it. At this point, Nikki was behind me, worried about me. She told me to get back to the car. I told I wanted to see what this light was. She was walking unconsciously towards it by this time. We get to the shore line, now can see it. It was 3 orbs, floating above the ocean. It was some kind of liquid that glowed. It was nothing I have ever seen before. Not even in the weirdest dreams or strangest psychedelic trips.

We never really figure out what that glowing orb was at that night. But later when I read Terence's book, there is a scene that plays out very much like that. It was the next morning and Dennis wonders away from camp. Something is calling him.

"We can follow this light but we had better not go too far or we'll get lost since we don't know the area at all."
Dave was pleading for a retreat, but we continued to press on. Sometimes the light seemed to be hovering above the ground just twenty feet ahead and then, leaping and falling again, it would recede as we approached. We would run forward to catch up with it, yet it continued to remain ahead of us. For ten minutes, we chased this hovering, receding light, but then decided to go no farther. As we turned to depart I seemed to see a flickering of the diffuse light that, to my mind, suggested someone dancing before a fire.
I momentary abandoned thoughts of UFOs and recalled instead the series of ominous incidents preceding our departure from Dr. Guzman and his scene at San Jose del Encanto. Was this a shaman dancing around a small fire? Did it have something to do with us? No illumination was ever shed on this incident, but the general eeriness of it anticipated all that was to follow.
The words of my journal are revealing. I wrote matter of factly of "gaining entry into the world of elf chemists"; I called the mushroom a transdimensional doorway and linked it to a transformation of life on the planet. A younger, more naive, more poetic self is revealed—a more intuitive self, at ease with proclaiming wild unlikelihoods as hallucinogenically derived Gnostic Truth.

I think the point is to dance with the mystery, sometimes there is no answer. So let's Play as Terence McKenna and experience the true story of how his life got transformed as he and a group of friends explored the Amazon jungle in 1971, based on the classic book "True Hallucinations". GET THE GAME.


  • The classic storyline of Terence and his gang descending into the Amazon Basin
  • Mushroom gathering
  • Butterfly hunting
  • Tripping
  • Your personalized I Ching - use the ancient divination system with your own questions
  • Music by We Plants Are Happy Plants

What is important is to understand the true boundaries of reality, not the probable boundaries of possible future events. Although boundary conditions operate on the future, they are probabilistic constraints, not absolutely determined fact. We assume that ten minutes hence, the room we are in will still exist. It is a boundary condition that will define the next ten minutes in our space/time coordinate. But we cannot know who will be in the room ten minutes hence; that is free to be determined. One may ask if we can really know that the room will exist at any future moment. This is where induction enters the picture, since in truth we cannot know with certainty. There is no absolutely rigorous way of establishing that. But we can make the inductive leap of faith that has to do with accumulated experience. We project that the existence of the room will remain a boundary condition, but in principle in the next ten minutes there could be an earthquake and this building might not be left standing. However, for that to happen, the boundary condition will have to be radically disrupted in some unexpected and improbable manner. What is so curious is that such a thing could occur.
― Terence McKenna, True Hallucinations


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