Business license, an ethics and business legality

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Today the postman comes to our workplace. After I met him, he procedurally asked for addresses even though he already knew very well where we were. I get submissions via post.
As shown in the following picture is my name as the recipient.


The sender is as shown in the sender's address below.


After I opened it, I arranged it so that we could find out the contents of the license as shown in the following photo. The license includes a unit license, main teacher license, and two teacher assistant licenses.


The following is a photo of our institutional unit license. Under the license we got the unit number 439 and mourned Kahuman Village, Ngawen District, Klaten Regency, Central Java.


Following are the licenses for teaching assistants at our institution.



Legality and business ethics

At our institution the license is valid for one year. Towards the expiration of the license, we receive information to extend the license that is almost expired. So we immediately take care of the license extension.
For many people the license is a legal umbrella for running a business. With this license we have the legal right to run a business. if there are parties who want to interfere then this license can be a handle of legality.
For me, a business license is not only a legal umbrella that will provide legality for a business. I feel this license is more of a business ethic. I don't want the business I run to harm other people. because if I don't take care of the license then I will harm the other party.
As noted in the license, the license is valid until 27 September. This means we have taken care of the license before it expires. I hope this way I do the right thing. The hope is that the nominal value we get from the business will truly be a blessing for all. I believe God prefers us to run our business properly, with good intentions so that our employees, owners and users of our services will get blessings from God.
Thus all my writing this time may useful for all of us.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.


Most times I feel like those license are not necessary to run a business but nevertheless it is good to have those types of license to be at the safer side

For me the license is more of an ethic. I don't want to run a business that other people find without using a license. Even though I could have done it without using a license and cut ties with the central organizer, I thought this would make me feel like I had forgotten their services. I will also feel like a person who doesn't know anything in return. with a license so I still give a little of what I get. I believe the central government also needs to run a business by paying employees.
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