Book, Way to paradise or hell, author Roberts Flores

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Chapter I The Beginning

  • Who am I? I do not think that has any importance; but anyway you may want to know; my name is Jack, I am an archaeologist, an adventurer so to speak, I was born in England; I come from a small town quite cozy but totally different from the place where I am today. It's true, I'd rather be in my home, not here; but I always knew that my destiny awaited something greater, perhaps my purpose is to reach this place; So, you want to know where I am? -. I'll tell you: I'm in Hell itself. So is! "Mocking laugh," even my mind can not believe it yet; I'll tell you how I got here; because from now on it is your destiny, not mine ...

Every ending has its beginning and I congratulate you, my friend, because you are here reading and this is mine. Remember at school when your teachers asked you what do you want to be when you grow up? And we always responded with the same enthusiasm: I'll be a doctor, or an astronaut or even a superhero; but my answer was always the same: "I will be an archaeologist". Why? Because I always liked adventures and wanted my life to be one of these; so over time I fulfilled my goal and I have become an archaeologist. It is quite amazing to travel around the world discovering secrets and mysteries; all kinds of things you can imagine and of course, riches do not fall badly. Each adventure and expedition that I carry out the registration in my personal diary, this one that you hold in your hands. I know, it is very impressive everything you have read but; do not feel special, I would not have left you if I still wrote. Let's continue ... One day I was in my house;

I live in a quiet neighborhood in my town; It looks like a movie with its gardens in front of the house, and its street where the children used to play. All those families that live in that neighborhood look very happy even though I live alone; because I do not have children, wife, did not even have a girlfriend; my work did not leave me time and it was too dangerous for those things; so what every man does when he is alone in his house: I was sitting in my comfortable chair watching television at dawn; I was watching the replay of last week's game; I did not have time to go see him in person; but I wanted to see it anyway in my house.
I was focused on the game when I heard the noise of a car that stopped right in front of my house. I extend my arm and reach a little blinds to look through the window a black car; so I get up and go to the front door; I see through the

He looked at the door of a tall person who was so close that he could only see his chest; I was about to open the door, when, from the crack through which the corroe enters, a letter is dropped on the floor; I run to the window and I see that this person leaves so fast that he gets into the car and gets lost in the dark night. I see that the letter looks very strange, I take it and I am surprised because it was written on a parchment and was only sealed by a strange red circle. It is not usual for a man to arrive at your house, drop a very strange letter and leave; but what was more, it was what had happened. I went to my room, I got the open letters I had saved; It was from my father, very precious to me. I went to the kitchen, I sit and look at the letter a little more and then open it. It said the following:
"Dear friend.

We have observed you for a long time, you are the kind of person we need, or that you need, you are the

The most renowned adventurer in the country, and your discoveries have been fascinating; but maybe it's time for a bigger challenge, something bigger, that better suits your abilities; my partners and I want to help you; we want you to find a door that leads to a place where there is great power; Maybe it's beneficial for you I can not give more details by this means, you never know who could get it. If you are interested in this proposal, we can discuss it in person. I wait for you in my house near Lake Hertsfor. I'll wait for you at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. Say goodbye to you: A "

  • All this time I thought I was eccentric! -He said-. Then this letter is presented offering me something and he does not want to tell me what it is yet, "he thought for a moment and said.
    : but after all, who am I to question a strange letter?

Better rest a little; tomorrow I must go to a lake to meet that person who calls himself "A". Curious; However, something is true: if your proposal is good, I will not hesitate a moment. Apparently destiny gives me something big; I will respond to your call.
-Jack goes up to his room, enters the bathroom, takes a shower thinking about everything that would happen from that day. His thoughts leave him exhausted and he decides to rest. Take a towel, dry it; He picks up his pajama and puts it on. He lies on his bed with his table lamp giving a dim light, uSo yellowish He stays a moment wandering again in his thoughts, until he decides to sleep. He stretches his left arm and touches the switch of his table lamp, turns it off and finally sets out to sleep; but your thoughts of what will happen are recurrent. Who will be the person who sent the letter? Why did he choose him ?; and more thoughts like a storm on your brain until it is exhausted and you are finally asleep. Your body rests; but his mind keeps wandering in his nightmares. Shortly after he has fully fallen asleep, he begins a journey through his mind. Jack is now in a dark place, deformed stone peaks; Without being able to see beyond three meters, he perceives a path also of stone; the fog that is observed is not normal; it has a ghostly air that freezes the blood; it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop; look around and you can only see that there is an exit through the peaks that surround the site where it is located. Scared begins to walk down that path and suddenly realizes that there is no Heaven. Only the filthy darkness surrounds him. He advances a few steps and stops when he sees a figure in front of him that, like a shadow, was floating at a distance not very large from the ground; he seems to be standing but without his legs, with a threadbare, rather torn tunic; with a black hood like the darkest night that did not allow to see his face. Jack looks at him scared, paralyzed with fear when he finds himself facing that ghostly figure. Suddenly Jack gathers his courage and says: -Who are you? Where are we? How did I get here? Is it a nightmare? -Jack was really scared; but also somewhat angry. The shadow does not respond, it remains fixed until it extends its arm and the tunic to run down reveals a bony, skeletal hand pointing to his right. Jack turns to where the shadow points and sees as a path that is built and illuminated before him. At the end he observes a snow-white structure with a masterful aspect, of great pillars and eminent greatness. Then the shadow says in a somber and muted voice: "The answers to every question you have been asking me I can not answer; the answers you are looking for are in that place; but be careful, because you can only stay there for a reasonable time, or soon you will become a wandering soul in the world of the dead. After talking, the shadow disappears. "Of course, as if I had wanted to enter this place; You will be an idiot, "says Jack, annoyed." So he begins to walk the path that the shadow indicated. Soon he realizes that the light that illuminates the path is not subject to anything and does not seem to come from anywhere, it simply lights up where it goes as if the structure knew that there was someone there. Being a few meters from her Jack feels that they are watching him from some point; but it is not common, it is different, a sensation difficult to explain, it is not of fear; but of intrigue; so he tries to ignore it and continues until he reaches a point where he climbs a few stairs to the door; and next to the door you can read a sign that says: -Be careful when entering the temple of Artemis; because each statue, each wall, each painting has its vivid memory; lack respect for the temple and you will be trapped in the currents of time. - Does each painting have its vivid memory? What do you mean by that? - Jack thought - no way, I must enter; Only then will I leave this place. Suddenly the huge wooden doors opened; they were so high that they reached the roof of that temple; It took a while to open and Jack went inside. In him it was possible to observe in his walls, that not only there were pictures in some, but also many slits with urns degran size for ash. There were immense columns that formed the path of a hall, and other stairs to ascend to the upper floor and another sign that reads on entering: "Here lie the heroes of old, great warriors whose countless battles fought." Jack watches some statues that are not only human; also among them are those of strange creatures and demons that seemed to come alive; but actually petrified. Jack feels a great desire to touch them and goes to the nearest one. Carefully put your hand on one of a demon; and suddenly a light takes away his vision and also his breath and that's when he gets a quick picture of the last memory of the being that represents the statue while they killed him; I saw a man approaching the devil and when he stuck his knife in, Jack breaks off from the statue quickly as if something had pushed him away from her. "Hell! I already know what the entrance sign referred to: "vivid memory", what the hell am I supposed to see here? He said surprised. "Continue your journey; and again feels that they are watching him fromfrom some other point. - Who is there? Jack asks, scared, "but nobody answers ..." Okay, this is getting weirder, "he mutters under his breath. Continue your way until you reach a wall carved with hundreds of men and creatures; but these men are not normal; they have wings; and his smiling appearance let him understand that they were angels; He approached, extended his arm, stopping suddenly; He looked at his hand for a moment and continued until he touched the wall; the same previous effect occurred; A bright light blinded him, left him in a trance and he could see from a hill a large dark field similar to the place where he was. Observing carefully he saw on the left a large number of men who were equal to those of the mural; They were angels! And very close was a great presence of back to them; The light that radiated was so great that he could not see his face. It was incredibly imposing; these men carried swords. More ... "There was a specific man who catches your attention; It was to the right of the great presence; This one had blond hair, wore a bronze armor and had wings larger than any other, red-hot that were giving different shades degraded, which radiated a faint light that gave shine to the shield that it carried in his left hand, with a painted bear; and the sword that he held with his right. This sword, it seemed, was of a common size; but it had a different aura, it was something special that had great details. In his hilt seobservaban jewels and his blade was smooth and without erasures. This man apparently gave some confidence to the other men behind him. Then he looked at his right side; There was another large number of ... What are these things? They are ... Hell, yes! Similar to the statues and the wall, they were as numerous as the angels; and again in front of these was another imposing figure of a great size and face so dark that it could not be distinguished. Unlike the other figure, it was dark, imposing and evil; you could feel his wickedness for miles; it radiated a black light that prophesied a certain putrefaction around it. It was notorious that he was about to start a war. Both main figures raise their arm pointing forward; and all who were there: angels, demons; all went with great speed to the center to finally start the aberrant conflict. Jack watches from his hill, standing, giving the firm look to the conflict that happened somewhat away from him. I felt a great burden of fear, of great terror because I did not know what was happening, I wanted to tremble; but his whole body was very firm, without showing a strong emotion. His face had an expression without feelings; I was intrigued by what was happening in front of him. Still unable to fully understand it, after a while Jack observes that things are not going very well for the angels; they are ... losing. The corpses of both sides are already covering the place, reflecting an imminent victory of the demons, when suddenly, a flash illuminates the battlefield and pushes Jack out of his vision, returning him to the temple in front of the wall. Stranded, without say a continuous word for the enclosure in which it is located, observing each painting beautifully painted, until it meets the stairs that give upper level. Start to climb them and when you reach the end, look at the ceiling where another type of carving is. They were clouds and some rays fell from them. Jack stares at them until some of those rays shoot out of the clouds and go straight into Jack's eyes ... And again they leave him in a trance. This time they return him to the hill of conflict and he observes how, suddenly, from the darkness at his side, the presence of light that he had seen with the angels arises. Still unable to see his face gives way and this reaches a higher point of the hill where they were; He stretches out his two arms, and outward rays of light fall into the darkness towards the angels; those who were lying wounded were immediately healed; and those whose corpses already adorned that nefarious landscape rise up. And then the balance now tilts in favor of the angels who quickly take control of this war. The other figure, the evil one, was now worried and struggling with her increasingly oppressed ranks, until the moment when they eradicate each demon, missing only him. Everything is silent, the great figure of light turns to Jack and extends his hand to help him up to where he was; he takes it and goes up; he is now by his side; the figure without saying anything points to where the other figure is, the evil one. Jack turns his gaze to where he shows him and sees that the ranks of the angels break suddenly to give way to someone; and there it appears, showing itself when leaving them, the man who had caught his attention in that previous memory, the one who carried his sword and its shield, it is placed in front of the malignant figure and it says to him: -You !, vile creature of abominabl aspect, you have dared to challenge again the heavenly grace of God and you have wanted to hide yourself in the great jaws of your hell; but you have only

got misfortune for yours. Now you have to pay for your insolence.
Jack realizes that he is in the presence of God himself, the archangel Michael and Lucifer.
-And perhaps you will be the one who will make me pay the debt? Do you think Miguel is capable? You're nothing, come closer and we'll see who survives, "Lucifer replies with laughter.
Thus begins a fierce battle between these two beings. Jack puts his attention in the fight of these and listens to the shocking screech of the swords observing how both defend and attack to finish with the other. After a few minutes Miguel crosses his chest with Lucifer's chest, leaving him lifeless and provoking a bang that expels Jack from memory.
"I still do not understand what I should see here," says Jack, intrigued.

Behind Jack, a small flash reveals a woman in long robes and exuberant beauty, holding in her hands an arc of innumerable details; with crystal arrows stored inside the quiver that hangs on his back sticking out to one side. The strange woman was accompanied by a black panther with her eyes changing color with the reflection of light; and without losing time he answers:

Is it that you do not understand? -she says in a mocking tone-, -something indicates to me that Miguel has been wrong to choose you-.
-So finally you decide to appear -he answers in the same tone-, I know I'm somewhat fit; but it is not to spy on me in the dark; I will take it as a compliment; Anyway, my name is Jack and ... Are you? -.
- Have more simple mortal respect; I am more than two thousand years old; I have seen better men than you. Do not you

do illusions You are in my temple ... I am Artemis, Goddess of the hunt, Lady of the beasts; I know who you are. You are the one Miguel has chosen to be his champion - Replica Artemisa -.

Miguel? Who is he? Jack asks, surprised. "He chose me for what?"
The archangel Michael, is the one you observed during the memory; the one who defeated Satan. His power has vanished because of Lucifer. We do not know how he has done it; but he has come back to life ... and he has chosen you to wear his armor, his shield and sword in his name; and go back to Hell to stop it, "Artemis says, placing her hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Me?" Jack says surprised. "I do not know if you remember him; but just a few minutes ago you called me "simple mortal"; and now do you want me to defeat the emperor of darkness and evil himself? Of course! Has

So much sense. It is right; tin tin tin tin tin; we have a winner; Tell him Johnny has won. - Jack says mockingly.
-It's not time to joke Jack; It is your destiny, Artemisa replies.
-My destiny? I do not think I'm what you're looking for that job, - Jack replies.
-So is; it is your destiny. The archangel Michael has chosen you for a reason: your purpose is greater than you think. We're running out of time, Jack, do you have any other questions? - Artemis asks something agitated.
-I suppose I have no choice. What am I supposed to do? Jack replies.
-All in due time. It's all I can give you for now; but do not worry; Miguel has appointed me to be your protector; I will be with you, you must not fear, go

Be careful and do not let your guard down Jack; Hard times are coming and we need you. - Artemis responds and it fades.
So Jack is enlightened again and awakens after his dream.

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