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RE: Inside-Out & Outside-In: Psychedelic Keys To The Cosmic Kingdom...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

in the context of my targeted outcome, I will love to hone my writing skill

Back to your original question of what you can do to get better... in that case, what first comes to mind:

Practice, practice, practice.

One of my key mentors, Roger Hamilton, taught that to increase the speed of your success, increase the speed of how fast you go through learning cycles.

He learnt that from a teacher at Cambridge while taking architecture, questioning why all the great architects were in their seventies - the answer, because many projects in that domain take years. So, he dropped out and started a magazine, where there were twelve learning cycles a year.

Writing - especially on a platform like this - is great in these regards, as we can go through multiple learning cycles each day, treating every post/article as one.

As it’s been said, “repetition is the mother of all learning.” Or, “practice makes perfect.”

Reading the quality works of others, studying the structure and strategy they use in their work could be a worthwhile investment too, gaining more exposure to different styles and collecting nourishment for your own skill development.

(And if you particularly resonate with my writing, there’s two years worth of blogs to scroll back through - there’d surely be alot to learn if reading between the lines and analyzing the patterns of how I’ve used different techniques, structures, etc.)

That all said, acknowledging it might not be what you need, or that you already know and are practicing it already.

Again... specificity.

Better at writing is still an improvement in focus... though *at what aspects of writing? In what regards? What specific aims/outcomes are you working towards? Etc.

(More questions for yourself to ponder and utilize for increasing clarity of direction than to be answered here.)

When you discovered your love in making music, whilst pursuing that love, what do you do when you're filled with doubts?

Hmmm... I probably wouldn’t be a good example to follow (at least yet) there. Lol.

With music, I’ve mostly dabbled a lot. (Or so it feels.) Only recently have I been upgrading my approach to overcome such challenges, though for years, I did take myself out of the game due to doubt.

Lately, I’d have to say it’s been a matter of just pushing a little bit further with a given project if having my doubts, working on something small to make incremental improvements that unlock a small bit of fresh inspiration to keep going.

Also, doing my best to remain detached from any particular project’s outcome, looking at it as more of a process of skill development and to enjoy the smaller steps of the journey, rather than deluding myself to think I’m working on what’ll become some huge hit...

Which also entails being okay with trashing projects if they’re not going that well, and keeping up momentum by starting something new or switching to something else in-the-works if the flow isn’t there with one in particular.

I’ve heard a number of producers say they made hundreds of beats/songs before “making it,” others saying they’ll end up trashing up to a hundred ideas/projects for every good song that makes it for public release, etc. It’s difficult to break through doubt if constantly analyzing every bit of work - versus trusting the process, knowing you’ll probably produce some real shit along the way, but there’ll also be some real gems that come out as long as you keep moving.

Hope that helps... 😇⭐️


Practice, practice, practice.

sigh this never gets old does it...

(More questions for yourself to ponder and utilize for increasing clarity of direction than to be answered here.)

Yeah I get..

It’s difficult to break through doubt if constantly analyzing every bit of work - versus trusting the process, knowing you’ll probably produce some real shit along the way, but there’ll also be some real gems that come out as long as you keep moving

This is so true, thank you, you have helped so much, thanks for taking your time, I'm super grateful...🙏

I don't own a big account, I could have bathed you in gigantic upvotes, not just for this awesome discussion, but for everything since day one, however, i'ld love to give you a part of myself, please accept this poetry I made as a token of my appreciation.


Practice, practice, practice.

sigh this never gets old does it...

Nope. for with each new learning cycle, is a fresh stretch of exploration... :-)

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