[iceland Winter #2] A hitchhiking trip, getting a ride and lodging. (feat. black beach 'Vik')

You may be richer than me,
but you will never be free like me

I'm traveler @rbaggo
who is finding 'Humanism' in


2nd day

Reykjavik, capital city to Vik, is well known for black beach.

I was leaving Joseph's house to hitchhike. Wow... Iceland winter was really cold... I didn't know if I'll be able to travel really well. I was also worried.

Hitchhiking started here.

As Joseph, who hosted me the day before, suggested that Iceland hitchhiking well and so try it! Besides, when I checked the bus fare, it was very expensive because it was proportional to Iceland's price. So I tried it across from the intercity bus terminal, the entry point from downtown to the outer road.

they who gave me a ride were two young Chinese men. I heard they arrived in Iceland on the very day. Then they rented a car and left, and saw me trying to hitchhike.

He liked to take pictures, so he's going to stop and take pictures in between, but they asked if it's okay. I said it's okay because I liked it, too.

On the way, We stopped by a bonus mart in 'Hveragerdi', famous for geothermal power generation. Pink pig is brand mark of Bonus supermarket, the cheapest mart in Iceland.

I bought my love Doritos with ham, bread, jam, salad, and other drinks. Doritos was usually 1.2 USD for 180g, but in Iceland was 3.2 USD.

I introduced Iceland in summer before, but Iceland in winter has many wonderful scenery also. Summer has a peaceful feeling, but winter has a natural beauty in the absence of anyone.

But the weather in winter was really back and forth. It's sunny, but suddenly hail, rain, and clear again. Moreover, the wind was very strong in winter, so it was not easy to open the car door.

It was clear again. It's very peaceful in the picture, but it's really cold outside. The hands were very cold, and the neck warmer blocked the cold air from entering through the neck.

We can feel a special stillness in the car. There was also tension between the sounds of strong winds hitting the car. The car shook from side to side. So if you rent a car in winter, should rent heavy and 4-wheel drive car. It can be blown away by the wind. Even though this car was a medium SUV with four-wheel drive, it shook from side to side.

We arrived to Vik, famous for its black beaches due to piles of volcanic ash. The beach was a black sandy beach to look at. It caught my eye.

Nearby, there was a foreign woman whose car wheel fell into a pit, we helped her by pushing the car for a while, but it couldn't get out, so she called a tow truck. It costs about 270 USD, but fortunately, it's covered by insurance.

The winter beach of Vik, was also very nice. I can see reefs rising above the sea in the distance.

Brave foreigners even thought of going into the water. I really wanted to praise that courage. It was freezing cold.

Come to think of it, even when I was traveling in Germany, my friends asked me to go tanning by the lake for a while, but suddenly they exercised and said let's go into the lake for a while. It was about March then, and it was really cold. Europian are brave!

Anyway, you know what?

This picture is a summer of Vik. Winter is good, I think summer is much better to feel nature. I'd go in the summer.

The Chinese made reservations for the Vik Hotel. It was a double room. Hmm... In Iceland, usually costs 85 USD for a night in a hostel or guest house.

I said

"I have a sleeping bag and a mat, can't I sleep in your car? I don't know how to drive anyway."
"?!?! You freeze to death..."
"It's all right... I don't have any money..."
"Oh, then I'll let you sneak into our hotel room. Let's sleep together."
"Oh, even on the floor, I sleep well. And I'd really appreciate it."

I just needed to solve next breakfast by myself. It was fine!

For dinner, We enjoyed the bread, ham, jam, biscuits and drinks I bought at Bonus Mart. Oh, that's really good. I hitchhiked their a car, and they took me on their hotel room.

You're watching a tough hitchhiking trip by a homeless beggar.

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