Are You Wondering, Will Retractions Hold You Back In Life?

in #life3 years ago

Are you worried that your "regrets" will hold you back in life? Your " regretted", "past" decisions that you have made since childhood are haunting you, and it is weighing you down. Your " regrets" will hold you back in life? The word " regret " can be used to describe many things in life; it can hold you back in achieving certain goals. So, the question is, "Will my regrets hold me back?"

It has been said that life is a journey of two phases: the preparation and the journey. You have already lived many years in this life, so there is nothing to lose by facing your past and preparing for the future. The key here is to know that you are here to face your life's challenges and take this journey in a healthy manner. This is how you will answer the question, "Will my regrets hold me back in life?"

You are here on this earth to enjoy life and make it count. Your actions now will directly affect your future tomorrow, and you will either make it count or die trying. If you choose not to make the most out of your life, you will only be wasting this precious time here. "Only those who show up today will see the fruits of their labor."

How many times have you been discouraged from succeeding in life because you felt that you did not deserve to succeed? You might have thought that you were a worthless person, or maybe you were too old to achieve anything. Have you ever realized that your " regretted" decisions from childhood are weighing you down in this life? These "rewards" from good decisions you have made throughout your life are now coming back to haunt you. Will your " regretted" actions from yesterday also come back to haunt you?

As an adult, you have many " regretted" actions that you still carry around in your subconscious mind. Will your actions from yesterday come back to haunt you? Will your " regretted" actions of youth cause you to be rejected, unloved, or depressed? If you think about it deeply enough, you can realize that whatever regrets you hold about yourself right now, they will also haunt you as an adult in life, no matter what "life's" outcome may be.

We are programmed with "bad" emotions throughout our lifetime; these negative feelings and emotions will impact us physically, emotionally, and spiritually throughout our entire lifetime. The problem is that these "bad" emotions carry us into misery, unhappiness, and failure. Will these "relicts" from childhood now haunt you as an adult? Will your life be full of suffering, unhappiness, or failure?

The answer is: No. You were born free and unfree to enjoy the greatest gift God has given you, which was "choice". You can choose to hold onto all of the good parts of your life (the good memories) for as long as you desire. You can also choose to let go of these " regretted" past-life experiences and live today as a happy, successful, mature adult. All you need to do is take the time to work through your " regretted" emotions and resentments, and work on releasing and forgetting those "bad" emotions that caused you to be unhappy in life. You will find that not only will this help you build a happy life, but it will also erase any " regretted" patterns of pain and unhappiness you may be carrying around inside of you today.

Releasing negative emotions, learning how to concentrate on the "good" parts of your life, and forgiving others who have caused you pain throughout your life, are the keys to living a happy life and letting go of the " regretted" past. The more focus you put into releasing these old patterns, the happier you will become and the more contented and fulfilled you will be with your life. And, the more contented and fulfilled you are with your life, the more happiness and abundance you will experience in both the short-term and the long-term.


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