in HeartChurch3 years ago

According to the Spanish dictionary the instruction is defined as a
form of teaching, which consists of the imparting of knowledge or data to a given entity, be it a person, an animal or a technological device.

Generally the term instruction and education
it has been taught in a similar way and many people conceptualize it in the same way but both terms are very different

Through instruction, the individual is able to perform a specific type of work. ... Education is a social process of normative values that nurture the integral formation of the individual and its function is to promote and develop the social performance or behavior of the human being

The Bible advises us as parents to instruct the child in his way

Proverbs 22: 6
"Instruct the child in her way,
And even when he is old he will not depart from it "


Here we can look at the advice of God for the proper discipline in the education of our children since anyone can receive education but not instruction and this is immersed in biblical wisdom which undertakes the challenge to all kinds of current of this world therefore The suggestion is that we give the children adequate instruction so that when they are old they do not stray from what they learned

the bible is the best manual to instruct children there is no other book or any other philosophy or current that can wisely instruct children as does the biblical principles assumed as values ​​in family life
Really when we instruct our children educating them wisely through the biblical precepts we are giving our children the greatest inheritance that we can leave them for the future

The world needs God parents need God to be able to form good name and strong children, persevering, dynamic and with an unbreakable identity


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