Sapiens (The Wise) Book Review - His greatest Controversy and Futile Debate

in OCD4 years ago

It took about from me 2 weeks to finish this book

From time immemorial, many species of humans and their relatives settled on the planet Earth. Only one of them was able to survive to survive and establish his Kingdom of Satisfaction. Changing that, the planet formed into a new pattern, never returnable.

Sane person. Noisy object. It was accompanied by the greatest controversy and sterile debate, between the celestial origin and the natural earth formation. There is no doubt that someone stopped to think of the whole journey, and come out of the ego's space towards the we, trying to see the scenario presented to him in full, as in the antique cinema halls, when the film wheel spins slowly to drop the show on a white board placed in front, and then tells a short story Very much about the human race.

This is what director (historian) Yuval Harari, the history professor of three books recently renowned, has done to get first place on the bestseller list. By the way, this type of book is recommended to read more than others, as it falls under the category of "Big History", thus giving it a broader perspective, vision and greater awareness of things.

Therefore, it was necessary to review this important book within this classification, which is the sane person.

The beginning was with the Neanderthal and with his mental revolution.


The spark of the mental revolution is launched

The revolutions that humankind has fought are only three, the most recent of which was scientific about 500/600 years ago. It was preceded by the agricultural revolution 12 thousand years ago. The first of all was the mental revolution that occurred 70,000 years ago.

The stage of this revolution can be described as the beginning of understanding and awareness, as the last revolution known to science was characterized by the revolution of knowledge and experience and the beginning of the "legalization" of knowledge and placing it within the scope of monitoring, follow-up and experimentation leading to positive results on human life. The agricultural revolution was also characterized by the transfer of the sane person from the life of hunting and gathering to the life of agriculture and domestication, so he began discipline, cultivating land and increasing the food surplus. Which has led to the emergence of useful concepts, such as government, bodies, owners, bonds, etc., and what is known to the present day.

"Urban history is a very limited thing, which few people were launching, when the overwhelming majority were plowing fields and transporting pots of water."

As for the entire beginning, it was with the mental revolution that sparked everything sparked, as this stage was marked by the beginning of human movements towards “humanization” and the move away from the animal origin little by little. Then it was the increase in the concept of work and hunting in the form of groups and the use of stones and a kind of awareness and awareness of what is going on.

We can describe this revolution as a preliminary revolution for the agricultural revolution, but it was more slow and cautious and extended over a longer period, but its importance lies in the fact that it slaughtered the rational person from his animal origin and made it more unique, after which he began his journey that this book was devoted to explaining in its entirety.

Events accelerated over time

Man went out of the woods to the farm and then the city. During this exit there were very expensive costs that had to be paid and presented as offerings on the massacre of its development. First, the erection of the rational being to see enormous distances from the Earth's surface had a tax on females of the rational being, especially with their vast basins which increased pressure on the joints. She had diseases, and more female than males.

Taxes were not confined to the physiological structural aspect, but rather their transgression of the psychological and emotional systems of the human being. He was the one who used to live among the trees, and he was in shock when he was thrown into small areas and moved to the city with its concrete and reinforced concrete, to find himself as a suffocating gloom, which led the students to call depression the disease of modernity, And the disease of a person who lives in cities.

On the other hand, on the religious level, the pre-agricultural ritual rituals were spiritual rituals that were almost as legendary. As for the organized religion in its closest form to the present, it did not begin except with the agricultural revolution, that is, about 12 thousand years from now. With the beginning of the complexity of the rational being and the complexity of its life and the emergence of many bodies on the level of politics and society, it was necessary to have a system that collects them under one umbrella and penetrates In all its folds, it had the organized religion, which possesses the legislations, orders and prohibitions that exist to this day.

Before the agricultural revolution, it was spirituality, and after that, it was legislation.

And much more has changed. You will find it detailed in the Harari book.


Imaginary systems

During the reign of King Hammurabi and the establishment of his law, the dominant belief was that people are divided into three classes. The slave class, the general layer and the free gentlemen layer. Was this system in place? Was this classification substantive and objective value? No. What gave this system the pillars of its strength is the belief of everyone in it, it is only a system imagined in the minds only, but when everyone believes in it, it becomes prevalent and gains its true value.

It's like playing soccer and its rules: Is there such a thing that every team should only have 11 players? No. So where does this game gain its rules? It is gained from the belief of everyone in common principles. When everyone believes in one complex idea, imagined systems arise, and on these systems societies and civilizations are built.

Within this idea, Yuval insists on sensitive topics currently on the table of debate such as liberalism, Nazism and the like. Liberalism does not exist. It is a system that is imagined in the minds just as people in the era of Hammurabi believed that they were either slaves or general or masters. Is liberalism based on real pillars? No, it is an imagined system in response to existing conditions. The system of the era in Hammurabi was also in response to the circumstances of that time, and both of these systems gain their importance from everyone's belief in them. It is present only in the moment of the metaphysical agreement on it, just as in the game of football.

How can people be persuaded of an imagined system such as religion, democracy and capitalism? The first step always, you should not say it is an imagined system. You should recognize it as a fact and stand alone. ”

Liberalism derives its essence from the sanctity and freedom of man, and Nazism was in the eyes of Yuval derives its essence from the holiness of the human species and the attempt to advance it, as it focused on the purity of the Aryan race and wanted the survival of the human kind, just as liberalism emphasizes the sanctification of man as an individual, Nazism sanctified man as a species . In any case, these were imaginary systems that gained their authority from faith in them.

Imagine, for a moment, that Nazi Germany had been victorious in World War II and now it is the world that prevails. Can you imagine what the prevailing political and moral systems will be today? Instead of the liberals present, you will see a group of Nazis looking at how the victory of the Nazis improved the human race, developed it for the Imam, and excluded those who burdened it. Both doctrines are humane. Yes, yes, dear reader, honesty, Nazism is human in its core as well - the difference is that the first (liberal) wants man as an individual, while the other (Nazi) wants man as a species.

By the way, there was no hostility to Nazism as a nationalist racist idea if it had remained on its soil. The only problem was with the invasion and expansion that took place, which encouraged the allies and the Soviets to intervene and end this national tumor.

The problem was never a liberal and Nazi idea as imagined regimes, but an idea of ​​expansion and occupation.

Yuval elaborates on this and uses illustrative tables for this. Perhaps the separation of imagined systems is one of the most interesting parts of his book.


Buddhism: the philosophy of suffering and pain

Harari, in his book on the human race, evokes Buddhist philosophy and its quest to understand the world speaking about Gautama Buddha, the Enlightened Asian, how he began his journey and what he reached through his retreat and long reflection in this world and what is going on in it.

Faysal is the result that the human being is an organism whose present moment is always lost through its brain, which is based on dispersion, chaos and dissatisfaction, as if it were a frog inside a skull that constantly jumped without resting. For example, when a sane person experiences moments of happiness and produces dopamine - by the way, dopamine is called in some writings by the addiction molecule - it is not satisfied with it but always strives for its recurrence, because the brain is in a constant demand for more pleasure when it feels its existence.

In the event that it is miserable miserable, the brain is also dissatisfied and is constantly asking to get out of the grief and to attract and excrete dopamine. And when he secretes dopamine, he repeats his vicious cycle and asks for more of it! In any case, the rational object will not be satisfied and will remain in a state of constant anxiety.

"Happiness does not relate to objective conditions such as health, wealth, and relationships. Rather, it depends more on our own personal expectations and its connection to these conditions."

Yuval speaks about Buddhist philosophy, explains it, and talks about the importance of meditation, how the brain like a little child does not like anything, and how these instincts and emotions have been a driver throughout history for many of the important and decisive stations that may sometimes reach the rank of landing armies and fighting battles.

It is also because Yuval himself had meditated for several years in his life, while studying in Britain. Therefore, we find that he has examined this topic and explained it in his book, due to his experience and experience in this aspect.


Money and Money: The bet is that tomorrow's cake will be big

The book also talks about the exchange system that established the beginning of the concept of money and then paper exchange and the emergence of banks and economic systems such as socialism and capitalism. The financial paper that you pay today for a service, was previously gold money carrying its value inside. Before that, food and measures of wheat and chicks were exchanged and bartered, but the timeline required changing some concepts and kept the general spirit of the imaginary financial system - something for something, the principle of bartering - except that the means and methods differed and evolved slightly.

Perhaps the most recent of these financial developments was capitalism, the system that we all see today, with its free market, the decentralization of its economy, and the government’s very little role in it at the expense of the expansion of large companies, the multiplicity of their nationalities and the strength of their dealings.

Money is the most comprehensive and reliable system of inventor global system.

Al-Harari explains in a very simple way what is the capitalist principle and how it works, which is the closest thing to a permanent and continuous bet that the cake will be big tomorrow. In the sense that tomorrow is always better and that development will take place, and therefore the loan holder will fulfill his loan because he will earn in the coming months, and the bank will grant loans because he knows that the creditor will open a successful project and collect the money. And so on.

Capitalism is based on optimism and that tomorrow is better and that there are new ideas that I will come up with that will contribute to the success of my work and earn money and pay off loans and then take other loans to expand the work, so you find that capitalism is linked to modernity, luxury and luxury, you will not find a capital system that works in famines. Why? Because it is mainly based on well-being, abundance and optimism that growth will take place tomorrow, which only happens with relative stability and calm.

On the contrary, perhaps it is communism that is betting on the present moment, equality and control over everyone, but the actual implementation always carries the opposite of expectations, and the collapse will occur because of the shortage, not the growth.

Al-Harari explains capitalism and the financial system simply and smoothly. And I think that the money paragraph, its history and its origins as an imagined system to the present day, is one of the best simple explanations that can be read in this aspect.


Marriage of knowledge with empire and imperialism

Science is now discredited as belonging to certain directions, and everyone stresses the need to keep it neutral, and not to fund it in favor of ideological goals that may harm the human being or the public good. However, history says the opposite of what is expected, for science was never neutral, and it did not seek that, but it was the newborn and the legitimate consort of the empire, and specifically for its military arm.

If we consider, for example, the motivations that prompted Columbus to discover the continent of America, we will find that it is neither a love of science nor a desire to increase the human knowledge cognitive. Rather, discovering new lands, investing and cultivating them, and collecting more money. If we reflect on what Napoleon was doing during his colonial campaigns, we will see that he took scientists before the soldiers with him. About 139 scientists were introduced to Egypt to invest in these lands, introduce new machines and tools, and open an industry branch that generates money and profit.

If we look at Charles Darwin, we would have seen him sailing on the Beagle, which was a military ship. If we reflect on the rest of the war campaigns, we will always find that the number of soldiers does not decrease much from the number of scientists in them. This is because science, since its inception, was aimed at achieving successes for the ruling empire, and those successes are embodied in increasing money and developing expansion and expansion on the ground.

The idea that science is neutral is an idea that has no historical roots at all, and if it exists, it will only be individual personal contributions here and there.

Harari strikes a beautiful example about this, and he says: Imagine going to an entrepreneur and investor and saying to him: I want financing for one of the following scientific research: The first is a scientific study that studies the modification of genes responsible for increasing milk secretion in cows ’udder and the factors affecting it, and the second research is the psychological state of cows as a result of coercion To stay in the barns. Which one do you think will be chosen?

Absolutely the research that will bring in money and generate abundant profit, not that research that deals with the psychological state of the cow.

Science is not free, but rather needs investment, and it is no wonder that the investor is always looking for his profit at any opportunity he seizes. This is what the great empires have always done with their economic and military bodies.


The end of the sane person

Al-Harari ends his book with the prophecy of the end of the sane person. At the beginning of his talk about the mental revolution and the exit of man from the savannah to the sidewalks and streets, mention was made of the ages of the relatives and cousins ​​of the person and the periods of time during which they controlled, so the human race was the most dominant and successful in the survival of the human homo erectus, which lasted for about 2 million years , As for our race, we are the rational being, until now it has not exceeded 300 thousand years, and many thinkers and future advisors believe that it may not remain for a thousand years to come until!

However, Harari predicts the exit of man from his biological limits, especially with the enormous scientific revolution in the twenty-first century, which will lead to a violation of the principles of natural selection, and create a kind of selection in the hand of man himself. Al-Harari indicates that the end of the sane person will not be with his death as he used to happen in nature, but rather that he will develop industrially with his own hand if you will. A state similar to the fusion of the rational being with highly sophisticated technical models, and the rational thus emerges from its biological limits, reducing it to a minimum.

And he talks about the recent achievements of medicine from the development of artificial eye corneas that are able to restore sight to the blind, in addition to the electronic terminals that are neurotoxically connected with the body, and other means integrated with the human being. He adds that "Frankenstein's prophecy" is closer than ever before. The average human life has become very large compared to previous times.

With all these developments, the sane person will end in a kind of change, not of death and death, then we can see ourselves before a new race resulting from the selection of a hybrid between natural and manmade. Or, as Yuval said at the end of his book, we would then be in front of the object that was an animal, but in the end he became a god!

Then he raises the last scary question: Is there more dangerous than an earthly, dissatisfied, goddess of earthly deity who does not know what she wants?

These are, in short, the journey and history of the sane being.


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