#Club100 || Part Of Finding Nemo: less camera see more

in Steem-Travelers2 years ago (edited)



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”I think the thing to do is to enjoy the ride while you’re on it.”
-Johnny Deep

I’m not sure when Uncle Deep said that. Maybe when he wore a Jack Sparrow costume or when he received the best actor award, or maybe when he digress because of the alcohol. But I agree with him. Every trip should really be enjoyed.

There are many ways to enjoy travel. And different people of course do it in different ways. In my opinion, in the midst of a culture of narcissism in all its sophistication, traveling by minimizing the use of cameras is a revolutionary act.

I've tried it. less camera see more. And it feels more alive in the memory. And I practice it when I travel "Finding Nemo" to Sabang Island.


Sabang is an island city located in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. Sabang is very famous for its beautiful beaches and sea tourism. So it's no wonder so many tourists from various regions and even from various countries who vacation to this northernmost island of Indonesia.


The only route to Sabang Island that I know of is by sea crossing via Ule Lheue Harbor, Banda Aceh - to Balohan Harbor, Sabang. I don't know if there is a route other than that.

There are two types of crossings available. Fast ship and slow ship. And it just so happens that when I go on this trip, time is not something I worry about. So I used the slow ship.


Slow ships are Ferry ships. The bonus of using a slow boat is that you can enjoy the sea view for approximately two hours. And if the sea is a little choppy, it's another very pleasant experience. But if the waves are big enough and the wind is strong enough, it's not good for your weak heart.

”Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.”
-Babs Hoffman

But isn't there nothing interesting if the trip goes as perfectly as planned. At least one or two things should spur our adrenaline. And a trip to Sabang is a trip to the sea and its elements. So whatever is served by the sea must be enjoyed.

Two hours in the middle of the sea is not a short time. And if you choose a place on the deck of the ship, that is something very interesting. We can see a very wide sea view. Even if the sky is quite clear, sleeping and slumbering under the scorching sun is something you should try.


When you're lucky enough, there will be lots of nice people you can get to know and hang out with. Yups, people with the same goals can always be good friends, right?


And of course, when the trip is really enjoyed in a very pleasant way, two hours just pass.


And I have to look at the map, determine the destination, and enjoy the next journey.

Thanks for being my reader.
Love you guys.

Special Thanks to:
@pennsif | @hive-111293 | @papi.mati
@willeusz | @ponpase | @udyliciouz

Best Regard,


 2 years ago 
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