The Dark Side of Data Mining: Child Sex Trafficking

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

01b.pngGoogle Images- Women Like Us Foundation

In an excellent Tweet thread, quoted in an article for Gateway Pundit, tech expert Dylan Curran compiles an extensive list of all the personal information both Google and Facebook (and if you don't think it's readily shared...) collects on their users. (see link) For the most part this information is sold to advertisers to help them target specific audiences... and I really don't care as much about that (that's what AdBlock is for). But there is another much darker group using this collected data for a far more nefarious reason- child sex traffickers.

Social media platforms have become the number one recruiting tool of these criminals- not that Mark Zuckerberg and the other pervs at Facebook care about that... No, on the contrary- in fact, Facebook encouraged users to send in nude photos of themselves recently. Did they even consider that sexually curious teens and pre-teens might see it, or was that what they were hoping for? This is the truly dark and dangerous underbelly of social media.

Kcentv in Temple, Texas has, in conjunction with KHOU and WXIA in Atlanta, done an expose' of child sex trafficking in America entitled "Selling Girls." They disclose in detail how sex traffickers comb through data from Social Media profiles looking for specific types of information the way any pimp choses and targets women or more often girls to sell... and the money is good. This is a multi-billion dollar enterprise.

The adage "sex sells" is no understatement. We all have an image of what a pimp looks like...

Not the case anymore... Today a pimp can look like anyone you would meet on the street or even in church- maybe even the mom next door...

Why not... there seems to be very little downside. According to the documentary, if someone is caught, they most often get off with a fine or probation. There is seldom any jail time except for repeat offenders- unless you're the victim and get charged with prostitution. This differs from prostitution, however, because the victims (and that's exactly what they are) are minors and cannot legally consent to sex with an adult. Like the documentary says, this is sexual exploitation.

"This is trafficking.

This is modern day slavery.

It’s selling girls."

This is how it works according to the documentary... the case of a girl known as "Carol" and her pimp, Motivation: "Carol* looked toward the darkness before her, then back down at her hands.

She cleared her throat.

She’d just been reminded that she was only 14 years old the first time she was sexually trafficked. Carol says met a guy on Facebook who called himself “Motivation.” He friended her, sold her on a life of no parents, no rules and being able to do whatever she wanted.

Court documents say Joshua “Motivation” Jones took nude pictures of her to post on the internet. He told her after every sex date, she should bring the proceeds back to him. That she didn’t have to wear a condom with clients, but she had to wear one with him. That did she have any other friends who would like to work?

When she told him she had a friend, but she was only 14, court documents say he replied: age doesn’t have anything to do with it.

Then, since the internet on his phone wasn’t working to post those nude photos of her, he forced her on the streets to sell her body for sex.

Carol’s first buyer was an undercover cop.

She was arrested for prostitution, despite federal law, which defines her as a victim."''The story goes on to tell about how the pimp was also arrested. "Carol" went to juvenile detention for prostitution and the pimp got 8 years probation. When "Carol" got out, she was almost immediately picked up by another trafficker... it becomes a revolving door of sexual degradation for these children.

Although many of the girls are "turned out" on the streets, some are sold online. A website called was one such place where these kids were sold. This is a pictorial history of (if the slideshow doesn't work see the third link I posted below)

There is one photo absent from the history however... perhaps the most important-
Thanks to Liz Crokin for the picture.

The story goes on to tell about the men that paid for the services of these girls- most of whom used the same excuse: "I just didn't know." To which I say BS! If a girl, young woman, or however you want to parse it, looks questionable- you don't go on. These men just didn't care and they deserve any punishment they get. This is a tragic story- one that doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon. Many of these children wind up in porn films and even worse, wind up working in the sex industry for years... and Facebook, Google and other social media platforms that mine and sell the data of their users are at least partially responsible... particularly in light of the fact that many if not most of their clientele are under the age of consent.




Well, it is now clear why we (america) won't have an adult conversation about prostitution. There is too much money to be made keeping it underground.

There are many problems that need to be corrected.

  1. Highschools should teach kids the skills needed in jobs. When they get out, they should be employable. Most kids can't even read, and need further training to accomplish menial jobs. If govern-cement schools can't do this, then they should be abolished and a set of apprenticeship programs put into its place.

  2. Prostitution needs to be made legal. I don't care how much feminists complain (or complain the other way) it is the oldest profession for a reason. And places that provide adequate protection and medical services should be the minimum. But, we can't provide that now, because to do so is to admit to being a criminal.

  3. Marriage laws need to be revamped. Right now there is no legal reason a man should ever get married. For a man, it is all liabilities and no benefits. Even if he wants to have kids. It is true, a married man has less rights to see his children then he does if there was no marriage. Marriage laws need to have many legal protections for men, but this would bring up something that is even more of a third rail than prostitution.

  4. We should have a room for every person in the country. If you have no where else to go, you have a room that will keep you dry and warm. We could build everyone a room for a fraction of what we spend per year on section 8.

But, none of these are talked about, because there is money to be made on the other side.

Good points all... what you just did was to effectively put the legal profession (the 2nd oldest) out of business! Also porn... it brings in more than all professional sports combined- now that's the sign of a sick society!

The fact that people would stoop to such lows is incredible to me. Or rather, it isn't and that's what's so horrible, you know?
I mean it's just the sort of thing you expect in the world today, its' normal and that's frightening.

Much of the Democratic party wants to normalize pedophilia as just another "lifestyle choice." Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wants to lower the age of consent to 12!

The ones that get me are the johns... they all say they didn't know- and one guy in the documentary is crying about losing his family! I think they should all get their dick cut off!

Yes, exactly, I was thinking about them, too - I mean, how can you justify that, in your head? I just can't imagine it.

I don't honestly know... I couldn't do it.

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I suppose sex is a commodity that one can use in place of money too. It sounds real sick to hear these victims choosing to remain victims. I suppose that is all they know. It is their world that they fall into and use and be used. Sex trafficking is on the rise. What does that say about our moral fiber? Our cultural tapestry is unraveling. Thanks for the read. @richq11

This is great @richq11

It is obvious that some of these sex traffickers look for all means to get their prey and they sometime get informations through social medias as you've rightly said. That is why is not advisable to displayed all your details and your mode of lives in all these social medias(most especially Facebook).
Many people go to the extent of uploading every of their activities thereby give opportunities to all these traffickers to get hold of them. I just hope the act of sex trafficking is cub and anyone caught should not be spared.

so will facebook solve the problem by requiring users to verify their age with even more data?

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