A True History of The Garden of Eden, Part 14

in #live6 years ago (edited)

I am one of thousands of people affected by @quinneaker's visionary community the @gardenofeden. As we clean and organize in preparation for a big move towards Eden 2.0, it's time to let go of my own incredible history here:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14 👇🏽

I escaped an unhealthy and severely dysfunctional relationship by taking blame off my ex for everything that was wrong and accepting responsibility for participating in it.

This paradigm shift is one of the most valuable gifts I have to share - it only took 33 years of this lifetime, a few punches to the face, and the guidance of an enlightened being to get it.

When I felt anger or darkness towards my ex, I practiced sending gratitude instead. It was easier to forgive him for falling short of my projections when I appreciated the opportunity to level up spiritually and gave thanks for the challenge.

No one else on Earth walked through that fire with me in that way, and it delivered me to an important stage of my soul's growth. He had not been exactly what I wanted in a mate, but he had been exactly what I needed for conscious evolution.

I analyzed our experience and questioned my entire existence, scrutinizing every intimate relationship I'd ever had. I began to recognize patterns, habits, and beliefs played out in all of them, and how frequently my own negativity attracted negative results.

I obviously operated from rotten beliefs about myself, men, intimacy, love, family, trust, and more.

Deep down in the core parts of myself that I never said out loud, I expected men to hurt and fail me, that I was unworthy of real love, peace, and support - no surprise these expectations manifested again and again in ugly "romantic" relationships.

I can and maybe will write novels about healing the deep wounds between men and women, as it is such a significant portion of my story. It is extremely potent and valuable and I believe can advance individuals thus families thus society immensely. It is an even greater gift I have to share than the first.

But my journey on that path continues to unfold. @quinneaker inspires me to go deeper and deeper into what seems like an infinite abyss...I'll share the successes when I find the words. The healing is stupendous, but time doesn't feel linear on this subject and the English is not yet clear.

Just as important is healing relationships between women, and the inspiration I found at the @gardenofeden is one of the greatest gifts of all!

Garden of Eden Sara & Shellie.jpg
What if we lift each other up instead of tearing each other down?

And as my ex had a new lady living with him in our sustainable community and a pure, innocent baby on the way, I needed all the inspiration I could get for alchemizing my emotions towards the greatest good.

Thankfully I stepped into an unconventional world of radical love here, something I had longed for but didn't know could be real. There are plenty of men and women who come and go, but Quinn, @everlove, and @truelovelives are the core.

Their relationships are so compelling that they made CBS news, who came to do a piece on the @gardenofeden and couldn't get over this social structure they had never seen before and didn't know how to define.

What is our understanding of love, anyway? My relationship history clearly evidenced that my understanding was horribly perverse...Is competition, conflict, and jealousy true love? Is it really love with controls, conditions, limits, and restrictions? What are all these social constructs and rules within ourselves that hold us back from full, real, raw, vulnerable expressions and real love?

How will we heal our broken and wounded hearts?

What if we started from square one - with women and children?

Do you want to know why I live at the @gardenofeden?

Join me in the next post for a story of real love.

Part 15

✨💛✨ Sara!


Taking responsibility for one's own experience is so key! We can never move forward as long as we are playing the victim. You have done a great job in shifting your perspective @saramiller. Yours is a story that will help
many no doubt.

Blaming others is not very effective for living the life of our dreams. It's way more enjoyable to be in control of our own experience than to be at the whims of another person! Thanks for your support @everlove ~~ you are a great inspiration for me to keep improving.

Interesting how u and Shelstar are writing ur pieces at same time. Looks like ur getting real synced up.
Shell has obviously thought and processed it more.
I kinda forgot about that ABC doc. That’s probably perfect for your and or Shellie’s series.

@quinneaker you haven't called me Shellstar in forever! That brought back a whole flood of memories! What a delicious opportunity to share some intensely profound moments and awareness of the wisdom you have shown.

I'm really glad this is taking form, and that finally some order is aligning with words to make it tangible. Sooooo very grateful for you @quinneaker.

It's a good time for more processing and leveling up

You dethabe come a long way that’s for sure. After almost 2 decades of working with people it’s quite obvious that only the people who are ready stick with it and get through all the programming of the matrix.
Excited for what’s to come!

Me too!! As more and more shit comes up, it's not easy to stick with. I'm very grateful for your example of commitment AND for picking me up when I fall down, without which I would have quit too many times to count. It's awesome to get better and it's awesome to have something of value to contribute because of it.

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Hello @saramiller, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

CBS huh? :)

I like this:

alchemizing my emotions towards the greatest good.

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