Regnad Kcin- Private Eye... The Case of the Erstwhile Accountant- Part XVI

in #fiction6 years ago

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When we got back to the house in Thousand Oaks, Elnora was still pretty shaken up... I could feel her desperation in the way she held my arm. I could tell this was going to be hard on her- we had found Harold alive and well, but certainly not the way I'm sure Elnora envisioned. Vito's cheerful greeting seemed to help, she knelt and threw her arms around the big guy's neck and kissed his cheek. He followed us into the house, tail wagging behind. When we got inside I noticed the redness of her cheek and that her left eye was swelling shut. I led her into the kitchen and got her an ice-pack.

"Who did this?" I asked suspecting McKinley... he seemed the woman beating sort.

"It was Harold," she murmured, "he hit me and called me a stupid cu... the c-word."

I could feel rage boiling up in me... to strike a gentle creature like Elnora was unacceptable- she was spending a ton of money in hopes of finding him safe...

"Well, we found him," I said ruefully. "I guess my job is officially done."

"Oh no Reg," she cried flinging the ice-pack on the table and jumping into my arms. "I thought we... that we were... together." She slumped up against me as she spoke. "But I guess if you..." her voice trailed off.

I held her tighter stroking her hair, which by now had lost its beauty parlor elegance. "I'm here for as long as you want me," I assured her, kissing her cheek gently. "We all are," I told her looking at Vito and Kevin who had just come in. Flora too came in after hearing us.

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

"We found Harold," I informed her. "It didn't go quite as expected," I told her explaining what had happened.

"Otto wants to have a meeting," Flora told us, "as soon as possible."

"Did he find something?" Elnora asked.

"Yes and no," Flora said. "He wants us to get together to see what direction you... you and Elnora want to go."

"We have to try to stop this dreadful child abuse," Elnora declared emphatically. "This has become more than the hunt for Harold. Look at how many people have died already. If Harold is involved, he must be brought to justice... it's too late to prosecute my father and grandfather, but these other people have to be stopped."

Well I thought, that was it... Harold had been found, temporarily at least, and the crusade was on. It looked like I'd be busy for a while. I called Manny, who I was sure was still up to set a time. It was agreed, we'd all meet at Elnora's at noon the next day to hear Otto's presentation and make plans.

Elnora and I went upstairs where she, despite her previous ordeal, insisted on making love. There was an innocence about her, something almost childlike in her tender ministrations. When we finished she clung to me, the desperation was almost palpable... Harold was lost, gone over to the darkness and I suppose I was all she had left.

"Reg," she began, "You're not going to leave me are you... now that we found Harold?"

"I told you I'm here for as long as you need me," I assured her.

"I don't mean the job," she went on, "I mean being with me... like this."

"That's what I mean," I said gently, "I'm here as long as you want me to be."

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back. I almost couldn't believe the words had escaped my lips... it had been a long, long time since I had said that to anyone.

Noontime rolled around and the gang was all there. Otto had come well prepared- he had made a video presentation to back up what had to say...

"You're going to have to excuse how long this is going to be... what we're dealing with is a huge global network," he began, "it involves some of the most powerful people in the world- the elite of the elite-, not only in the entertainment industry, but government, multinational corporations, religious organizations and even European royalty. There's no way we can stop all of this, so we might as well reconcile ourselves to that fact- but that's not to say we can't stop some of it... but it will take all of our efforts and in case you haven't noticed yet, it will be dangerous."

"I'll spend whatever I have and do whatever I can," Elnora said emphatically. We all nodded in agreement. We had come too far to turn back now.

"There's more here than just pedophilia," Otto went on. "This involves children being trafficked not only for sex- although that's a big part of it- but to be used in rituals, and drained of their blood. This has been going on for decades if not centuries by the elites who believe that the blood of children is a tonic to combat the aging process. There are even clinics that do this legally, where the donors are people in their teens. But most prefer the blood of young children because it's more potent... and if the child is terrified it contains adrenochrome, a chemical related to adrenaline that's supposed to produce a kind of high."

"This is unbelievable," I interjected, "people actually believe this?"

"I have documentation," Otto said patiently, "this is just the beginning. The video I made begins with the Franklin Scandal, where teenage boys from Omaha and Boystown were brought to Washington DC for sex parties, some of them in the Reagan/Bush White House. This is a documentary that was supposed to air on the Discovery Channel but was pulled."

We watched in silence, Elnora squeezing my hand. From there it went to the Westminster cover-up, with Jimmy Savile, Ted Heath the former Prime Minister, the Royal Family and missing children in Canada along with testimony about ritual murders involving the church at Native Schools there. It was all almost unbelievable, but the evidence was there all laid out systematically and logically. It may not hold up in court, but it was pretty damning just the same.

"Here are a couple you may recognize," Otto said as photos of Bill and Hillary Clinton showed up on the screen. "This their friend Jeffrey Epstein. He owns an island in the Virgin Islands called Little St. James, where orgies involving America's rich and powerful from government and Hollywood go on. Also members of the British Royal Family have visited including Prince Andrew and Prince Harry. There is a sort of temple there where lord only knows what goes on, but underneath there's a system of tunnels and rooms where unspeakable things go on- sacrifice and all."

"But where do all of the children come from?" Elnora asked.

"Good question," replied Otto, "several places actually. Remember the earthquake in Haiti back in 2010?" He went on without waiting for a response. "A woman named Laura Silsby was caught attempting to smuggle a bus full of orphans into the Dominican Republic... the problem was they weren't orphans. Hillary was Secretary of State at the time and Bill was Special Envoy of the UN. He got Silsby off, and this goes deeper. The Red Cross, who's supposed to be helping people is used to smuggle them... also they smuggle organs that have been harvested- that's another dirty sideline of this business- organ harvesting. The organs of children are very desirable, and expensive."

Otto suggested lunch and a short break to let the enormity of what we were dealing with sink in. It was obvious now why he wanted this meeting- there was no way that six little people and a dog could stop this monstrosity. When we resumed, Otto went on:

"Another source of kids is social services. Child Protective Services snatched kids from their homes on the flimsiest of evidence, usually no more than a phone call from someone that doesn't like them. Then the kids are drugged and put in foster care where they are usually abused... its all a sham. Think about it- predators go where the prey is. Many pedophiles work for social services because it's the best source of kids. Stats show that over 60% of kids in the child trafficking pipeline come from foster care. This is likely a prime source for the pedophiles around here- along with kids being smuggled up from south of the border. I think that this is where we should focus our efforts... like I said, the likelihood of making a difference in Washington DC is almost nil. We could give information to the FBI, but they're so corrupted it's likely they're in on it."

Otto went on to show how the federal government was involved along with non-governmental organizations were involved- organizations like The Children's Defense Fund who was one of the activist groups that first gave a voice to the nonexistent "epidemic of child abuse sweeping the nation." Like most activist groups their purpose was the opposite of what their name implied. They were behind the push for the Safe Families Act of 1997, the legislation signed by Bill Clinton that made destroying families profitable for the states. It put a "bounty" on every child "adopted" out. According to Otto the real purpose was to destroy families to keep the child pipeline open and full.

The last part of the presentation was what Otto called Satanic Hollywood, how many if not most of the Hollywood elites were not only into pedophilia, but Satanism and witchcraft as well. The video showed many celebrities openly admitting that they were in fact witches. There were pictures he had compiled of movie stars and popular musicians involved in activities, including videos, that could only be described as Satanic. He had done a good job... I for one was convinced- and I'm a skeptic. I looked around the room at the faces of the others and they looked as convinced as me. Elnora clung to my arm, looking up at my face.

"It's really your call baby," I told her. "You're the one footing the bill for all this. How far do you want to go?"

"All the way," she replied, determination in her voice. "As far as it takes."

"Realistically," Otto put in, "we might take down a celebrity or two, maybe even a couple crooked cops like Cummings. These people protect their own- they'll sacrifice a few to protect those at the top."

It was Manny's turn next: "I'm in," he said, "you have the power of my office, such as it is. I let Cummings go- it was a Mexican standoff- I traded you for McKinley. His death will be ruled accidental- LA Sheriffs is on board. As far as anyone official goes, last night never happened. We can watch him and see where, and to whom, he leads us."

"Like I said," Otto broke in, "this is a huge global network and just because we can't arrest most of these people doesn't mean we can't monitor them and stockpile evidence... just in case. Every chain has a weak link and you never know what might happen- these people are all related, linked together in this perverse criminal network."

"And I want to know how all of this relates to Harold," Elnora replied. "If he's in on it, I want him arrested with the rest... my family's name is at stake."

So that was it... the game to take down LA's pedophile network was afoot. Kevin and Vito agreed to stay on. He would move his things from his small apartment to Elnora's mansion. Otto would move in too- with Flora, much to my chagrin. This would become our fortress. Kevin said if we needed additional security he would contact his twin brother in Boston, another Vietnam vet. The war had begun.



I'm surprised that Harold could be somehow involved and he hit Elnora.

You've been reading me long enough not to be surprised by anything lol!

Hehe cant help it Rich you still get me sometimes, trust me it's good for your readers.

Well worked.

Nah, never made that high and exalted rank, just Flight Sergent. Sirs is those blokes we were supposed to salute

Like I always say: I was an enlisted man, I worked for a living!


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