Curating the Internet: Science and technology digest for March 29, 2020

in STEMGeeks4 years ago (edited)

Leadership principles for business during the coronavirus pandemic; invests $150 million into; IEEE Spectrum's weekly selection of awesome robot videos; Astrobiologists argue that the singularity is close, and this knowledge should change how we search for extraterrestrial life; and a Steem essay highlighting MIT's new reinforcement learning system for training autonomous vehicles in simulated worlds


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First posted on my Steem blog: StemGeeks, SteemIt, SteemPeak*, SteemSTEM.


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  1. 7 Leadership Principles for Managing in the Time of Coronavirus - Harvard's John A. Quelch names and describes his "seven Cs" for managing during the coronavirus pandemic. They are:
    1. Calm
    2. Confidence
    3. Communication
    4. Collaboration
    5. Community
    6. Compassion
    7. Cash

    And here is a video

  2. Invest $150 Million Into Voice, But Privacy Concerns Linger - The $150 million dollar investment, announced on March 26, is intended to give Voice the ability to operate independently from parent organization, The social media platform runs on top of the EOSIO protocol and is currently going through a closed beta testing phase. Voice users must register to the network with Know Your Customer authentication, and once validated they can earn Voice tokens in return for network participation. That data will be stored by the UK firm, HooYou, and that firm reserves the right to share data with employees and contracted third parties. As of now, the service is only available to users in the United States. Many Steemizens will be familiar with EOS and Voice because both projects were spear-headed by Steem co-founder, @dan.

  3. Video Friday: Qoobo the Headless Robot Cat Is Back - Videos in this week's weekly selection of awesome robot videos from IEEE Spectrum includes A dancing quadruped robot that brings its own disco lights - from KodLab; Qoobo the headless robot cat - from Qoobo; A faceless baby from Vstone; A marketing video from HiBot describing the company's new Robotics as a Service (RaaS) offering; a video of Misty as a social distancing and sanitizing robot; and more...

    Here is Misty

  4. Reaching the Singularity May be Humanity’s Greatest and Last Accomplishment Subtitle: Should we be searching for post-biological aliens? - A new paper, Will recent advances in AI result in a paradigm shift in Astrobiology and SETI?, appeared in The International Journal of Astrobiology, and makes the argument that recent advances in self-learning and pattern recognition will lead to a change in the way we search for extraterrestrial life. Futurists have long predicted a singularity when computer intelligence becomes more powerful than biological intelligence. Widely known futurist, Ray Kurzweil has predicted this would happen in 2045, but the authors of this paper anticipate that recent advances, especially in quantum computing, move the date even closer - perhaps as soon as the early 2020s. What this means, according to the authors, is that older civilizations have already passed their own singularity events, so the search for extraterrestrial intelligence may need to look for machine intelligence instead of biological intelligence.

  5. Steem @kralizec: Autonomous Cars Before They Get To The Road - Here is another take on MIT's simulation system that was developed to train autonomous vehicles before putting them on the road. In this post, the author points out that after 10,000 trials in the simulated world, the vehicles were able to navigate safely in the real world, even on roads they had not seen before. This was previously covered in Curating the Internet: Science and technology digest for March 28, 2020. (A 10% beneficiary setting has been applied to this post for @kralizec.)

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