Detour in South America – Prelude

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

This article is the English version of my article Détour en Amérique du Sud – Prélude. You can read it at this address, if you want to practice you French, for example 😉
Cet article est la version française de mon article Détour en Armérique du Sud - Prélude. Vous pouvez le retrouver à cette adresse. Bonne lecture ! 😉

Let’s begin with a little music to accompany you reading (click (it’s not a trap (it could be, but it’s not))).

It’s not South America, it’s Luxembourg 😉 You’ll understand…

To begin this series of articles, I will start with a short introduce me: My name is Armand, sometimes Reizak for the close friends… Or anyone else, actually! The tales says I’m also the Sheep, sometimes it says I can use the sheep’s’ magic! The opposite has never been proven, so…

I’m engineer in industrial computer sciences (almost actually (It should be alright (we hope…))), from a wonderful school called… No, I’m joking, EPITA is the real shit, never study there, and sent anyone there. Anyway, like lot of people at the end of the graduate studies, I planed a little break at the end of an internship in Luxembourg while the last summer: one month to rest a bit and travel. Buuuut, after some negotiations with a company, I decide to cancel these vacations: they needed me for the 17th September. Naïve as I am, I thought “Fine, I’ll take these vacations later. The contract is not bad, it’s in Toulouse, the city where I want to leave, let’s go!”

HAHAHA… Nop, poor Reizak, not at all, that nay, YOU WILL NEVER SIGN THIS CONTRACT.

Indeed, like I said before, I had to do an internship for euhm…. How do they formulate that? AH, yes: “Validate a cultural choc”. So, even if I think the condition for my diploma stupid and poorly done, I actually had a big cultural choc in Luxembourg, even if I’m French! (they speak French in Luxembourg, so it was not obvious (I literally leaved one kilometer from France)). But, I will not speak about that because I already did in another article (my worst one (please Steem, let me edit it, at least for the spelling mistakes)).

The fact remains that, while these two months, I crossed the Life, at the corner of a dark alley, vaguely lit by an old flashing floor lamp, by a stormy night at full moonlight. And the Life was in a bad mood, very bad. And the Life had her studded bat. And she lathed (broke? I’m not sure for lathed…) my knees, that bitch! And she didn’t stop with the knees! Anyway, I think you understood, these two months was not very easy for me.

But who cares?” you could ask me! “I don’t!” you could add… “Go make you broke the other articulations” you could conclude!
Well, first, it’s not very kind to say that… But I understand! Then, I tried to make you, at least smile, but It’s not that easy in English for me, I lost a lot of slang vocabulary and French expressions! AAAAANYYYYWAYYYY! I said I will speak about South America, and I will!

In the middle of this huge cosmic LSP (lateral safety position, sorry, French expression, I don’t know if we can say that in English when we are in a bad mood…), I took a first decision in the beginning of august: I said, I need a break, so I’ll take a break. Fuck it. A SIX MONTHS FUCKING BREAK. Yep. And I have so many ideas to fill these months! I will do some rock climbing, bike, I’ll go in Caen, Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm, maybe Mexico… Do you might what I mean? 😉
August passed, slowly but surely… I hugged the walls to avoid Life, but she catches me, once or twice… My knees began to really hurt me, so I called the only person who could help me, on the 29th of august.

- Allo, Bob ? How are you? I was wondering, does it make any sense if I come see you in Mexico, like two or three weeks?
- Who cares about sense? Just come dude!
- Hmm, you’re right, ok… But I mean, are you sure, you will not just work all day long when I’ll be there, you know…
- COME. And if you’re up, we could pass in Florida, and then Peru, and then Bolivia. There is a lot of things to do: scuba diving, hang-gliding, bike on the death road, being in khaki tutu on the Titicaca…
- Yes, ok, well I’ve nothing plan so I’m on my way.

(French screenshot, sorry ^^)

Well, that’s how I decide to go in South America for two months. I take of on the 16th October, and you will be able to read my adventures here 😊

The last time that we did something like that with Bob (Daniel actually, but I call him Bob for the last 10 years), we received an invitation for a wedding, in Alaska. We opened the envelope, read the date, look each other: “Let’s go?”; “Ok”. Time of thinking: 10 seconds.
If my previous bullshit didn’t make you laugh, maybe I could try to make you think about this: sometimes, the only reason to do something crazy is just that you are able to. So, stop thinking, do it.


Hope your knees heal before you go do crazy stuff in Mexico, amigos 🇲🇽😁

I hope so, haha ! But I think this travel will help the healing;)

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