
what a nice write-up and a topic of discussion and before i comment my own perception or opinion i would like to ask you a question@rok-sivante. Sir i dont know if you have watch a clip or video by a black american kid title "why i hate school but love education"? personally i agree with most of his opinions. Now let me drop my own opinion on this discourse and i wont come from the angle that it is the fault of the government and if i may ask who constitute the government it is you and I. For me the whole issue boils down to our mindset,we are limited to what we can see,gone are the days when the educated ones are few and successful now every parent or individual wants to acquire it to become successful and not educated or knowledgeable. The fact still remains that we have limited our minds to formal education as the key meanwhile INFORMAL eduction is a very pivotal and vital type of education. Check out most successful men in the world today you find out that most of them think outside the box and were creative. As a student i have kept on thinking about this issue, every year graduates are produce from different university of the world are most of whom have limited there future to what they learn in class. CREATIVITY and IDEAS should be a form of education we should encourage and promote. Thanks for writng on this sensitive topic @rok-sivante...i indeed got alot.


Nicely said.

thanks for your time its always educative and quite assuring reading your posts. thanks

This is also a subject that I am passionate about, as I am a teacher. If we look at the budget allocated for education in any country, it will surely be far below weaponry. Many governments are not interested in citizens being educated, because that way they would not be easy prey. You review the curricula and realize that many institutes are working with programs of the last century speaks very badly not only of the system but also of teachers and students. It is regrettable to see how human potential is wasted just because they are not being educated as they should be. As you say, our schools want perfect memorizers, parrots that repeat, content without really assimilating what it's about and what it's for, if they're ever going to use that content.Paulo Freire said: To teach is not to transfer knowledge, but to create the possibilities for their own production or construction. These words are very valid. Thank you for sharing, @rok-sivante.

I'm glad your enthusiastic when it comes to education but I don't believe a system like that is possible. People are just too different and the people you want to reach tend to be the minorities. That system may benefit some of the minorities but to me that won't be enough. Our system is not perfect but if anything it teaches people to follow order and do the tasks asked of them. Most people can benefit from this. If we want a better system I belief we need to focus on parenting.

Parents are the ones who can truly make a difference. I have many frienda who are teachers and I'm sure most would say that bad students have parents who don't care. An education system will never be perfect but if parents actually parent and focus energy and time on their children there could be a better tomorrow. It may not seem revolutionary but in my view the selfishness of parents has been the main reason children fail and get behind. I did well in an underprivileged area and my parents weren't highly educated but they raised me well and with strong values. I hope we focus on this before throwing more money at a problem that money itself cannot fix.

Dear sir!
At present, the main reason for the failure of the academic system in all schools is to implement the schemes properly.
Do not have to. Keeping in mind the current activities, the schemes are being implemented to increase the level of education, not just being implemented. If needed, people who are skilled in art skills, entrepreneurs, who have the potential of leadership, but regret that there is no such design in our school system that can monitor them, guide And could connect education to the mainstream.

I think that 1 of the fundamental problems concerning the fruition of ideas is that we've never been trained to bring our own ideas into fruition. I feel that'sit's never been more a critical time to gave classes and programs that are compulsory for kids to learn the world of business and investing from a personal perspective as opposed to academic. This is our only shot against the robots..

Interesting post, a topic that does not escape our reality, much is needed today to educate, but above all the support of the rulers is needed, this is a low-valued and very poorly paid profession, @rok-sivante.

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Reason for the failure is - government don't want to grow this. There is all politics.

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