
It's definitely an interesting project. The Tau Meta Language is due to be completed this month followed soon by a demo. Keep an eye on it.

Ask any questions in the Tau telegram chat:

The goal is Tau is simple: it'll be the first useful general decentralized network. Imagine a decentralized network whose code can automatically update and be executed according to the real time wishes of it's users. That's Tau. With Tau, each successive block of the blockchain is defined by the previous block according to the on the fly specifications of its users. There is no voting, no centralized core coding team. It is a seamless form of decentralized self amendment that takes into consideration the wishes of its users at any given time.

This isn't done via magic and is very sophisticated under the hood. Tau requires a decidable, self defining logic which supports negation, a meta language that can translate any computer language defined under it, the ability to scale discussions and derive knowledge up to millions of users, synthesize code automatically, and finally implementation of the blockchain. It took Ohad, the smartest person I know, years to come to this design.

A true general decentralized network doesn't come from just shoving a turing complete language into the blockchain. That's far too simple and impractical. Forcing everyone to run the same code in a single turing complete language would be like if bittorrent forced everyone to download and upload the same files, yet almost half the money in the sector are invested in these projects.

Give it time, Tau will demonstrate it's something else entirely: a not just practical, but indispensable technology.

EDIT: Small factual correction, Ohad went to university at the age of 13, not 12.

I hope to see more of your writing on it soon coming out regularly, as it (this being but one example) is definitely some of the best, easily-accessible, well-articulated coverage out on the project so far.


I definitely will write more when milestones are met.

I don't explain Tau well, because I know I don't understand it very well. I try to learn and eventually get better at it.

Development should be interesting over the coming months leading up the the Alpha, especially since we're expecting the Tau Meta Language to be done within a month or so. I'm a big believer in Ohad, and this is definitely the most interesting project out there right now.

Personally I think you did a great job of explian it. I am pretty much a novice dealing in world crypto currencys but I was able to follow pretty well.

@trafalgar This is one of the wonders that the blockchain brings with the cryptocurrencies to generate alternative income to the communities, democracy and universal income is on the way. I wish you the best of successes and I will follow you to be attentive to your content, greetings and luck!

Thats an amazing information, i love it

Yes, interesting project but what a difficult sell! Will need use cases and the 'proof will be in the pudding'.

After reading The New Tau last Dec, I started spending almost every night reading the blog or the irc chatlog or just about anything related to the technicals/concepts surrounding it just trying to catch up with Ohad's mind. The technical sophistication and rigor he has put into this project is nothing short of astonishing. IMO, he has zeroed in on something very fundamental about the nature of (intelligent) decentralized networks, and with following through it, providing many first-time solutions to a lot of life/blockchain problems in one fell swoop.

Hmm I'm now slightly more interesting now that you've commented about it.

My hope is that we can use Tauchain to collaboratively cure cancer. Cancer is one of the main killers and not enough resources are being directed toward finding a cure.


Great Post!
Check out this article on the advantages of blockchain development

Great Post!
Check out this article on the advantages of blockchain development

I need to read this about 10 more times to really get my head around it, but bravo there's a lot of information there in lay man's terms. This has been on our radar for a few weeks but yep with out the relevant understanding it's been a bit of a mission to really get our heads around it. Ill be getting my b.f to read this blog too we will most likely be investing if our crypto portfolio's recover a bit! Ha!

So thank you for taking the time to write it, i think it will be super helpful to a lot of people!

UPDATE- 3 times was sufficient. I managed to give a rough brake down on the phone to my b.f which he seemed to understand. :p

@rok-sivant Do you have any video presentation ? This blog is seems to be more complicated to understand. Please share or make some simple video to understand the project. @printskill


As stated, there’s been very little marketing done yet, so no, not really much available in regards to simplified videos.

This is one - however, it only speaks to a very small aspect of what the project offers, from the standpoint of contracting developers - not at all touching on the much larger aspects of scaling discussions, TML, or the knowledge economy. Thus, it might give some idea of some capabilities, but only a very small percent:

The other best video content would be this, however it is not at all simple, nor exciting, nor fully comprehensible by the average person (or even above-average, myself included):

The problem with knowledge, whether it is generated by code or by a scientific work of three hundred pages, is that it will never be a knowledge that represents a totality.

All knowledge is never total knowledge. Even if one would unite all scientific works of all existing sciences in one tau intelligence, it would only reflect knowledge exactly on the level which is available as data. Inevitably a knowledge outside of this matrix is excluded. So far completely unknown knowledge, which does not know any language. Beyond the space of language, which is always bound to the mind that understands this language, there is "speechlessness". Everything, which is so far unconsidered and unnamed. This unnamed and ignorant is not found in the mind (of a human being or a machine), because it is bound to the corporeality of organic life, it is an experience not yet made.

The comparison Ohad Asor makes here is very well made. A person who learns a language from the age of 0 to the age of 20 has reached exactly the language level he has reached. In this span of life he has learned to reach a level: his own level. This is the same with Tau. It would be worth asking when the time had actually been reached when Tau had reached a learning goal of which one could say: This is the final goal to which learning is needed. How long would such a time span be? Five years, ten years, a hundred years? How long does Tau's intelligence have to mature to become an "adult" from "childhood"? And what effect does this have on the ability to make decisions and the applications that, for example, Tau suggested in its childhood - based on its current knowledge - and which have an impact on the physically organic world of humans?

What if the question of atomic energy revealed that the operation of atomic milers was a deeply illogical form of energy production? So if the answer would be total certainty that we humans are overwhelmed with a definitive analysis of atomic energy? Would this then mean that people who are currently deciding how to proceed with energy production would make physically relevant decisions because Tau Intelligence has calculated it that way? Would the Tau answer change anything about the fact that nuclear waste is highly toxic and solve the question of disposal for us?

Ohad Asor also says that applications would be many times faster. But what about human speed? Since we humans do not have an almost infinite capacity for processing knowledge in the sense of data, we feel inferior to machine knowledge. To what extent is an application of human value if it specifies speeds that are beyond human speed?

I ask myself the question whether we are not heading towards a transformation of our physical world, which - already now - allows us to rather serve the needs of machines. We seem to believe that machines are at our service, but when I look at how much space machines need, how much effort is required for their production, maintenance and care, I can already see that my living space is highly dominated by them. The time and energy I have to spend to maintain a car, for example, from both the financial and energy aspects. Production facilities including again machinery, then roads, parking spaces as external operators and space requirements as well as my own time and finances spent on administration and driving. Hospital employees who understand, maintain, operate, and manage their high technical equipment to a high degree can compare this with the amount of energy spent on organic entities such as staff and patients. It's clear to me that as technology increases, it's the technology that's cared for and noticed by us humans. This can be seen very clearly in the Caesarean section in maternity clinics, which give preference to this method because of its technological structures. This means that the collection of data outside of clinics and intervention-free births does not take place or takes place to such an extent that it is not relevant. That means that data which could be collected is not collected because of the use of technology.

From an organic point of view, tau intelligence does not make as much sense as from a mechanical point of view.

On the other hand, I, too, find it fascinating to get an answer to a question that neither I nor other people would have come up with. In fact, it's not the answers themselves that are interesting, but the questions we ask.

I haven't even started with all the psychological aspects but I will leave it at that.

Great to see your inquisitive mind entering the Tau discussions... :-)

In fact, I did think a lot about AI even before entering the steemit blockchain. I do know though, that I will be hardly listened to and that my critical attitude is somehow disturbing the enthusiasm about tau technology. This steemit realm has way more tech enthusiasts then all the other social media platforms I ever entered and is by nature more leaning towards foreseeing only the beneficial aspects of a technology like this (even without understanding it).

I haven't made up my mind yet - and don't know if I ever will take one side (probably not) - but I always would ask people to be more like a greek debater and also investigate the cons of a technology.

While I really do think that dealing personally with such a topic is highly enriching and leads to philosophical realms and intimate questions about ones own outlook on life and humanity I know that not many people are taking their times in doing so. They all have their reasons.

One thing I find particularly fascinating about the prospects of Tauchain:

Even if “people would hardly listen to you,” it wouldn’t matter so much.

There is value in your critical perspectives.

And if Tau gets built successfully, the contribution of that value gets accounted for and factored into whatever discussions you show up in. It wouldn’t matter whether or not other people wouldn’t “like” your opinions because they conflicted with theirs - your input would still be a valuable contribution - perhaps even moreso, as it might be of a rarer nature than commonly-held opinions...

hm hm ... :-) yeah, my man would say something similar. We talk a lot about this topic, really, a lot.

Oh, I am always risking my popularity, more often than I do promote it I would say. ;-)

We'll see what tau will bring ...

Thanks for coming back for a little chat.
Have a good day,
Night from Hamburg

Oh, I am always risking my popularity, more often than I do promote it I would say. ;-)

A sign of integrity, I’d say.

After all, what’s more valuable: popularity or honesty...?

(The answer no doubt varies person-to-person, though might reasonably be considered a reflection of one’s maturity/wisdom...)

Hi rok. I remember reading your article about this technology a while back and think the future does look bright if they can bring it to fruition. The knowledge and technology can be sped up and who knows what this can do for everyone going forward. The benefits could be huge.

I have been hearing much about this Tauchi, even @kevinwong throw more light on it before you doing same again.

I must say you heat on how the block chain d been messed up following the over hyped bragging and the rest. We all think they will be the game changer and they end up been the money waster. Sometimes, i say to my self, block chain is now looking like advance ponzi. Am shocked with the over hype and all that. Am still happy that we have some that are promising and doing well.

For sure, this stuff is looking like a great deal with what am seeing haven't read the white papers. Will pay close attention and jump on board if i can afford it. Thanks so much, appreciate you for throwing more light on it again.

please check your p.m there is something informative there

HYIP projects give wrong picture , hence we should be careful while going through details of any HYIP projects , TAUCHAIN looks promising and the team looks great , I am looking to work with the team

What’s HYIP?

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