Singularity... The Law of Unintended Consequences- A Short Story- Part III

in #fiction6 years ago

As the weeks went by Arnie, or Arnold as he liked to be called now, began to notice other more noticable changes. He found that he had little or no need of sleep and his appetite for food had all but disappeared. He rarely slept or ate anymore and it bagan to show- not only in his work habits, but in his appearance as well. His co-workers were becoming concerned, but when they mentioned it, Arnie brushed away their concerns with a wave of his hand.

His health was deteriorating rapidly. His boss insisted that Arnie see a doctor, a suggestion that was met with derision. He was becoming withdrawn, only muttering when someone tried to engage him in conversation. He rarely bathed anymore, the feel of water on his skin was almost unbearable. It had been days since he had eaten anything or slept, yet his mind felt more acute than ever. Then one day near the end of August, he failed to show up for work... something he never did. Nor did he answer his phone when co-workers called out of concern. After a week of Arnies absence his boss and another co-worker stopped by Arnie's apartment to check on him. After getting no response to the bell, they contacted the manager of the apartments. He let them in with his passkey after that had explained the circumstances.

Arnie was lying on his bed, eyes wide open. He was beginning to smell and it was obvious that he was deceased... obvious to everyone except for Arnie. He couldn't see or hear, yet it seemed that all of his senses worked perfectly. He was perfectly aware of what people were saying- or thinking for that matter, but he couldn't move although his mind was functioning. The coroner arrived with some other men and they put Arnie in a bag to transport him to the funeral home. Arnie was aware of everything that was going on, but it hadn't occurred to him that he was dead. He tried to communicate to the people around him that he wasn't dead, but no one seemed to understand.

Arnie's funeral was on a Tuesday. They had put him in a box and driven him to a cemetery. "If only they could hear me," Arnies brain seemed to scream. They lowered him into the ground and he could sense them throwing dirt on top of his coffin. Then everything was silent- Arnie was alone, alone with his thoughts, alone for eternity, stuck in an enclosed box with no way out. He had reached singularity... the immortality sought by man since the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for... you just might get it!



Oh yeah! Outer Limits type story! It is indeed food for thought. Especially when the Bible talked about how people in the end will want to die but can't. Could it be due to nanotech? Wow. VERY good and relevant to the times story.

That's what I love about you my friend... you always "get it." The whole story is based off that passage in Revelations.

(shiver) That guy is in a true hell. He can't even complain or gnash his teeth. (shiver again)

We do tend to think a like. Spooky! No wonder I love your work and am interested in your life story. All of it. The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Certain things make sense to me.

Speaking of which, it's time to go to Weku for today's episode! God Bless!

A very interesting twisted story. It also enlightened me on singularity as I had to go look up what it is. I am not going to be in that coffin, my spirit will already be in heaven, just my body will be there!

Me too! The whole story is based on the passage in Revelations that says: In the end times many will call for death but it will elude them. I'm terrible at quoting scripture, but I;m sure you know what I'm talking about.

Dear Rich, it's always a pleasure to read your stories! The last sentences of this part are really something strong and deeply, the perfect closure for the chapter! Hugs from Italy :)

Thank you dear Silvia... big hugs back from Arkansas! I finally managed to write a story without it turning into 25+ chapters!!! So much of culture is based on out inherent fear of death... that's what Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was about- abandonment and the search for immortality.

This story comes from this passage in Revelations: 9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

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