Can a life of positivity be achieved?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Think positive"

Is the new buzzword that's sweeping our nations. It's hard getting to grips with this notion because how can you think positive if your cat has just died, or you're facing bankruptcy? Mum just died? No worries, think positive!

I get it, I really do, but I think a lot of people that tout this mindset don't truly practise what they preach. I've had someone in the past tell me how to fix my life out but after a little digging and questioning, hers was a bigger mess than mine. It always makes me wonder, how can you teach people these things when you don't live by the rules you are giving to people? I'm a great believer in leading by example.

I do believe in thinking positive though, and I'll challenge anyone that tries to tell me different. It's just... you can't just tell someone outright to think in a better way than they are now. To realistically change a person’s mindset, you need to do a great amount of work under the surface. It's a tough old job. It can't be remedied in a few weeks, it's something you need to work years at, or at least for me it was. I had a Dad that wished he never had a Son, a Mum that couldn't care less and had barely any good things in my life at the time, how the hell am I going to think anywhere nearly positive? Fuck off with your bullshit, matey.

For me, it's more than just a smiley face. To most people a smile can be faked to hide the emptiness that lays beneath the surface. A happy compliment can be received without knowing the giver didn't mean a word of it. Positivity can be just as deceptive as helpful. On my journey, I'd often want to be like whoever was teaching me at the time but I'd no doubt find out that in some way they weren't as perfect as they said they were. Which is fine, but everything I do it's by example. If I wasn't telling you the truth about my experiences then I may as well be telling you a story of my time on Mars. Neither are the truth.

Can it be achieved though? 

Yes, it can, but it's probably not what you think. A lot of people think that 'being positive' is just smiling when things are crap. Well, it's not. When things are not going my way I rarely smile. That's the truth of it, but I'd like to think of myself as a positive thinker. I like to think of positive thinking as mostly acceptance and problem solving.


Sometimes you just have to accept that things are the way that they are, you know? In my negative days, I'd really get bogged down with life and why it would always take a massive turd on me. I hated it. I had never done anything massively wrong in my life, why should I get a medical diagnosis, be locked up for 6 months and spend three years of my life recuperating? Why me? Can't it just happen to the nasty people that didn't live by some good moral code? However, If I had just 'accepted' that this was my life now and I had to look at ways to survive in a different mindset then I would be a lot further along in my learning than I am now. Alas, what I went through was tough, I wouldn't expect anyone to just 'accept' it right away. Takes time to heal.

After accepting the way life was for me, and that 'shit' happens on occasion and without reason, some easily solvable, some bad, and some horrendous, like now, being given a month to find a new house at a time when renting is at an all-time high and everyone and their dog wants a 3-bedroomed house. I could sit here and cry foul, and get really angry at the situation that I'm in, get drunk and cry about it to my friends, or, I could just get on with looking at a way to solve the situation that we've found ourselves in.

Sometimes you just have to accept that life is dreadfully unfair and that people can be complete arseholes at times, no? And no matter how much I cry, or bitch or whine about it, or try to manipulate the situation to my end will go about changing that. So, rather than that I tend to focus on how to make it better. Not make it go away, but make it better. Think about planting pretty flowers in a post-apocalyptic world. I can't change the way it is but I'm trying to make it better. We love this house, we've been here nearly 10 years, we're more settled than we've ever been, but our landlords are moving in no matter what. So, we found another house. Simple as that!

That's all it is. Acceptance of the way things are and trying to better your own experience with it. It's not a constantly smiling, all in your face happiness thing, it's making good out of a bad situation. I've seen some homeless people happier in their mindset than some people I know with large houses and several cars. It's all about perception! Promise :)

Hope you enjoyed this!


The less I think, the happier I am xD
No, but seriously, it works wonders.

It does, but I like to think :)

Often times, I have found that the best cure for these kinds of feelings and situations is to get out and do something for someone else. Being generous despite our current status.

Taking a moment to decidedly focus on something other than our own situation widens our perspective on life and gets our minds out of the mental death spiral of fixating on our problems. Being positive doesn't have to be just about how we view our own life, it can also mean choosing to do something kind and meaningful for others even when we probably don't feel like it.

You're right. I've talked about that a lot actually. Giving to others.

would it not be foolish not to try? fight for positivity (edit) i have a constant fight between the light and dark internally. if i'm not positive i have no way to change my mental health and do better work, especially when a lot of it is educating and making courses about the things i've learned. nobody wants to watch me when i'm down or depressed or confused about myself. i agree don't FAKE positivity. exercise, change of scenary, we must do the things we cannot do to keep going at times.

Aha! Hmm, you hold a good point there. What I was saying is that a teacher is only as good as what they know. If you're teaching your students what you know and experience then that's awesome. As a teacher, honesty should be the first point of call!

I was just saying - don't tell me to stop drinking if you sneak a pint in after work lol (if that makes sense)

you said pints. i'm always down with pints. that's like a hard reset for me. my safe word. PINT.

Ha! I'm an ex drinker. Haven't swilled lager since 2006. I have no idea what the in-word is now lol. You seem from my neck of the woods!

i'm not a big drinker, social drinker yes, for sure. but i treat it like a celebration only now, not just to pass time but rather to loosen up and feel another comfort zone, i only allow it as a treat for time spent well rather than wasting bad quality time! :)

good post
plise followback..

Thanks - uhm. I only follow people that stoke my curiousity by having a nice to and fro in the comments section. Sorry mate :/

Great post! What do you think is the best way to break the mold and change perception on life as a whole? :)

you said mold not mould. but in some ways, i guess you can treat them the same. if it's mold then you gotta treat that first otherwise nothing good can grow from it apart from more mold! - if it's mould maybe you need to make a new mould that fits you better. i would say do things you would never do, wear things you would never wear, break out of your comforts zone, break all your perceptions on ideals you hold dear to see what it feels like, why you believe in them so much. go gradually. best of luck! :)

Experience. There is no greater changer. You can read a million books on the african rainforest, but unless you've actually been there before then you'll never know what it's truly like

booya! preach.

When I started reading I thought you were going to talk about the power of a simple smile. Then I thought you were going to go into 7 steps of accepting happiness. Very pleasantly surprised by your approached and ending. I couldn't agree more with your perception. I often think to myself, it doesn't matter if the cup is half full or half empty, if your thirty and there is water then be grateful.

it's when the well is dry that you realise you should have held back on purchasing more bitcoin.

hahhaha, best comment to relate to our current love/huge dislike of the market. Hang in here, august first is right around the corner and we will all survive.

The Bitcoin drop doesn't scare me in the slightest. I joined crypto when bitcoin was worth $800 just after it made it's first $1000 in 2013. Then I watched it slowly decrease to $150. I got disheartened and left for a bit.

This time? I'm like come onnnn - go to $150 again so I can buy a ton lol. I jest of course though, I really don't want it to go to $150, but it wouldn't phase me. It recovered before and it will again :)

The long haul mindset makes it a whole different ball game, doesn't it? Cheering you on my friend, I am still digging my heels into the research to better understand this market.

Don't research it for too long. I swear the best crash course you can give yourself is by trading $10 here and there. I started off with little bits until I felt comfortable moving large sums :)

I once moved 14 bitcoins around. Those were the golden days though haha.

You know you're probably right, I think my greatest hesitation with tradingit is the risk in itself.

Yup. I had that fear too. Trading with $20 and watching it boosted to $100, sweating whether to sell or not, watching it go down to $1. lol! It'll get easier. Promise! Just don't gamble with food & rent - bad idea

"if your thirty and there is water then be grateful" - I LOVE that. I think I'm going to use that

Use it, reuse it, yell it from the roof top!

For my position in life I am forced to stay positive even though at the end will be a defeat. I just want to make use of the time that I had left to be used in a more productive way just to improve more of what is left from me.

For the situation that you are in I think that's a good mindset to have :)

Good piece and absolutely spot on. The same set of circumstances can often look very different if seen from another viewpoint. If I can find no other point from which to view, I have lived long enough to know that 'This too shall pass'.

Yep! There's only two constants in life. Death and Taxes. The rest will pass :)

Death, I can handle. As for taxes, they'll have to catch me first!

Another great post my friend @raymondspeaks , Love your work. positivity can help you any time of your life. Thank you for writing this lovely post.

Thank you! I have no idea why I haven't followed you yet. Done :)

Thank you, means alot

Well I like that kind of positive, to have positive thinking to resolve things by accepting that things are done, and we have to move forward to resolve what can't be undone.

Pretty much how it works in my mind. I can't just say "oh, this is shit so I'll just be happy" but I definitely can say, "Oh, this is shit, so I'll accept it and work with it" :)

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