SEC8 WEEK4: The Mental health of a content Creator

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago
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Hello friends,

It's another week of Steemit engagement challenge and I know you are all enjoying it as it has kept us active. This week's topic affects everyone on this platform; old and young alike. Male or female. I would not want to miss out in writing down my thoughts about the topic by answering some of the tip questions.

How do you feel creating Contents? Is it a pleasant experience for you or on the contrary, does it generate anxiety and discouragement?
influencer-g45606b58d_1920.jpgA content creator on her laptop source

Content creation is a a skill not an easy one. Creating contents doesn't just involve writing. It involves thinking, making plans and finally writing. You have to think with the mind first. So you see where the mind comes. Also when writing, the hands and the eyes are involved. This simply shows us that content creation is aided with human body. This is the reason why our body needs some break most times as content creators.

I Iove content creation and each time I have an opportunity of creating contents, I feel really glad about it, do you know why? Because it's an opportunity for the world to hear or read about my opinions, thoughts or suggestions about a thing, a subject or an event. To me I feel great.

I stay at the comfort of my house or anywhere to make a content that goes beyond my room, my city and even my country so of course Its a pleasant experience for me as I create contents. The knowledge of this makes me put in my best to make sure it's worth it.

Have you ever felt mentally exhausted by generating contents on a daily basis? Tell us about your experience
blogger-g5a8e74c11_1920.jpgAn exhausted writer source

Like said earlier, content creation requires thinking, innovation and creativity. All these requires that one's mind and brain be involved into it. So yes I have many times gotten to that point where I felt mentally exhausted while generating contents.

Let me tell you my story. During those times when we had crypto academy lectures and home work given after lectures, I had my own experience of mental exhaustion. Those days, it takes me approximately 10 hours to make a solid content for my home work. That's a long time right? Well yes!

I would wake up in the morning and quickly do my chores and move into it. I would make my research and start building my contents, sometimes I would not even remember to eat because I wanted to beat time and do other things. When I was done with the crypto home work, I would make two other post in different communities. Each post would take me like 3 hours. Sometimes, I would go as far as making a total of 4 posts in a day.

As time went on, I noticed my body started reacting, when I seat down it feels as though am not at equilibrium. It got to a point my head would ache and ache. One day, I complained to my friend how I was feeling and she told me am mentally exhausted. She told me to take a break atleast for two days, to rest my Brain, mind and body. I took her advice and I noticed things started getting better.

What do you feel when your contents is not valued as you expect it to be? Does this affect you mentally?
lonely-gba4388578_1920.jpgYoung boy feeling bad source

Every human being love to be appreciated no matter how small. Guess what? You won't know what appreciation can do until some one appreciates you for your efforts.

Have you ever been broke( not having money) for a long time and you just gave up and decided to sleep at home for the whole day, then suddenly you received an a bank alert from someone you were not expecting? Hahaha you know that feeling right? The way you will jump up from your bed, ladies like me would probably scream! Now this is what it feels like when you feel valued.

When my contents are not valued, it s normal for me to feel bad but then I would go back to my drawing table to find out why my contents are not valued. Is there something am not getting right? If I need to ask for guidance from people ahead of me of course I would. But it doesn't affect me mentally in anyway.

There have been times when my contents wasn't valued, but in my mind I felt I was doing the right things, I didn't know I needed some adjustments until I made efforts to find out.

Value is like a vehicle that drives our passion so imagine when it's not there?

What would be your recommendation for Contents Creators to keep a healthy mind
IMG_20230309_170411_830.jpgmy friend and I, picture gotten from my phone gallery

I have some recommendations for content creators and some of it includes;

  • Focus on building yourself by making quality and originality your aim

  • Eat healthy meals and drink alot of water

  • Take a break, sleep especially in the afternoons.

  • Don't get distracted, remain focus and consistent at doing the right things.

  • Cheer up, be positive and stay around people with positive vibes.

  • Ask guidance from those who are ahead of you how they made it.


It's been such an amazing time sharing with you on this topic. Our health is so important, so we must take care of it.

Let me use this opportunity to invite some friends to tell me their thoughts on this topic.
@fombae @mile16 @ishayachris


Greetings my friend, I have always known you to be someone Joyful and delighted in creating content on Steemit.

Truly, the crypto academy homework tasks are demanding, till this day it takes me a lot of time to create content for the Cryptoacademy tasks, sometimes, I research and gather information for days before finally putting it into writing.

Sometimes, life gets us occupied too. I was once active daily on the steemit, but then, I work and everything got to me. Here I am, trying to find my feet again.

Thank you for the recommendations and also for sharing this masterpiece with us. Wishing you best of luck my friend.

Thank you for your best wishes my friend..
You are one of the very users I know that activeness sticks to your bone.

Am glad you are back and active again. Sourcing and researching for contents is not so easy. All contents creators deserve a special day of celebration.

You are right, the crypto academy homework tasks were very demanding. During that period I learn to be smarter in content creation. I'm active on a daily basis on the steemit, but when it comes to creating content. I make sure I'm in the right mindset to do so. Thanks for the recommendations, I will definitely hint to them. Good luck

I think I have to come for tutorials on how to be smart content creator.

Thank you for the support

Nice write up my dear friend. Truly speaking appreciation goes a long way in motivating someone. And again taking a break helps us to regain our mental health i wish you success.

Appreciation works like wild fire.

Our health is important and so is taking a break

That example of alert in the midst of brokeness is so real. For me I will jump up from my bed immediately.
Thanks for the recommendations especially, staying around people with Positive vibes is enough encouragement to keep pushing.

I wish you well in your entry.

Hahaha Alert heals the broken pocket!

 2 years ago 

Hi friend, thank you very much for your entry, I think you did a good job. Certainly our mind needs rest, working so many hours always leaves consequences, both the body and our brain need some quiet, fun or free time. I'm glad you were able to recover and now everything is easier.

Greetings and have a nice day, excellent recommendations.

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Thank you so much sir @ubongudofot


I am really inspired by your great write up, indeed creativity innovation and research is important for a content writer, really spending about 3 to 4 hours creating content in your experience is so great you end up making about 4 posts daily, I really feel the nudge to do better. I must say that eating well, good sleep and seeking guidance are really important for keeping a healthy mind in content creation

It's so good to know I inspired you with my post.

 2 years ago 

Writing and mental health... Who would have thought that the two goes hand in hand.
People don't realize how much effort goes into writing a post of 300 words let alone of 1000+ words.
Well done! It is clear in your post that you had that an amazing time while writing it.
Good luck!

Thank you ma'am for your complement and wishes.

Our mental health sure does affect our writing.

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga!!

Como bien dices crear contenidos no es nada fácil, requiere de muchos factores. Cuando nos sentimos cansados debemos descansar y tomar un respiro luego continuamos, es lo mejor para todo bloguero.

Éxitos en el concurso. Bendiciones!

Thank you for your wishes

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