Steemit Engagement Challenge: Building my BlogsteemCreated with Sketch.

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago


Content writing is a noble talent. We love to write content on our expertise. The Steemit platform has multiplied our content writing experience. Not only that, through it we can reach the content to our right audience. That is why I am always grateful to the platform.

We share our content on our Steemit page which will be updated as long as we stop writing content. Either way I'm being respected for writing content and at the same time being rewarded. So creating that content has now become a kind of passion.

1_. What type of content do you develop on your blog?

To be honest I have never tried or had the opportunity to write content anywhere before. When I came to this platform about a year ago, I used to see different types of content from people and tried to write it myself. But in the beginning my content was not that good so I used to follow those who wrote good content and try to see the content with my point of view.

The content that helps me reach out to everyone is my travel blogs. I have done many travel blogs on this platform through which I have gained appreciation from many and built my engagement with everyone. Then gradually, I tried to keep myself updated with all the topics that keep coming here. After that I started blogging regular diary and my profile started growing slowly.

My page

Finally I found the thing that has multiplied my content writing experience is engagement contests. I tried to gradually build my writing and content creation skills by participating in contests on various topics. Moreover, I directly perform all the initiatives that are taken from the Steemit team, thus I became a content creator from a reader.

2 _. What is the content that you like to publish and develop on your Steemit blog?

As a content creator I always like to take on new challenges. I am always ready to change myself with this platform. Since I have been able to change and improve my writing so much in this short time, I think maybe all the new updates coming from Steemit team will make me more skilled.

I always like to write diary blogs and read other users' diary blogs. And I like the content that is made for the promotion of the Steem ecosystem. So far I have created many types of content with Steem promotion and there are plans to create more such content in the future. There are different types of contests which are logical and based on different topics and I prefer to attend those contests. Moreover, I like to publish more content that will improve my writing skills and benefit other people through my writing.

Love to share different types of content

Since there is a separate crypto related sector that I don't have much experience in, I always try to gain knowledge by reading crypto related blogs. I am constantly reading crypto blogs trying to figure out how I can create such content. Hopefully a new topic will be added to my content topics in the future, that is crypto blog.

3_. How often do you post?

Here we all have one goal that is to earn by publishing content and build our account for future. So the more creative content we can publish, the faster we can achieve our achievements. So I try to post quality content as much as possible. Although I don't post more than 2-3 times regularly, I do at least one post every day.

I have made 10 posts in the last 7 days

Since I'm in various community leadership responsibilities now I have to post a few regularly and I enjoy doing it a lot. I have up to ten posts per week. There were also many weeks where I posted 13. Where I have various reports as community leadership, guideline posts to help newcomers.

4 _. What are those things you do to start the creation of a Post, and what do you add to make it special?

Before creating any content, I first think about the topic well and create a clear vision of the topic. If I don't understand a topic clearly , I do research it online and try to get detailed information about it. Then I started writing user friendly content in my own idea.

I try to present my content elegantly with mark down style and post justification to make it eye catching for users. For each post I create an attractive cover related to the post's theme so that users are more interested in reading my post.

Grammer checking time

I always try to keep my original picture in the post. I am always choosy when it comes to uploading images. I share important and highlighted images related to the post. After writing the entire post, I checked it through the grammar tool so that the grammar mistakes of my post are corrected. I check and double check the entire post before publishing.


A content creator's usefulness comes when his content is well read by users and something can be learned from it. So I always try to write user friendly posts using my full experience. I want everyone on this platform to know me as an influencer through my posts. So my dedication and passion for content creation will never wane.

I would like to invite my friends @lavanyalakshman @mostofajaman @shohana1 to participate in this content. Contest Link: Steemit Engagement Challenge: Building my Blog

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags.
Curated by: @pelon53

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo que éxito leerte y conocer todas tus publicaciones crear contenido no es fácil hay que pensar y organizar ideas para tener un publicación excelente bien redacta y con imágenes extraordinarias, cierto hay contenido que no es de nuestro agrado pero participamos y creamos estupendas publicaciónes me parece genial que este día a día publicando te felicito excelente publicaciónes bendiciones 💕

 2 years ago 

Right ,Content writing is not an easy task. A lot of thinking has to be done, planning has to be done, excellent presentation has to be done so that everyone gets pleasure from reading the content. But when our content is evaluated, it doesn't matter how much effort we put into creating it.Thank You my friend .

This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator07.
We support quality posts anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @petface


Amigo, es normal sentirnos inseguros o desorientados al comenzar a crear contenido, sin embargo, luego que va pasado el tiempo nuestra experiencia aumenta y somos capaces de mejorar la calidad de nuestras publicaciones y a varias las temáticas.

Que bueno que tengas la capacidad de adaptarte y participar en las diferentes dinámicas y concursos que se proponen en la plataforma y de igual manera compartir contenido en base a tus gustos y experiencia.

 2 years ago 

Thanks my friend .When we do something with passion, we enjoy doing it more. Gradually we become proficient on the subject. By writing content with different dynamics and presentations, our experience multiplies .

 2 years ago 

!upvote 50
gracias por participar en el desafío de esta semana

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Brother your content making quality is amazing. The way you write in your article and the word you use are so good. It's very hard to create a very good quality article. But you did it by your experience, nice thinking, thoughts about the output of that post. Best of luck brother.

 2 years ago 

I am glad to hear that you understood the poignancy of my post. You are right, writing good articles is not an easy task. But we have to constantly improve our writing quality through hard try.Thanks a lot brother .

Yes,uou are right brother.🥰

Antes de ingresar a la plataforma no teníamos idea de lo que era ser un creador de contenido, tal vez era un concepto que sentíamos fuera de nuestro alcance. Sin embargo al comenzar a crear nuestras publicaciones vamos aprendiendo y mejorando con el tiempo. Que bueno que disfrutes compartiendo tus blog de viajes o simplemente tus diarios, además tenemos muchas opciones de concursos que nos permiten diversifar los temas.

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