📷 Travel Photography - Thailand Restaurant Loves The Steak Gangster!

On Location: Thailand.

I was strolling through a mall in Thailand and as I was passing by the Santa Fe Steak Restaurant, I noticed this badass poster on their window declaring their love for the ‘Steak Gangster”. I am not exactly sure what the story is behind this setup, but I wish i would have given the gangster a try, it does look pretty darn good.👌

steak gangster

Who else loves the steak gangster?

Follow @sandstorm for lifestyle, travel, and food content.


Oh nooo, I'm getting hungry now! :-( I would say, thanks for this post, but in this case, it's hard! #grrrrrrumml


I always update your trip. Good luck always

great trevel dea and awesome photography I like your post plz support me

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