"When you stand for nothing, you fall for everything" - so TRUE for Crypto world!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

"When you stand for nothing, you fall for everything"

That quote, used in different variations is so TRUE for us in Cryptoworld.

I got introduced to crypto-world in May 2017 and I have been completely immersed in awe watching its ups and downs, the potential to change the world as we know it and disrupt the deep pockets that have been leeching on us for way too long!

However, I am noticing that the wall street behavior that we crypto anarchists so despise has become a recurring pattern in the crypto space as well.

I was new in May and sold my ETHs for a 2x profit. I did not know anything about how the projects are supported and hence my naivety of selling out on ETH. I have not owned any ETH since then. However, I have since been being diligent on what I get into and what I keep for long-term.

When I think of something as long term, whether the price goes 10x or 20x, I do not sell.

It's a choice we have to make for the greater good of crypto-world!


ICOs are another place where people are making real money, however, unfortunately - it is becoming more and more about money alone rather than the projects that are brought into the world.

In my ICO Review Series I rate the projects HIGHEST on what they are bringing into the world rather than the $$ potential. If you read any of my reviews, my focus is on the LONG TERM disruption/innovation that the project can bring into the world.

I have been using my monthly savings to invest into Cryptos. If I check out today, I will walk out with a +50% profits. That is not bad for a 4 months worth of work, however, I am NOT going to do it. Most projects that I bought into have a promise, if kept, will change the world and I want to play a small role in that, indirectly.

Unfortunately, that is not the sentiment we see from the MOST in the crypto market and that is why every time a new flashy thing appears on the horizon, people abandon their existing projects.

I think it is time for us to decide which projects we will stand for and show our support so that the teams can focus on delivering the product instead of dealing with the pressure from the investors about price points.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62864.56
ETH 2538.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.93