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RE: Is It Ethical To Eat Meat?

in #life7 years ago

Wow, looks like you got your talking points from the UN. They are such noted experts that never embellish their statistics or sources of information. The attention grabbing headline here is how people with no scientific background, no statistical background, and no practical experience in the real world have the solutions for everybody's problems. Science is not decisions by conciseness or by feel good sentiments. It is based on hard facts that can be proved with empirical data. Sometimes that data can be interpreted differently, but is should always be based on the facts. Green Peace and Hippies with Agendas are not solid unbiased sources of information when evaluating these issues. Emotions need to be taken out of the picture and we need solid facts put into place. The biggest problem we are dealing with here is a lack of education when confronting each of these problems. Much of agriculture is being practiced with grossly outdated techniques. If you only get 375 lbs or beef from 1.5 acres of land, you are truly a shitty farmer. And if you can only produce 37,000 lbs of plant based food from 1.5 acres, you are again a really shitty farmer. Newer approaches are far more productive. The best approaches are integrated and involve plants/animals/fungus/bacteria/micro rhizomes and the plethora of other organisms working in concert. Take aquaculture for example. With modern techniques, plants, animals and other supporting bio fauna are grown in harmony with astonishing results. By the way, our depleted CO2 levels are actually responsible for much of our desertification. That's right, increased CO2 levels actually make plants much more tolerant of lower levels of moisture. The plants need less stomata for respiration and are therefore more tolerant of drier conditions. Funny how our little snowflake environmentalist-know-nothings are ignorant of how things really work.
Granted, I acknowledge that this little response is rambling, but I just wanted to point out that most of what is taken as religious-environmentalist-zeal is simply not so. Get a real education, something more than the shitty excuse you find for an education in most universities. Get some practical experience, learn what is real science, and understand that real science has nothing to do with feel good pole taking conciseness among "experts". Maybe you can do some actual good in this world instead of just virtue signalling.


The quality of life of an animal comes before CO2, period! Especially when its billions of them to try to feed an ever growing population. People eat TOO much eat in many developed countries. There is no balance and its not even needed. In many countries, like India for example, many families eat meat once a week and then enjoy amazing vegetarian food the rest of the week..

Then also they REALLY enjoy that meat WAY more than you would if you ate it every day.. And guess what, 600% less animals had to die!

So what is "real science"? Your response perhaps, in which you denounce all points and sources presented above and counter with a couple finds of your own, namely that most people are "shitty farmers" and that plants will cope with increased CO2 levels? Also, are you really arguing that CO2 levels are are depleting? They're definitely not. If you're going to ramble and throw some fancy words in, at least get your story straight.

Real science in the case of climate research is not getting some practical experience and talking shit about experts by trusting your gut. It's amassing and analyzing fairly gathered empirical data, weighing their support for central hypotheses and thereby coming to conclusions as objectively as possible, which can then gain support and result in a scientific consensus.

Evidence such as this:

Okay, you sure provide no link to anything but my sources are very bad because you said so. This make no sense.

The numbers I provided are backed up by empirical fact for the most part but you chose not to address most of them.

So what have i been for 5 years then?

A social justice warrior?

Now that was funny, far from that bro. I love watching SJW compilation vids.

Elaborative delusional

read this guys article before jumping on this one and it's not woth reading he doesn't even know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian lol

I don't differentiate. plus. the hypocrisy is so big that their lines/boundaries cross more times than you think. debate on eggs, milk etc.

so yeah. your cult has many heresies

Obviously not because you didn't know the difference till i told you. You wrote a post about a group of people who openly claim they eat animal by-products. Clearly proving you didn't even know what a vegetarian was to start with, lol.

I wrote this article in greek including the difference of vegan/vegetarian 5 years ago.

I just don't bother with cult semantics.

may God bless you, since common sense seems evasive these days people sit at home and write up statistics while the vegan community raise placards based on soo many inaccurate statistics, i grew up animal/plant farming tbh iv come to realize a lot of people take this animal rights thing toooooooooo far. Their grandparents lived longer, healthier and still practiced a lot of these so called "crude" agriculture that brought them to existence. vegans still visit the zoos and take pictures why don't they advocate for the animals being returned to the wild? its educative and entertaining and fun to pay to visit caged animals and throw peanuts at the elephants in captivity....hypocrites. @reebo

Vegans visit zoos and take pictures??? That's hilarious! hahaha... where did you find that info? I would love to read that article. I agree with you though, 58 billion animals, not including fish get killed each year because we humans like the flavour. I have no idea what all the fuss is about, it's just 58 billion.

Wake up will you, My Asian friend and his wife went vegan years ago and right next to me i saw them having the time of their life at the zoo back in 2014 on boxing day, humans and their selective ideology, i could bet while we all eat veges and drive off to work going about our other daily non environmental friendly routines we are doing the world a favor, i mean 50 billion + life on earth We haven't considered, but oh lets not eat meat and we mite save the animals who mite not even have a planet to live on pretty soon, i foresee fishes swimming past Jupiter, you all trying to creating space monkeys too? I mean who smokes up some good weed & stumbles upon these things tho? measures have always been put in place to stop the total wipeout of species but nooooo vegans don't see those they only see (UNCONFIRMED) statistics and go into rage & placard mode...There's a "Bigger PicTure", people (non vegan alike) are actually out there making moves to save our "PLANET" while others are tagging themselves by a lifestyle and eating habit, yipeee more veges!

Oh well if your vegan friend visited a zoo then that must mean all vegans go to the zoo. Sorry I didn't realise that fact, my bad, lol. As for the rest of your comment, try eating less meat and calm down a little it's forcing you to speak a load of nonsense!

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