Stink Face - Art by Red Dust

in #art7 years ago (edited)

My Son's Daughter Evie

My Son is 1.5 years younger than my oldest Daughter, which I'm staying with to help her through a custody battle. I help out with cooking, cleaning, babysitting, and moral support. Hopefully next year we can move back to Oregon, I miss my home state so much!

Before moving to Oklahoma with my Husband to help my Daughter out, my Husband and I lived in Eugene Oregon and my Son lives in Estacada Oregon my hometown. I grew up in Estacada and lived there until I was 40 years old. I moved to another state to go to college and never looked back. But I still visit for 2 reasons, I have family there and Estacada is surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenic areas in Oregon.

My Husband and I lived in Eugene because we found a beautiful little hobby farm that was perfect for retirement. Estacada is a 3 hour drive north of Eugene and my Son would bring his Wife and my Grandson to visit or we would make the trip over to Estacada.

In of 2013 my Son's Wife, I'll call her L. in this telling, was expecting her second child and went into labor early. Fortunately her doctors were able to stop the contractions and she was regulated to bedrest and I came down to stay with them for a month, helping out with childcare, cleaning house, and cooking. I didn't know L. very well at the time, having lived in Chicago, I was far away from my family in Oregon. My Son and L. have been together since highschool, at the time of Evie's birth both were in their mid 30s. L. and I bonded over conversations fashioned to keep the mind from dwelling on the fear of losing ones child. She is an amazingly strong and steady person, a great Mother and Wife, my Son is a lucky man.

It was a tough go, we all thought Evie wouldn't make it. She was diagnosed with a genetic problem that caused the mother to abort the child early. I can't remember the name of the disorder. Both parents were under incredible pressure and I did what I knew how to do best. Keep the house in order and try to keep the routines normal in times of distress.

Evie beat all odds, her Mom gave birth naturally, she was born a month early. Amazingly the child was healthy, near normal body weight and in normal range for everything else a newborn needed for a healthy start in life. She latched onto the breast easily and was a breast fed baby. The relief we all felt was indescribable coupled with the joy of meeting a new life.

The genetic disorder can cause development delays and other problems. However Evie is a healthy little girl, completely normal in every way, my Son, his Wife, and Evie's big Brother are doing well. To be healthy, happy, have a comfy-cozy home, that's all one can ask for in this life.

11 x 10 inches, drawing paper and pencils 2014

some_text A link to My Blog


Great picture! I use to draw people also . After I had my five boys I stopped drawing just was to nerve wracked I guess ! But have been thinking of starting again ! Your grandson looks like a character ! Hes a cutie !

He is a delightful and fun, his father now appreciates what I went through with him. Please start drawing and tell me when you post, I'll come over and visit @crochetlover.

Very nice. Up-Voted

I read your story I like it. Thanx for sharing.....

Oh! great painting keep it up

Haha great story and drawing, I love the concept of the stink face haha. My daughter gives me that face all the time haha

Children bring the best kind of laughter and bonding love, this makes up for the sleepless nights, temper tantrums and chaos a child brings with them.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. Great to hear that little Evie is healthy and doing well in spite of all odds. Hope you get to go home to Oregon soon! :)

It's an awful feeling when faced with the chance of losing a child. I am so happy no one in our family has had to go through that sorrow. Just a brush with the thought was incredibly painful.

Oklahoma has ticks and is so hot and humid. I can't wait to go home.

Ticks are scary! My husband's friend had a tick bite that left half of his face paralyzed from his teens upwards.

Yes, nobody should have to go through that sorrow. Unfortunately, it is quite rare to be untouched by that kind of sorrow in this world.

We are incredibly blessed 🌀

I Followed ya, You you will follow back

@reddust, I have always enjoyed your artwork, but today is a special post. Thanks for opening up about something difficult in your life. Thanks for being vulnerable.

I am happy to hear that Ms. Evie is doing so well. Blessings to you all!

It is very difficult for me to open up, there is scar tissue that causes pain, but I try to make the extra effort to share vulnerablity with people I don't know. I feel naked and unnatural 😏❤️

It is hard to vulnerable for most of us since we have been burned by past relationships. But when I find a solid community, I find it easier to open up.

Vulnerability is okay with a lot of wisdom...I'm keeping my armor on😋

But you have done so with such grace. Your drawing is great and your compassion is clear.

awww like me <3

You are so creative.
I normally see cute and innocent babies.
This is something out of the box.
Ha ha ...

I think she was trying to poop in her diaper ....lololol

Oh my god !!!
You are really very funny ...

Ha ha ...

I love body function humor😆

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