Meditation; The Food Of The Mind

in Project HOPE2 years ago

How long can your body endure without food before it begins to get weak? People tend to eat as soon as they feel hungry so as to replenish the strength of their body, but how about the food of the mind? This is where meditation comes in. What the natural food is to the body is what meditation is to the mind. Many people are in challenges but with the solutions right there staring at them but they cannot access it because they have not taken time to focus on the solutions but on the problem. It is during meditation that you practice the thoughtfulness that is required to conceive solutions out of problems.


Image from Pixabay

The mind is undoubtedly the birthplace of inventions and brilliant ideas. This is why you have to give expression to your mind and also fill your mind with positivities, not junks. One way to take control of your mind is through the act of meditation, because you tend to master your mind over matter. However, to effectively unleash the power of meditation, you have to have a calm mind and a calm soul. Take out some moments to sit alone and reflect on life itself. It is always believed that beautiful ideas come, more often than not, in solitude. This era has become so busy and people are getting too distracted that they place less emphasis on taking time to think, reflect, and meditate.

You will agree with me that the creative power of the mind is boundless and limitless, but you also need to consciously unleash it by giving expression to your mind through meditation. Everyone may be born with a mind, but you are the one to exclusively decide what to do with your mind. Most times, people spend a lot of time trying to change their environment or change the world but they fail to realise that the true change begins from the inside. It is the change that happens in the mind that will be reflected on the outside for all to see. So you see, you may not effectively be able to change the world until you have changed yourself for the better. No wonder this popular quote says:

You may not have the power to change what is happening around you, but you definitely have the power to change what is happening within you.

It is also worthy to note that the best form of discovery is the discovery of oneself and that is possible by taking time to reflect on your purpose. The power of meditation is so much that it triggers imagination, and of course, this is a vital necessity to create, recreate, or produce outstanding idea. More often than not, our imaginative prowess are sharpened when we are alone. Just to let you know, meditation is not a form of laziness. Obviously, you are engaging in serious work - mental work. That you stay alone and think does not mean you are less busy.


Image from Pixabay

Many people are not moved by chaos nor by turbulence, not because they deny the existence of it, but because they have already mastered their mind over it, and are rather focused on the solutions. To live life to it fullest, you have to learn to practice thoughtfulness and mindfulness. You may not be able to control the way life plays out, but you can control your response to it. There is a calmness and peace that comes to the mind of the person that has risen to the point of self-awareness and self-awakening. You will agree with me that the quieter you become, the more logical and rational your reasonings will be.

You thoughts should go first before your step follows. Even when you have taken it and the step did not deliver the required results, you still need to think and ask yourself why it did not work the first time. The truth is, if you have not found out why it did not work out the first time, there is a propensity that the same trend may be repeated. So you see, the thoughts of the mind should get involved in your everyday life and you will see how beautiful life can be.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


In a way meditation is a tool that gives us peace of mind to devise the best solutions to the problems that are affecting us at any given time. Thank you @samminator for this post.

That's right. Meditation creates the required peace of mind that allows us to think about the solutions to problems.

Thanks friend

You should write about some meditation techniques and how to perform them! It would be interesting to implement this into an every-day routine. :)

That's right. I remember I made some posts about the WIM HOF breathing exercise, which can also help during meditation. You can check here, here, and here.

Thanks a lot buddy

Hello @samminator

Totally agree with what you mention in your post "Most of the time, people spend a lot of time trying to change their environment or change the world, but they don't realize that the real change starts from within", this is what actually hurts us, the idea is to first try to focus on what affects us internally and solve it to be able to project some change in others.

Best regards, be well.

Well said. We should first focus on changing the inside before we move to change the environment.

Thanks a lot buddy

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