*Blog* Christmas Shopping/Alfie Deyes Again *Blog*

in #blog7 years ago

Christmas Shopping/Alfie Deyes Again


~ 8.00 am ~

Good morning guys and girls. I hope you are all well. I am feeling so good today, the morning after Evie's birthday. What a busy day yesterday was but such a good day celebrating with her. I think it has taken it out of Evie though as she has only just woken up. It has treated me to a well needed lay in however. Sophie is at work already so morning cuddles with Evie is defiantly happening right now.


Evie looks so happy in the mornings I love her little face. Apologies about my morning hair and face, but it makes me smile seeing her little face so happy. I've not got so much planned for today but still got some its that need to be done. I need to clean the house from yesterday's gathering, I need to start and finish my shopping for Sophie's Christmas presents and get those wrapped and have dinner sorted so we can all eat together tonight.

Right best get on, I'm running a bit behind time as I'm supposed to be picking @slayerkm up at 8.30 am and dropping Evie off at @shazza at 8.45 am and I've got to get Evie sorted, myself sorted and give her breakfast before going.

What a pain, the car is all iced over so now I need to deice this and I'm already running late. Doesn't feel as cold out today even though the ice on my car is so thick.

~ 9.31 am ~

Me and @slayerkm have dropped Evie off at @shazza who is looking after her for s little whilst we finish shopping. First stop, McDonalds for breakfast as you cannot shop on an empty stomach. My time to pay for the food. I think today I fancy a breakfast wrap with a hot chocolate and a side order of a sausage and egg mcmuffin. I do feel so hungry this morning.


That went down far too easily but nice and full and ready to shop. We have planned our route of shops and I know exactly what I need to get, first stop, Boots. Time to walk with our hot drinks and start shopping. For a Tuesday morning, it is packed and I suppose I can see why. Less than a week till Christmas and people are starting to get there food and drinks for Christmas Day and finishing their gift shopping.

Next stop, Argos and I'm already ahead of the game, done my research and now pray the item is in stock what I want, otherwise it will be time to panick.

Phew... 1 left in stock, quickly get to the pay station and get my item.


~ 12.35 pm ~

I have dropped @slayerkm off back home as he now has work this afternoon and I'm at home ready to give the house a good tidy and clean. I cannot believe how much recycling I have to take out after yesterday. There are empty bottles of Budweiser, empty cans of cider and boxes which contained all of Evie's new toys. 3 trips from the house to the recycling bin later and I have managed to clear a lot of the mess. Now time for some washing up and it looks like s mountain of plates and cutlery and some sooty pint glasses.

Dusting and hoovering finished and new toys sorted out, now it's time to start wrapping presents and that is something I'm no good at doing. Let's give it s go and get this started and whilst im doing it, I think I'll put a film on. The film of choice is called 'Mine'.

~ 14.45 pm ~

Wrapping finished And film ended. The wrapping went surprisingly well and it actually looks good, looks like a capable job. The film was also very good, would definitely recommend it. My asthma has been playing up a little today and I realised my inhalers are running short so I'm going to quickly pop out and put a prescription in so I can get some before Christmas shut down.

Feels so weird driving a car nowadays because I'm in the van so much, which reminds me, the Nissan has had its battery changed (I think I let you know this in yesterday's blog) and is working a lot better.

~ 15.48 pm ~

Evie has been dropped of but she is asleep so I've taken her up to her cot so she can get a good sleep in because she's not had a nap today. Gives me an opportunity to prepare dinner, on the menu tonight is sausage, mash and peas. Mash is something that I am good at making and even admit it myself. All this whilst watching Alfie Deyes again and his daily vlogs.


~ 20.22 pm ~

So it's a been a little while since the last update, dinner was nice and Evie enjoyed it too. She is now in bed but that was a bit of a struggle tonight. Time for some Game Of Thrones and some cheese and crackers and time to put our feet up.



Early night planned tonight as I have work tomorrow but it's nearly Christmas so can't be bad.

Good night guys, thanks for reading.

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Today's shoutout goes to @mzee who wished Evie a happy birthday yesterday which Evie appreciated.
To be tomorrow's shoutout, comment below and I'll choose the favourite.

Yesterday's Blog Click Here

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