- A Realtime Visualisation of All Activity on Steemit

in #steem8 years ago

A fascinating (and almost voyeuristic) live peek at all the activities of all users on Steemit.
See people upvote, comment, post articles, transfer money, order steem and more as it happens in realtime.

I've setup a website dedicated to live feed monitoring of all major activities (upvotes, comments, money transfers, orders, new users, etc) which you can view & follow via

How it works

Since the blockchain is all about transparency and all activity from the Steemit platform is actually written & validated & stored inside the blockchain, anyone can look 'inside'. By opening a websocket (n00b-explainer: a realtime connection) to the blockchain of steemit ( it is possible to peek inside the live transactions as they are written inside the blockchain.

Tools Used

#steemit #bitcoin #blockchain #steempoweredfreedom #realtime #cryptocurrency



[OP: goodmorning i've just woken up to this monster comment thread :D]

Thanks loveley people for all your great comments... It's really flattering!

I've built this tool because I thought it would be fun to see how the Blockchain with it's 3 seconds blocktime is behaving...

And now it seems you guys like it as well... I can't describe how dope it is, that you make something, and think it's cool (humblebrag), and many people think so along with you!

Thanks for the suggestions for enhancing or feature requests too, I will look into each one of them and might add some of those!

If you have any suggestions... let me know!
Kind regards, Roeland

This is a great way to find out the upvoting bots. :)
The speed that some users seem to be upvoting reveals them as bots. It is not possible to manually upvote that fast.

Dude your right ! Look at Darwinfofai account , he was upvoting like crazy

Yes, me too. And it's the reason I think STEEM will overtake Ethereum as I started explained in my last post

Awesome Roeland! :)

Can you add a line that sums (black+green+yellow+red+blue) all the other lines?

yes I could... So it would be the total of transactions per block... I will add it asap!

this is awesome, I cant stop watching :D

Nice work! This is beautifully presented, it's almost hypnotic to watch

Very cool data visualization! Glad to see steemjs already getting some use.

One thing that might be cool to see is having "nodes" for different posts that grow as they accumulate upvotes so you can see exactly which posts are trending in realtime as well.

Great stuff!! Please add an audiobot commentator lol. Make it like something you'd hear on a racetrack.

As a Javascript developer... I LOVE that you told us how it works! Thanks for sharing these resources:

"Tools Used

steemjs by @pharesim
p5js for the visual (you can click anywhere on the screen to turn it off!)
good old jquery
Highcharts for the "block"-chart"

This is awesome and it looks so fluent, how long did you take into making this?

wow this is brilliant. keep up the good work sir.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 60270.38
ETH 3307.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40